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-Three Minute Warning vs. Test and Scott Steiner
In the ring, Three Minute Warning are accompanied by Rico. Test and Stacy come down, as Chris Nowinski takes a seat at the announce booth. He talks about how appalling his treatment has been from the fans (let alone the writers for creating his current storyline, but we won't get into that). The sirens blare, and Test's partner Scott Steiner comes down.

Jamal and Steiner start off, with Jamal beating him into a corner. Steiner hits a few shots, then clothelsines Jamal down, and then Rosie as well. Belly-belly to Jamal. He grabs Rosie, but Rico rusn in and kicks him, allowing Rosie to slam him down. Vertical splash by Rosie, followed with a double elbow drop 1-2-shoulder up. Tag to Rosie.

Rosie drives a knee into Steiner's back. Steiner comes back with a jawbreaker, but Rosie is able to tag Jamal in. Jamal runs across the ring and knocks Test off the apron before Steiner can tag out. Jamal goes up top for a flying splash, but Stiner rolls out of the way. Tag to Test.

Test clothelsines Jamal, then Rosie, then Jamal again. Sidewalk slam to Rosie and a pump handle slam to Jamal. Test pins while Rosie runs to him. He goes to splash Test, but Test gets up and Rosie lands on his partner.

Steiner and Rico fight, and in the melee, Stacy gets knocked off the apron. Steiner helps her up, distracting Test. Jamal is able to hit a running splash into Test in the corner. Steiner tags himself in and hits a on Jamal 1-2-3!

As we return, Test confronts Steiner about the match. He says that he could have won that match anyway, but Steiner goes and grabs his woman and then tags himself in to hog the glory? Steiner yells at him, but Stacy says that Test is just trying to thank him. Steiner appreciates Stacy's sentiment but says that he spits on Test.

In the back, Kevin Nash comes into Bischoff's office. He says that Bischoff told him that he was told he would join with Triple H and Shawn Michaels so they could be together one last time. He's not going to be manipulated. He's not going to be used. Bischoff tells him that he can alleviate the situation by just picking a side. Nash says that he'll pick a side, but it will be on his own terms.

In the back, Terri asks Rock what we can expect from tonight's concert. Rock says that we can expect the most electrifying and entertaining event in television history. Plus, he has a special surprise for all the fans tonight.

The Rock comes out with his new guitar and takes a seat in the carpeted ring.

His first song will be acapella. He begins singing new versions of "Georgia On My Mind." "Georgia, Georgia, the whole day through. That inbred state which the Rock will leave behind." Or if they want a song about Goldberg, he has one. "Goldberg, Bill Goldberg, no peace I find. The thought of whooping your big whisker-biscuit ass, keeps Goldberg on my mind.

He asks if these people actually paid to see Goldberg. Even though Goldberg did not want to come to see them, the Rock insisted that he come. Why? He wanted Goldberg to hear every word of the Rock Concert. So without any further ado, here is Bill Goldberg.

Goldberg's music hits. Two guys come out with sparklers, meaning it could only be... it is! GILLBERG! GILLBERG MAKES HIS TRIUMPHANT RETURN! Rock address Gillberg as Goldberg, saying that he is in good shape for his match against The Rock. He asks what Goldberg has to say to his fellow Atlantians, and Gillberg gives one of his famous garbled screams. Since Rock is going to whoop Goldberg's ass this Sunday, he'll sing one more song to ease his mind. Rock says that he rewrote a hit, now named "The Rock Went Down To Georgia." Rock sings his rendition while Gillberg hops around the ring.

In the back, an old Baracuda pulls up and it's Goldberg. Rock calls for security to surround the ring to keep Goldberg from getting to him. Rock tells Gillberg that he's basically dead, because he's been ripping off Goldberg for years. But Rock will protect him.

Goldberg's pyro explodes as he comes face to face with the security team. Rock says that he doesn't blame Goldberg for wanting to whoop Gillberg's ass. But if he thinks he's that tough, he can get in the ring and he'll give him a preview whooping. Goldberg lowers his shoulder and barrels through the security guards into the ring. Rock leaps out of the ring and gets to the stage, while security surrounds Goldberg. Rock says that he will pay them big money if they escort Goldberg out of the ring. Instead, Goldberg begins taking out the guards one by one. Gillberg tries to attack from behind, but Goldberg grabs him in a choke. Rock runs into the ring and nails Goldberg in the back, then hits a Rock Bottom! Rock celebrates at the top of the ramp, but Goldberg gets up and chases him to the back.

We cut to the back where Rock runs to his Hummer limo and tells the driver to get going. Goldberg gets out and hops in his Baracuda. He tries to speed out, but it appears the car won't restart. Goldberg finally gets out and runs after Rock's limo on foot. Moments later, Rock comes out from the back and laughs, presumably at the fact that he didn't actually leave, and not at Goldberg's auto troubles.

-Spike Dudley and Trish Stratus vs. The Dudley Boyz
As we return, Spike Dudley and Trish Stratus are in the ring. Chief Morley comes out to introduce their opponents. Not only are they fighting tonight, they are also his hand-picked challengers to take on RVD and Kane at Backlash: The Dudley Boys!

