In reality however, carrying the weight of a rider, performing athletically & at speed, asked to endure more on abrasive ground than growth can keep up with, and often living/fed in less than ideal(for hoof & health) situations, domestic horses will usually require artificial protection/support in some situations at least.
So why is the natural model so important then, if it may be unrealistic to many?? Because understanding how hooves function optimally enables us to take what measures we can to facilitate strong, healthy hooves in our horses, to avoid lameness and hoof problems, and also to understand the 'cons' of our horse's situations, to take necessary measures to minimise negative effects.
Many a horse with chronic 'bad' feet and lameness issues has successfully made great improvement, if not complete recovery. Many an old horse has been given a new lease of life. If you are willing to learn how to care for and condition your horse, he will benefit greatly and you will be rewarded with a healthier, tougher, surefooted horse who will not suffer the vast majority of lameness and hoof problems that are common in conventionally managed horses.
Diet & Nutrition
Environment & Footing
Exercise & Lifestyle
If after weighing it all up, you decide this is not for you, here's a piece on how to minimise the damage of metal horseshoes.
* Best Angles for Pictures * Links & more info ~ feel free to suggest further sources to add!