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Recommended Hoofcare Links & Resources

Below are but a handful the good resources available out there.

Mayfield Barehoof Care & Rehabilitation Centre Andrew Bowe's site - a wealth of information and online 'shop' for good quality tools and learning materials. Be sure to check out his workshops page if you're interested in learning to trim your own horses!

Pete Ramey has become one of the leading voices on the scene. An extremely comprehensive site. While first hand instruction is by far the best in my opinion, I recommend his DVD set "Under The Horse" for owner/trimmers, particularly if you're out back of beyond & can't get that hands on help.

Equine Cushings and Insulin Resistance site
MUST READ! Very comprehensive site on EC, IR & laminitis.

Marjorie Smith has a good site for learning many of the hows & whys of barefoot hoofcare.

Diet as regard to health and soundness in the horse is a vital consideration & this is one great, reader-friendly site on the subject.

Feed XL is a fantastic resource for sorting out the often confusing subject of balancing diets and understanding nutrition. It incorporates a program which allows you to input particulars of horses and their diet/pasture, and to find appropriate products and amounts to ensure you give your horse exactly what he needs. Onsite nutritionists to ask specific questions of, newsletters and files full of important information are some of the other great bits about this service!

Easy Care hoof boot site. Easycare have a wide range of boot styles for different situations and horses, which are easily available across most of the Globe. Whether or not you ultimately choose Easyboots(or Old Macs, Boas, Trails, etc) for your horse, you will find lots of great information on this site on how to select the most appropriate boots, along with other aspects of hoof care, research, news and stories. is another website about barefoot hoofcare, by Paige Ross and Ruth Green. Lots of great photos of hooves and trimming. A good resource for trimming steps.


"Horse Owner's Guide To Natural Hoofcare" by Jaime Jackson and "Making Natural Hoof Care Work For You" by Pete Ramey are 2 very good books to get if you wish to understand this subject more fully.

"The Natural Horse" by Jaime Jackson. Pioneering study of the lifestyle and hoof shape of free-roaming wild horses; important pictures and measurements of mustang hooves.

"The Lame Horse" by James R. Rooney, DVM. One of America's foremost lameness experts discusses causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of lameness in the horse.