Alpha Lambda Delta National Freshmen Honor Society

University of California, Riverside                 


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 What is ALD?
Calendar of Events
Community Service
Members in Action

Frequently Asked Questions

Hopefully you can get your questions asked quicker and easier. If you don't find your question here then visit our Contact page

Am I Eligible?All first year students are eligible to join who have a cumulative gradepoint average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale at the close of any full-time curricular period during their first year. If you had a GPA of 3.5 or above at the end of your first quarter of the freshman year at UCR, you are automatically invited to join.  For ALD, if you were not eligible to join after your first quarter, and you would like to join later in your freshman year, your overall GPA must be 3.5 or above. You can only join ALD as a freshman.

Is This a Social Fraternity?Although we may have social events, we are not a social fraternity. There is a dignified induction ceremony usually during the spring quarter. We have one community service and one social event planned for each quarter.  For active membership we require one community service and one social event per year. 

Why am I Not Invited?Only first year students whose GPA is 3.5 or above after their Fall quarter get invitations to join automatically.  Or first year students who have a cum GPA of 3.5 or above by the end of the year.  Transfer students who have achieved this same GPA their first quarter at UCR are eligible to join.    If you think you are eligible to join, but have not received an invitation, please feel free to contact the president.

How Can I Get More Involved?If you are interested in getting involved, you can always come to one of our events listed on the website, or e-mail us with questions at   You can also  join one of our commitees.  To be updated on all the latest into join our mailing list. 

Do I Need to Maintain My GPA to be a Member?Once you have achieved the required GPA your first quarter mainting a the GPA is highly encouraged but not required.  As an honor society we strongly urge you to uphold the standards of academic excellence.

How About the Fee?National fees are $20 they include your certificate and pin.
Chapter fees are $25 they include the initiation ceremony, mailings, and other events.


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Last modified: 02/17/03