The Protector

   We came upon the keep in early evening. The sun, low in the sky, painted the distant mountains a pale pink. The view was magnificent. A lake, fed and drained by a tumbling river, formed a half circle behind the keep. The forest beyond, and on both sides of, the lake were lush as was the meadow before the keep.
   The keep itself was large, bringing to mind castles from Europe. Unlike those castles though, the keep seemed open and airy, the silver-gray stone carved to create a flowing, graceful structure.
   As we approached the gates, two sentries snapped to attention.
   Andrys started to walk past them but stopped when one said, "Halt."
   "What is this?" Andrys asked, surprised.
   "I am truly sorry, Lord," the sentry replied, "but we have orders to check everyone. Times are again becoming troubled and Lord Cathert believes spies may try to enter our halls."
   "Lord Cathert is a paranoid fool." Andrys said "Things have not yet reached a point as to where we must guard against even ourselves. Besides, he does not rule here. Lord Tevanor is Master of these Lands."
   The sentry blushed at the rebuke. "Still Lord, I AM under orders. Lord Cathert is in charge of the home guard."
   "Very well, look us over. You are merely doing your duty. Although, I am certain that spies wouldn't enter quite so boldly or in such a diverse group."
   The sentry ventured a smile. "You all do sort of stand out, Lord, but there are two with you I have never seen."
   "Only two? I count three, unless you have taken to conversing with wolves on a day to day basis. I present to you Lady Xiona, Magi, of the Lost Elves, Lord Dan, of the World beyond the Mists, and a female wolf, who didn't see a need to give us a name."
   The sentry looked us all over, his eyes finally resting on me. "A human."
   "Is there a problem?" Andrys asked, annoyed.
   "No, no, Lord, it's just that humans are becoming rare. I have never seen one."
   "Now you have," Andrys told him, becoming impatient.
   "Yes, Lord. If you vouch for them…"
   "Of course I do sentry. If I wouldn't, they would not be with me."
   "Yes, Lord. Please, all, enter and be welcome."
   Andrys stalked into the keep and the rest of us hurried to catch up.
   I drew alongside my friend and asked, "Other than wanting to just be home, is something, in particular, wrong."
   Andrys looked at me and stopped, "Forgive my anger. This place used to be open to all. Now, it seems that what our old Lord feared is coming to pass. He gave up rule of these lands to his brother because he saw in his brother a better chance for his people.
   "Now as He expected, humans are become rare, the dwarves are withdrawing to their mountains. The fairy folk hide at even our approach. He was right, the peace would not last. We don't yet know why but something is moving against us all.
   "My mission was to ask the Order of Night for an audience with their Oracle. I failed. He wouldn't even see me. They told me I wasn't the One. Now, I have to disappoint my Lord. We still don't know what is poisoning our world."
   pup touched his arm and he straightened. "At least I have some good news. Lord Tevanor will welcome you both and probably dispatch an emissary to your kin, Xiona. We haven't seen a Magi for nearly a century, so rare are they.
   "Please come, he will want to meet you all quickly. Word of our arrival has most assuredly reached him."
   With that Andrys led us through the keep and to Lord Tevanor's Great Hall.
   As we approached the door, it opened.
   "See, I told you he was expecting us."
   The doorman announced our presence, his voice echoing in the massive room. "Lord Andrys, his, and their guests."
   We entered the hall to stares from all corners. "Guess this group IS pretty conspicuous," I whispered.
   pup giggled.
   Andrys walked up to Lord Tevanor, knelt and said, "Lord, my service is yours."
   I stood back with pup, Xiona and the wolf, trying to figure out what I should do. Since pup remained still and stood, I figured that must be safe for the moment.
   Lord Tevanor stood from his seat, touched Andrys' shoulder and said, "Rise, you need never kneel before me."
   Andrys looked up. "I have failed you, Lord. The Oracle would not see me."
   Tevanor sighed, "I had expected as much. Still, we had to try, right? Now rise, the floor is no place for you."
   Andrys stood and was about to speak when Tevanor looked at us. "You travel with strange companions, Andrys. Please, introduce us."
   Andrys led his Lord to us. This is Lady Xiona, Magi, of the Lost Elves. The Priests of Silver are no more."
   A collective gasp went up from the crowd.
   "Have your kin thrown off their yoke and returned to the light, child?" Tevanor asked.
   "No, Lord, they do not know what happened," Xiona answered. "we escaped from the caves, not knowing what my people would do to us if we stayed. They still did not know of the Priests evil, we had only learned of it ourselves. "
