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"He's been through the desert on a horse with no felt good to be out of the rain."
Gatofeo is a regular in the Ampland room, and the dream of all the Ampland gals; who desperately want him. He has a quick wit and great sense of humor. He lives deep in the remote Utah desert west of Salt Lake City. His name means "ugly cat" in Spanish (long story there). He loves to have visitors (especially female visitors) and show them the desert where he lives and its old wagon roads, ghost towns and Pony Express route (he's beside the rock wall ruins of a Pony Express station in one photo). Those that have visited him rave about the beauty of the desert and Gatofeo's excellence as a host. He will surely go into the history books, between Casanova and Valentino … heh. (Strummer notes: Gatofeo wrote this, and if his check bounces I'm going to put in the truth about him!) .

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