Matrix wrestles for UCW on Saturday nights in Hanceville, Al. He is part of the YBW. He along with tag partner Whiplash do alot of high risk moves and Stunts. Here's a interview I had with Matrix.
Chris: Was you a fan of pro-wrestling growing up?
Matrix: Yes I was I started wrestling on mattresses and copying stuff like a powerbomb. That's why I do so many now.
Chris: What made you decide to get into the business?
Matrix: Watching the luchadores and wanting to be able to have a crowd of people yelling my name either cheering or booing me.
Chris:How did you get started in pro-wrestling?
Matrix: My friends Whiplash telling people about my skills and Alvin for my first shot in a ring.
Chris: Who were some of your favorites to watch?
Matrix: The wcw cruiserweights and Kevin Nash, and ECW.
Chris: Tell us a little about the Matrix gimmick?
Matrix: The character Keanu Reaves played in matrix the movie was the basis for my character. Not knowing what he was getting into but still coming out on top.
Chris: Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
Matrix: Either in the air force a pro football player or hopefully doing something I love whether it be wrestling or a book writer.
Chris: What would be your dream match?
Matrix: It would be in an octagon shaped ring with 8 corners lucha rules and against the greats like Tajiri, Rey Mysterio Jr, La Parka, Psychosis, and Me and Juvi (the juice) Shane Helms and Hyabusa.
Chris: What do you prefer to be heel or Face and why?
MatrixFace because I get to get the crowd behind me and if I win I can yell and hear my name chanted by any number of people and I mean the moves I do even suggest I'm Face.
Chris: What do you think is the hardest part about pro-wrestling?
Matrix: The hardest part about wrestling is the polotics. When you first start wrestling everyone wants to chop you a million times to earn respect. I always tried to earn respect by doing everything I could to make every match Ive been in be the best match of the night or at least the talk of the night.
Chris: Anything else you would like to add?
Matrix: I have loved pro-wrestling for all my life. Ive memorized entire matches. I hope to be wrestling for many years to come. I know not everyone likes me but I hope everyone in the buisness respects me because I restpect them from the old school side head lock to the highflying of today.
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