   Andrys gestured toward me, "This is Dan, of the World through the Mists. He was the one who destroyed the Order of Silver."
   Tevanor looked surprised. "I would hear this tale."
   Andrys looked to Xiona, "Please, Lady, if you would."
   Lord Tevanor returned to his seat as Xiona, again, began to tell our beginning. Having lived and heard it before, I was free to look around the hall.
   The room was twice as long as wide, with a vaulted ceiling. The torches, set into the walls themselves, did not flicker or smoke, but put forth a clear, steady, warm light.
   The Elves in the hall listened raptly to my soultwin, their faces reflecting their imagining of our time together, up to when we met Andrys and pup. Looking at them I noticed that most stood with someone, few where alone. There a man knelt at his love's feet, there a woman at a man's. Many couples stood side by side, their hands touching, fingers entwined. No one seemed to even breathe.
   As Xiona finished, the Elves relaxed, so intently had they listened.
   Tevanor looked over at me a moment, "Andrys, what do you have to add."
   Andrys told of our time with him and pup, our meeting, the night the wolf joined us, and the attack. "Lord, these two may have freed the Lost. They have fought at my side. I…
   "Lord, pup is safe with them."
   The gasp that ran through the crowd was nothing compared to the one that echoed here now.
   "High praise indeed, Andrys. What of you, pup."
   pup looked to Andrys. He nodded for her to speak.
   "Lord, this one feels their Truth. this one is not gentle, to read their feeling but, she can feel enough. The Lady Xiona is pure, clean from the taint of Silver. As for Lord Dan, he is now a wolf brother."
   "Very well, Xiona, Dan, wolf, be welcome to my home. To all, know this, these two have my protection. Treat them well. Remember, Xiona has only heard lies from the Silver and Dan is new to our world. If the make an error or accidentally offend, be kind in your replies.
   "Now, if you would excuse us, I would have a word with Andrys."
   Andrys turned to pup. "Find them chambers. Preferably near ours."
   pup nodded and led us from the hall. She took us up a long set of stairs and brought us to a set of rooms. They had a central chamber with three bedrooms attached.
   These were this one's family's chambers. The central area will allow you to be close to each other and us without crowding. My Lord and this one are just beyond, should you need us."
   As pup showed us the place we would live, an Elven woman ran into the chamber, "Sister," she cried as she tackled pup, landing both on the soft fur rug before the fireplace.
   I looked at Xiona, not knowing what to do. She shrugged. The two were rolling on the rug tickling each other.
   "Puppies," the wolf sniffed as she went to a bedroom and jumped on the bed.
   "Guess that room is yours," Xiona said, starting to smile.
   Before I could answer, Andrys walked though the open door, took in the scene, and shook his head in amusement. "Mine."
   Pup immediately stopped. The other woman took the opportunity for one last tickle.
   "gentle," Andrys said his voice severe but laughter in his eyes.
   gentle put her hands behind her back. She looked at Andrys, an innocent expression on her face.
   It was too much. I started laughing.
   Andrys cracked a grin. "It's all right you two. I should have known you would feel pup as soon as we arrived, gentle. Where is Yours?"
   "In the forest, Lord. He felt the Call," gentle told him.
   Andrys sighed, "I should have known. He's the only one you ever listen to."
   gentle cocked her head at Andrys. She smiled, "this one is innocent, Lord."
   "Right. Now go, both of you. Have some time together. I'll show our friends around. Don't get into too much trouble."
   "Trouble, us?" they asked, as one and giggled. They rose and ran from the room.
   "That's all we need, those two loose and running around the halls, unwatched." Andrys said as they left. He sighed. "I was hoping for Junle's advice. Oh well, if he felt the Call, nothing could stop him."
   "The Call?" Xiona asked.
   Andrys went to the window and looked out. "This place is not our original home. Sometimes these walls seem to bind us, hold us back. Every once in a while, we feel a need to escape, return to the wild. In some, the Call is stronger than others. When Junle returns he might not be the same as before. It is the way of the world to change us. No matter what though, he will return in love and to love.
   "Anyway pup did well, these rooms are perfect."
   "She said they used to be her family's" I told him.
   "Yes, they were weren't they," He said, remembering. "I moved in next to them to be close to pup, she had already captured my heart. It was her dancing that did it."
   "I thought you were in charge, Andrys," I said.
   "I am, I think. Sometimes with our love it's hard to remember who serves who."
   "Maybe you serve each other in your own ways," Xiona told him.
   "Andrys, I have noticed a change in pup. She seems more relaxed, more carefree." I said.

