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The Truth Behind Those Puppy Dog Eyes

Author's Notes: This is my first attempt at a 18/Krillin lemon fic. I've been reading the 18/Krillin fics on and realized that there was only one lemon fic with the main characters Krillin and Juuhachigou so I created my own. I hope you all enjoy it. R&R please!^_^

(Another note: Since most of you reading this probably have your own 18/Krillin fics, I was wondering if you could help me out by allowing me to use your fics for my new Juuhachigou site I've created. It's still in the works and all I really need is fanfiction of any rating. If you want, you can send your fics to me at

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z or the characters mentioned in this fic.

The Truth Behind Those Puppy Dog Eyes

"That is it Krillin! I have had it with you and your stupid "lets wait to have sex" attitude! I want out of this relationship!" Maron shouted, glaring angrilly at poor Krillin. Krillin looked at her, trying his best to hide how hurt he was. "Fine! Why don't you go find someone who's willing to sleep with you the first chance he gets! Afterall, I guess there's something wrong with being a virgin, huh?" Krillin felt relieved that no one was around to here him say that. Since Master Roshi was out on vacation somewhere else, he had the whole house to himself and Juuhachigou for the whole weekend. Of course, Maron wanted to take advantage of this oppertunity. Maron calmed down slightly. "You know what Krillin, I'm sorry. It's obvious you don't want to waste your virginity on your own girlfriend, who you supposedly love and adore. I just wish you'd grow up a little." "Grow up a little?! In case you didn't notice, the reason I'm not jumping at the chance to sleep with you is because I care too much about your safety! I don't want to be the reason for you getting hurt in any way." Maron snorted. "Krillin, how many times have I told you I'm not a virgin and I've experienced this enough times to know everything about it! But now, thanks to you, I haven't had sex for at least a few months now." "What?! But we've been going out for five years now! Are you saying..." Maron smiled sadly, trying her best to act as if she was hurt too. "Look Krillin, I'm really sorry but I wasn't going to wait around forever. And I think this is where we part ways. Goodbye." Picking up her purse, Maron left, pushing past Juuhachigou, who had just entered. Krillin stared at her retreating figure, feeling his heart shattered into pieces. He then glanced at Juuhachigou, finally realizing she was in the room. Her icy blue eyes filled with sympathy, she gave Krillin a sad smile. "Krillin, are you going to be okay?" she asked worriedly. Krillin shrugged, as if it was no big deal, but inside he felt more hurt than he ever had before. Hiding his tears from her, he replied, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." After a few seconds of silence, Krillin mumbled a "goodnight" and retreated to his room. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Poor Krillin. I can't believe Maron did that to him. Doesn't she realize how lucky she is to have someone care about her that much? Juuhachigou wondered sadly. She stared blankly at the wooden walls in her bedroom, wishing more than ever that she could admit that she had these feelings for Krillin. She's loved him ever since she first casted a glance upon him but, as an android, she hadn't realized what this emotion was until she was wished to be human. And now she couldn't just go up to him and tell him how she feels. Not after he had just broken up with his girlfriend Maron. "Besides," she said to herself. "He loves her and not me. Why else would he have been going out with her?" She attempted to fall asleep but she knew she couldn't until the truth was out in the open. Rising from her bed, she crept out of her room. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The door to his room slowly opened. Krillin instantly woke up from the creaking, glancing around the room, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Slowly, his eyes focused on the small, black figure approaching his bed. Feeling his heart fill with fear, he hid under his blanket, but then realized 1) He would be more stronger than the average burglar 2) He looks childish hiding under his blanket 3) He didn't know for sure if this was a burglar. Finding courage, he slowly poked his head out from under his blanket, his eyes meeting a pair of icy blue ones, coming from the shadow standing beside his bed. "Is-is that you Juuhachigou?" he asked nervously. His eyes now fully adjusted, he watched as Juuhachigou smiled warmly, an expression he had never seen her use before. Since she had become human, her features were always somehow sad from depression of being evil in her past. "Shh Krillin," she whispered into his ear seductively. Leaning forward, she gently kissed him on the cheek, watching with curiosity as he squirmed and blushed uncontrolably. She then crawled up on his bed, sitting on his stomach, legs either side of him, and pulls his face towards hers, planting a passionate kiss on him. Then, she ventures a little and forces her tongue into his mouth and massages her tongue aganist his, wrapping her arms around Krillin's neck. Krillin all of a sudden feels different. He pulls her closer to him, forgetting about Maron and his speech on virginity from the past few hours. Slowly, he slips his arm down her thighs and reaches for her thin, black shirt. In one slow motion, he pulls off her shirt and tosses it aside, and pulls back staring intently at her beautiful, naked body. "Juuhachigou," he whispers in her ear. She smiles and Krillin pulls her small body towards his, devouring her soft neck with kisses. "Krillin," she moans. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Krillin," she whispers, proding him awake. "Wha-wha?" he asks sleepilly. Then, he quickly bolted upright and looked from side to side. A giggle surpressed from her lips as Krillin looked at her, slightly blushing. "I-I was...uh.... we were...uh...I was...umm..." "You were having those strange thoughts that happen when you sleep. I think Bulma called them dreams," Juuhachigou says. Krillin simply nodded, feeling his embarassment pass him by. "Uh...I guess I was. Sorry if I seemed strange. Why did you come in here? Is something wrong?" Juuhachigou looked at Krillin and smiled. "Sorry for entering your room. I just heard you calling out my name while you were resting. I thought something was wrong so I entered to check up on you. And when I got in here, you were saying my name is strange ways so I got worried and disturbed your rest." "Wh-wh-wha??!!" Krillin practically screamed, feeling his face grow hotter. "Well, actually, that did happen but that's not why I entered your room. There's something else, something important that I thought you should know," Juuhachigou whispered, her eyes locked on Krillin's. Krillin got over his embarassment and waited silently for the old android to speak. "I know that you and Maron have just broken up but I can't sleep knowing that you'll never know the truth. That day, when you and your friends were trying to protect me from Cell, I realized an important emotion, the emotion that made you protect me. Love. At least, I'm sure it was love. At the time, I didn't know of any emotions, except fear and anger, and I wanted to become more, to be different and give up on a life meant to kill and destroy. I wanted to be a human and to be with you. You tried your best to protect me from that filth known as Cell. What I'm trying to say is...I love you Krillin." As she finished, the girl turned away from Krillin, feeling the tears cascade down her angelic face. She was almost certain Krillin didn't love her and that he loved Maron. She had even seen the betrayed look in his eyes when Maron left him. "18, why are you crying?" Krillin asked. She turned towards Krillin, smiling a little at the sound of her nickname. "I-I'm sorry for crying. I'm just afraid," she replied, whispering softly. Krillin smiled at her, leaning forward and hugging her small body close. Then, he whispered three, soft, delicate words into her ears. "I love you." Pulling away, Juuhachigou stared at him in disbelief. Is it true? Does he really mean it? she asked herself. She looked deep into eyes and found her answer, the same look he had given her when he had protected her from Cell, that look that had changed her forever. Holding her close again, Krillin kissed away her tears, his lips sending a slight shiver throughout Juuhachigou's body. His lips ventured their way down her cheek and met her lips, devouring hers passionately. She then crawled up onto his bed, lowering her body on top of his, still locking her lips onto his. Krillin's hands rubbed down the side of her body, reaching for her long, black shirt. In one swift movement, he pulled the shirt off of her small body and threw it aside. Her naked body pressed against his, Juuhachigou stared intently into Krillin's eyes, as if to ask if he wanted this. He stared back at her, answering her with a single kiss. She kissed him back with full passion, forcing her tongue through the opening of his mouth and wrapping it around his. Her hands reached down his bare chest, approaching his blue boxers, the only piece of clothing he wore when he slept. Within moments, she had the piece of material off his body, staring at his large, erect manhood, feeling a small blush creep upon her cheeks. He pulled her down against him again, rolling her onto her back and necking her affectionately. He sucked the skin on her angelic neck, allowing his arms to travel along her body, touching and rubbing her in no way anyone else could. He rubbed her breast, feeling her rosy nipples harden under his soft touch, causing moans to escape from her throat. Krillin's lips then left her neck, trailing down into the valley between her breasts. He licked around the area, his tongue venturing around her right breast. He gently nipped and sucked the area around her nipple, hearing the smallest of gasps come from Juuhachigou. His tongue guiding him, Krillin finally reached her nipple, sucking it gently, then more urgently, hearing her panting and gasping from the sensation. Teasing her breasts for a bit longer, he finally gave up on them and began making his way down to the lower part of her body. His hands rubbed her around her stomach, feeling their way to her opening. He went pass the begining of her hair, gliding his fingers through the top of her slit. He felt his way down to her nub, teasing it lightly by gliding his fingers along in a rythmic motion. He felt her begin to arch and began to glide along faster and faster, the blonde's liquids now dripping through onto his white sheets. Her moaning increased and the whimpers escaped her throat, Krillin then glided his tongue through her swollen clit, lapping up the liquid that escaped her body. He then stopped and moved up on top of her, staring into her eyes. Juuhachigou was panting heavilly, her body feeling as if it had been on fire, the new, pleasurable sensations racing through her. But it wasn't over yet. Krillin lowered his member into her and slowly began thrusting. At first, all she could feel was the pain of him entering her but then a new wave of pleasure washed through her. He then began to thrust into her harder, going into her deeper and faster. Her wimpering increasing, she began to call out his name, her pleasure building and building with every thrust. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him as close as possible. The movements became faster, both now calling eachother's name out at the top of their voices. The sweat poured down their bodies as the passion intensed greatly. Rocking and thrusting faster and harder, both felt themselves about to climax. Juuhachigou felt as if she was gonna explode, the climax approaching even faster with every movement. She screamed his name, louder and longer than before, the tears falling down her cheeks. Then, with one final thrust, Krillin released his liquids into her body, collapsing into her arms. The passion finally ended, the couple lay in eachother's arms, sweat covering their drained bodies. Both lay there for what seemed like an eternity, visions of what just happened running through their minds. Regaining some strength, Krillin rolled to the side, staring intently at Juuhachigou as she panted. Even though she was drenched with sweat, she still looked beautiful, with a healthy glow rising to her cheeks. She suddenly turned to him, her eyes locked on his, and gave him a smile. In her eyes shone a new light, a light of happiness that had been missing before. "You know, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever known," Krillin murmured, tracing a small line down the side of her cheek with the back of his hand. She smiled contently at him, wishing silently for this moment to never end. For once, her heart felt complete. It was as if she was now a whole new person since she was able to be granted the one wish she had been longing for for so long. "I love you Krillin," she whispered, feeling sleep begin to overcome her. "I love you too," he whispered. And within seconds, the couple fell asleep in eachother's arms. End -By Android 18