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SmackDown! Taping Results

Tajiri cuts a promo on screen that shows him spitting on an Alabama hat. HUGE heat for that.

Tajiri and Nunzio d. Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman

Rey down to THUNDEROUS pop. Kidman down to NO reaction. Tajiri and Nunzio down to MASSIVE heat. Very good match with Tajiri getting the win with a stiff kick on Rey. Rey and Kidman play to the crowd afterwards.

Stephanie, Vince, Brock promo

Brock wants a warm up match and requests to take on Angle, Undertaker, and Gowen all at once. Stephanie announces none of them are here tonight. Long-winded promo ending in Vince forcing Stephanie to wrestle Brock or quit. Stephanie leaves without making a decision.

Torrie, Nidia, and Dawn Marie promo

The three divas begin plans to get rid of Shanequa.

Shanequa and Dawn Marie battle to NO CONTEST

SMALL pops for both women. Dawn Marie is absolutely gorgeous in person. Shanequa has an incredible physique. Total squash that saw Torrie and Nidia run down to make the save. Torrie delivered a weak chair shot to Shanequa and the three divas ran in fear. VERY smart move!

Chris Benoit d. Rhyno

HUGE pop for Benoit. Rhyno down to MODEST heat. Intense, hard-hitting match. Benoit wins with the cross-face.

Eddie Guerrero d. John Cena in LATINO STREET FIGHT

John Cena raps and has the crowd hysterical. Excellent brawl ending in complete carnage. Massive damage to cars. Cena tries to use a lawnmower on Eddy and Eddy stabs Cena with a key. Match ends with Cena being thrown onto a car and Chavo Guerrero smashing a plate over Cena's head. Eddie frog splashes Cena on the car! Holy shit. Eddie and Chavo celebrate and leave. Cena leaves a bloody mess.

APA d. Matt Hardy V.1 and Shannon Moore

APA down to MASSIVE pop. Hardy and Moore down to GOOD pop. Awesome pants on Hardy. Typical match ending in a sick clothesline from Bradshaw to Moore. Bradshaw drinks a ton of beers afterwards

Stephanie McMahon and Brock Lesnar battle to a NO contest

Vince McMahon out to a DEAFENING pop. Vince is God in Birmingham as more than half the crowd bows. The reaction has Vince estatic and he introduces the next WWE champion, Brock Lesnar, to a TREMENDOUS mixed reaction. Stephanie comes down to a MASSIVE pop and refuses to fight Lesnar. Lesnar roughhouses Stephanie for awhile but Stephanie eventually kicks Lesnar and Vince in the grapefruits. Steph leaves but is caught by Lesnar. Finally, Kurt Angle comes down to the LARGEST pop of the night. Angle beats on the heels until they retreat.


Angle says he's not ready to leave Birmingham and challenges Brock to a match tonight. Lesnar refuses, Angle calls him a pussy, and he continues to refuse. Brock attempts to leave and Angle runs him down, and ....

Kurt Angle d. Brock Lesnar to retain WWE title

Excellent match with all the big spots. Lesnar kicks out of the Angle slam and ANgle kicks out of the F-5. Lesnar gives Angle a second F-5 and hesitates. Lesnar goes to the top for the shooting star press but angle nips up and gives Lesnar a belly-to-belly from the top. Angle locks in the ankle lock and drags Lesnar from corner to corner until he taps AGAIN. Big Show comes down to BIG heat and receives an ankle lock for his trouble. Big Show leaves, Angle leaves, and Lesnar lies against the guard rail crying. Lesnar leaves to HUGE heat.



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