   "She's home, as I am. Also, she is among her friends, the other gifted. pup feels the need to play a lot. That's one her charms. Unfortunately, both she and gentle sometimes have an interesting sense of play."
   The wolf came out of the bedroom and said, "She is wolven."
   I laughed.
   "What's so funny," Andrys asked, confused.
   "The wolf, she reminded my that pup is sometimes a wolf. I guess they play, as well."
   "Maybe that explains it. Although sometimes I wish she wouldn't bite so much," he said, ruefully. "As for the wolf, I wish we had a name to call her, 'the wolf' could get confusing."
   "We have no need for names, but if it makes you happy, call me Tira," the wolf told me. "Tell him that and that we could talk much better if he would learn MY language. I cannot speak yours. It would put my tongue in too much danger of being bitten."
   I relayed Tira's message, laughing.
   "Well, I will try, maybe pup can give me lessons." Andrys said. "Come, Let me show you my home."

   We explored the entire keep and its surroundings over the next couple of days. It seemed all of the Elves greeted with warmth and gave us gifts for our chambers. I gave up carrying my guns, feeling safe here, among friends.
   One morning I rose early and went to the courtyard to watch the sunrise, Tira at my side.
   A maiden sat on one of the benches in the center court, crying softly, a bruise on her cheek.
   I approached her, "Are you all right?" I asked.
   She jumped. "I am sorry, Lord," she said. "I didn't mean for anyone to see me. I though I would be alone, here and now."
   "Hey, its OK. You don't have to apologize. Is there anything I can do? At the least, I can listen if you want to talk."
   "You are Lord Andrys' and pup's friend, Dan?"
   "Yes, that obvious, am I," I said, touching my ears.
   She smiled, a sad smile, "Yes, I am Diena. Thank you, for your kind offer. Any friend of Andrys is worthy."
   I sat down on the bench facing her, Tira looked up and lay down at my feet.
   "I don't know if I should say anything. I don't want to be trouble."
   "Look, if you want, I will promise just to listen, not judge, not tell you what to do, just listen, if that's what you want."
   She looked at me, "All right," and told her tale.
   She had met a man who claimed to love her. Lord Yenifis had showered her with caring and affection. He had told her that he wanted a love that of the gifted's bonding. She thought he wanted her love. She was wrong.
   He wanted a servant, a slave, with no love between them, just his rule and her obedience. It did not matter that she didn't want that for herself, that she wanted only love. He started to hurt her, with words at first, calling her slave, whore, slut. He forbade her to talk to any of the gifted, to look at another man. Then, just the last night, when she refused to kneel at his feet, he hit her. She fled.
   "Why did you stay so long with him?"
   "I thought he might truly love me, that I could change his ways with my love. He could be so kind but then he turned cruel. I thought it was my fault."
   I sat there, not knowing what to do, to say. I had promised to only listen. But how could I let this go?
   "Maybe, it's what I deserve," she said, her head hung low.
   I jerked my head up. "No, don't think that. Look I know I promised to only listen but, I think…"
   "Maybe, this is how love around HERE starts," she interrupting, looking up into my face.
   The bruise on her lovely face decided me. "Diena, I am too new here. I don't know enough about you Elves. I am sure it wasn't love on his part though. Please, will you allow me to talk to someone about this. I won't give your name."
   She bowed her head and nodded, her tears starting again.
   I reached to hold her, to comfort her. She cried against my shoulder, her sobs racking her delicate frame as I stroked her hair.
   We sat that way as the sun rose and then she disengaged herself from my arms and ran inside.

   I didn't know at the time we were being watched.