The D-Bombs drop as Morley laughs. The Dudleys reluctantly come down the ramp and stare at Morley before getting in the ring. They look at their opponents. BuhBuh kicks Spike in the gut and gives him a huge powerbomb. D-Von, however, does not attack Trish. Morley screams for him to prove his loyalty, but he doesn't. BuhBuh, however, nails her with a running clothesline. Morley screams for them to put her through a table. BuhBuh tells D-Von to get the tables, but D-Von tells him to get his own damn table. They scream at each other, while Morley takes the advice and does get his own table. He pushes it in the ring while BuhBuh grabs Trish.

RVD and Kane run down, and BuhBuh and D-Von forget about their match and attack the challengers. Van Dam and Kane make quick work of the Dudleys, and then Kane chokeslams Morley. RVD and Kane go back outside to beat on the Dudleys, when Jazz and Teddy Long run in. Jazz picks up Trish in the underhook raise-up, then drops her on the table.

In the back, Rock tells one of the stage hands to get everything ready again because it's time for his encore performance.

As we return, the ring is again set up for the Rock Concert, as we get an encore song. Rock starts to sing "Nobody Does It Better" when Goldberg runs in through the crowd and clotheslines Rock down. He tosses him out of the ring and then whips him hard into the ringpost.

Back in the ring, Goldberg sets for the Spear, but Christian runs in and takes out his knee. Christian gets in some good shots and starts to leave, allowing Golderg to again clotheslines the Rock. Christian runs back in, only to get a Spear. Now Rock comes back with a chair and starts hitting Goldberg across the head with the chair. After knocking Goldberg out, Rock repeatedly nails him with the chair, swatting him in the back.

In the back, Kevin Nash knocks on Shawn Michaels' door. Nash tells him that since the match is next, he should keep an open mind. With that, he steps aside and Triple H steps up. Michaels sighs but lets Trips inside.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Special Referee: Shawn Michaels
-Triple H (c) vs. Booker T

After all the introductions and posing and such, Shawn Michaels brings the opponents together and tells them to keep hit clean. He signals for the bell and the match is on.

They lock up and roll around in the corner. Michaels pries them apart, but they immediately lock up again. Michaels pries them apart again and yells at them. Trips knees Booker in the gut and whips him into the corner. Booker comes out with a shove, but they exchange punches with Booker getting the better. Shoulder block by Trips, but Booker hits a leaping forearm 1-2-shoulder up. Sidewalk slam by Booker 1-2-shoulder up.

Trips tosses Booker out of the ring. Michaels yells at Trips, allowing Flair to attack Booker, but Booker quickly knocks him out with a right hand. On the outside, Booker picks up a running Triple H and drops him on the barrier.

Back in the ring, Booker hits a jumping calf kick as Chris Jericho starts to come down. Booker turns his attention to Jericho and gets on the apron. Triple H runs and knocks Booker off the apron. Michaels yells at Trips, allowing Jericho to get in shots.

As we return, Triple H has a sleeper on Booker as both Flair and Jericho look on from ringside. Booker drops and tosses Triple H into the corner. Trips gets under Booker and spinebusters him 1-2-kickout. Suplex by Triple H, followed with a knee drop 1-2-kickout. High knee by Trips 1-2-kickout 1-2-kickout 1-2-kickout. Trips hits a falling neckbreaker 1-2-kickout.

Booker finally starts fighting back, with chops to the chest, but he runs right into another sleeper hold. Booker's hand drops once...twice...thr--no! Booker holds the arm in the air and lifts himself up, elbowing out of the hold, only for Trips to knee him in the gut. Booker ducks a clothesline and catches Triple H with a reverse thrust kick.

Exchange of punches, with Booker T gaining momentum. Jumping calf kick by Booker, then a clothesline and another. Back elbow by Triple H, who goes second rope only for Booker to calf kick him out of the air 1-2-shoulder up!

Suplex by Booker. Booker goes up top and hits a missile dropkick 1-2-hand on the ropes. Trips comes back wiht a knee to the face and a quick DDT 1-2-kickout. Booker sets Triple H up for the scissors kick, but Trips pulls away in time. Trips goes for the Pedigree but Booker ducks out and hits the scissors kick!

Flair gets on the apron, so Booker knocks him off. Jericho runs in, so Booker knocks him out. Booker comes back and pins Triple H 1-2-shoulder up. Sidewalk slam to Triple H. Booker goes up top, but Triple H pushes Michaels into the ropes, 'buckling Booker. Trips pins 1-2-shoulder up.

Trips goes for a Pedigree, but Booker flips him out. Scissors kick by Booker. Flair distracts Michaels as Jericho runs by and clocks Booker with the Title belt. Trips rolls over and covers, but Michaels sees Jericho with the belt. He grabs the belt and yells at Triple H. Flair comes in, so Michaels tosses him out. Triple H yells, so Michaels gives him some Sweet Chin Music. He tosses Jericho out as Booker pins 1-2-broken by Flair and Jericho!

Kevin Nash comes down and helps Triple H up as Michaels tries to get up from being attacked. Trips tells him to lay out Michaels. Nash shakes his head and helps Shawn up. Trips runs up and kicks Nash in the privates. Trips picks up his belt and yells that this is where he stands. Trips, Flair and Jericho back up the ramp as Nash yells that they're dead.


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