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After the match, Ric Flair runs into the ring and starts beating on Hurricane. He takes him outside and rams him repeatedly into the stairs and barricade. He tosses Helms into the ring and applies the Figure Four until a mob of referees can pry him off.

In the back, a Hummer pulls up and out steps the Rock with his brand new guitar. It's Monday night, the Rock is feeling right, and it's time for Rock Concert II.

Teddy Long Five Minute White Boy Challenge
-Rodney Mack vs. White Boy

Rodney Mack and Teddy Long come out. Teddy says that we all know that The Man is trying to keep Mack and himself off Raw. The only way they could get any airtime is to issue the Teddy Long Five Minute White Boy Challenge, where Rodney Mack can beat beat any White Boy that The Man throws at him in less than five minutes.

Mack enters the ring against an unknown wrestler and the clock begins. Mack hits a huge clothesline and starts smashing White Boy into the turnbuckles. White Boy sidesteps him, only for Mack to slam him down and start choking him.

With about 3:30 left, Mack repeatedly clotheslines White Boy into the corner. He picks White Boy up and hits the running powerslam 1-2-3! Rodney Mack wins in only 1:46.

In the back, Booker T enters Shawn Michaels' dressing room. He asks about Michaels refereeing his World Title match tonight. Michaels says he was just as surprised as Booker is. Booker says he knows that he's the odd man out on their team at Backlash, but that's not the point. It was an accident what happened last week, but he received some Sweet Chin Music before as well, so the way he sees it, they're even. Michaels asks if they really are even. Booker demands that Michaels call it even in his World Title match tonight.

As we return, Coach introduces returning superstar Lita! Lita comes out and gladly takes the microphone. It has been a long, long year for her, and far too long since she has been in this ring wrestling. But that is about to change. As of last week, she can finally start--

Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff cuts off Lita and comes into his ring. He takes the mic from her and tells Coach to get back to the announce table now. Bischoff tells Lita that she is amazing. She really impresses him. Over the past year, they've seen her talents beyond wrestling in the ring. As he checks out her ass, he comments that she may have talents that they haven't seen yet. He brushes back her hair and says that it's time to "expose" that talent. Bischoff says that her announcement was going to be that she has been given the green light to begin training, and so she won't actually be able to wrestle for about two months, making her worthless.

But he has a solution. What if Lita could get the same PR for Raw that Torrie Wilson did for Playboy? Lita congratulates Torrie on her pictorial, but says that if she wants to be in Playboy it will be when she wants too, not when her boss forces too. Bischoff says that he would never force her to do anything. Plus, how could he offer her to Playboy if he hasn't seen the goods himself. He suggests that after the show, she stop by his hotel and give him a private audition. Bischoff reminds her that he keeps her on the payroll.

Lita says that, since he put it that way, he can go to hell. Lita leaves the ring as Bischoff screams that if she leaves, she's not coming back. As she heads to the back, Bischoff fires her.

In the back, Flair is telling Triple H about his run-in with Bischoff tonight. Triple H says he doesn't care about the actual match; what upsets him is Shawn Michaels being the special referee. Flair says that they need some insurance, and Triple H realizes just how they can accomplish it.


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