   I thought a long time about who to talk to. Xiona didn't have enough knowledge of the world beyond the caves. Andrys was locked in audience with Lord Tevanor. For me, that left pup.
   I found her, along with most of the gifted near the lake. They were gathered together laughing and playing. As I approached one, a young man, stood. "Lord."
   The rest froze immediately, looking to see who had approached.
   "Dan!" pup cried, and ran to me, giving me a hug.
   The other gifted stared.
   "Come sit, talk with us, please," she said. "Oh, dreamer, calm down. He wouldn't have disturbed us if He had known. Dan, our Lords and Mistresses often give us this time for ourselves."
   "I'm sorry, pup, and all of you. I'll go. We can talk later."
   "No, please, Dan. You are outside the rules. Stay, please."
   dreamer, the one who had stood at my approach, said, "sister,"
   Another laid his hand on dreamer's arm. "Please brother, pup knows Him. Trust her."
   Thank you, fire." pup said. "Dan, did You need something?"
   "Yes pup, I have a problem. I don't know enough about your world, your culture. I don't want to interfere with anyone but…" I said, my voice trailing off.
   "But You want to help someone." gentle said, coming to sit by pup.
   "Right, gentle, I met a young lady this morning. She is in a relationship that is tearing her up. I don't know if I should do anything or if it is normal around here."
   "What do You want of us?" dreamer asked.
   "IF you can tell me, if it isn't a taboo subject, I need to know if a relationship like the gifted's bonding is the norm, even if no gifted is one of the two."
   pup answered, "Many of the Elves look to our bonding and wish for it, for some it is right, for other's not. Even among ourselves, there are many layers. Some of us are more servile to our Lords or Mistresses than others."
   "Is it acceptable to force someone into a subservient relationship?"
   pup looked around at the other gifted. "Dan, no one is to force themselves on another," she said horrified at the idea.
   "I kinda hoped that was the case."
   "Please, if You would tell us the tale we could help You better. You need name no one." fire said.
   I told them Diena's tale, leaving out her name. By the time I was finished, many of the gifted were crying.
   "That's horrible. Our lives are our choice. Our Lords and Mistresses decide our futures with our blessings. They may rule us, but it is a rule of love. Never has One done something so damaging to any of us."
   Murmurs of agreement came from all sides.
   "Thank you, all. I apologize for disturbing you. I have a lot to think about. I'll go now."
   dreamer looked around. "Stay, if You would. this one sees You now truly."
   The gifted all nodded, agreeing.
   I stayed with them, that afternoon, learning about their lives, their people, their hopes and dreams. Then, one by one, they returned to their Loves.

   The next morning I found Diena I the courtyard again. We sat and I told her of what the gifted had said.
   After she stopped crying, she asked, "I was right? To leave?"
   "I think do and so do the gifted, all of them," I told her.
   "What do I do now? Yenifis knows how to find me. I can't hide forever."
   I explained to her one other thing I had learned. "The gifted explained to me about Protectors. It is a tradition ages old but rarely used any more. If you wish, I can be THAT for you. I talked to Xiona and Andrys last night. They both agreed it might be a good idea.
   She hugged me then, "Thank you, Dan."

   Again, we were watched.

   The next couple of weeks passed easily. Diena had moved into the extra room in our chambers. She never left the area without me. Andrys had said that way, all the Elves would know she was Protected. He spread the word, as did pup. We never saw Lord Yenifis.
   I did start to notice a bounce to Xiona's step. She smiled more than I had ever seen and laughed a lot. She wouldn't tell us anything though, saying we would find out soon enough.
   Then one early morning, I found a note:

     Please meet me outside the keep at the old oak before the gates. Bring everyone.
   Love, Xiona

   I woke Diena and went to get Andrys and pup. We went together downstairs and passed through the gates. We didn't see Xiona until we passed around the back of the massive tree.
   "Oh my God," I breathed.
   There stood a muscular, handsome Elf. He stood over Xiona. He had forced her into a kneeling posture and was holding her head back by the hair. In his free hand was a jagged-edged knife.
   "Yenifis," Diena whispered.
   "You stole Mine, now I kill Yours," he said as he drove the knife into Xiona's chest. Then he turned and ran.
   I flew to Xiona's side, our friends with me. I couldn't even think right.
   A crashing sound caught my attention. It was Yenifis entering the forest. I saw red before my eyes.
   "Diena, please find heart. She can heal Xiona," pup said.
   I barely heard her though. I took off after that bastard. His blood my objective.
   "Dan, NO!" Andrys screamed.
   I crashed into the forest, to far behind my prey to hope to catch him. Two wolves passed me, side by side.
   "No, he's mine," I yelled.
   I ran faster, passing the wolves, my paws barely touching the ground.

   When Andrys, Diena, heart, and Xiona, her wounds healed, found us, the were frozen in shock and horror.
   They told me later that I was lying, curled up, with pup holding my head on her lap, the wolf next to us. There was blood on my lips and I was crying, "Oh, God, oh God, oh God, oh God…"
   The body beyond us was torn to shreds, not even recognizable as an Elf.