Chapter 6 3 Months Later

It was March 15, three days after Rory's due date. Rory was very uncomfortable in her ninth month of pregnancy.

Rory couldn't find a comfortable postion. She kept squirming around.

"Ya wanna go for a walk?" Jess asked her

"Yea, if I can get up!" she exclaimed

Jess helped her off the couch, and they walked outside into the breezy day. One hand on her back, the other protectively on her shoulder, he helped her walk, or rather try to walk through Stars Hollow. No sooner had they left the vicinity of the house, Rory froze.

"Jess? My water just broke."

"Okay, don't panic, call Lorelai, go to hospital." He panicked out loud

"Lorelai!" Jess shouted as he brought Rory back into the house.

Lorelai appeared at the top of the stairs.

"IS IT TIME?" she shrieked

"YES!" they both yelled back

"Call Luke, Jess. Tell him we'll pick him up in front of the diner in exactly a minute. I'll grab Rory's things." She ran into Rory's bedroom.

Rory meanwhile was freaking out on her own trying hard not to pass out from the pain she was experiencing. "Ow!" she cried as Jess ran back into the room.

"Come on, lets get you into the jeep." He helped her walk outside and put her in the backseat. Less than a minute later, they had stopped at the diner, picked Luke up and were on there way to the hospital.


"Name?" the nurse asked as they ran into the hospital

"Lorelai Leigh Gilmore." Jess replied

"She's in labor?" the nurse asked

"What do you think?" Lorelai shot back

After Rory was put into a room, they were told by the doctor it would still be awhile.


Lorelai walked out of the room, and into the waiting room where she saw Luke sitting, staring into space.

"Hey." She sat down next to him

"They've both grown up so much in the past nine months." He said looking at her

"I know. I know Rory will make a great mother, and Jess a great father. Don't worry, I know Jess wouldn't do anything to hurt them. I know."

Luke nodded in agreement. " It's weird how some things work out."



"Jess, it hurts!" Rory wailed in pain

"Almost over, five seconds.four..three..two.done!" he said as she made it through another contraction.

Rory breathed hard, and put her head back.

"Keep breathing." He instructed her. "Here, in all the frenzy before, I remembered this." He held his worn copy of Oliver Twist in the air.

"Ooh, read to me. Maybe it will help me relax."

As he began to read, his soothing voice made her calm.

3 hours later

Still, no baby. Luke and Lorelai had been sitting in the damn waiting room for three hours, doing absolutely nothing.

"I need to go for a walk." She announced standing up.

"Yea, me too." The two stood up, ready to go outside when a nurse rushed out to them.

"Its time." She announced

"She-what-now?" they stuttered

"Yes!" the nurse replied, just sit here and relax, it won't be much longer.


"One more push Rory." The doctor was saying

Rory gripped Jess's hand and he kissed it. "You can do it Ror." He said encouragingly

A minute later, a little baby boy was born.

"Hi Matthew." Rory was cooing "I'm you mommy."

"Uh, hi, I'm your dad." Jess said awkardly

"Here, hold him." Rory said placing Matthew in Jess's arms.

*Click* went a camera as Lorelai snapped photos.

"Can I hold him?" she asked Rory

"Of course." She replied smiling

"Hey there Matt, I'm your grandma, Lorelai, you can call me whatever you want. What? I look to young to be a grandma? Well, aren't you a little charmer!" everyone laughed

Rory yawned and Lorelai said, "I think we should give Rory some rest." She placed Matthew back into Jess's arms, and Jess sat on the edge of Rory's bed. Rory closed her eyes and fell asleep next to her family.

Click* went Lorelai's camera from outside the room.

Hey! Sry, this is a really really really short chapter, but Ive been really busy lately and augh so much is going on. I'll update soon. Thanks for being patient.
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