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Contrasting Two "Ministrations"

A 4-Part Study Series

By Arthur J Licursi



The Old Covenant's

"Ministration of Death' and 'Condemnation"

administered by

"the Law" for Israel


The Blessings of the New Testament

"Ministration of Righteousness"

administered by the

"Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus"

for "the body of Christ" today 


Part 1 of 4: Man's Dilemma and God's Answer

"The Law," that is the "Ten Commandments" (Exo 34:28), is simply an expression of the righteous character and nature of our Holy Lord Himself. Therefore, Paul writes, "the Law is holy" (Rom 7:12).

Fallen mankind, being in the lineage of fallen Adam, inherently possesses the "knowledge" of "the Law" (Rom 2:14) in their soul's "mind" (Rom 7:23).  All men hear "the law" by their "conscience bearing witness" (Rom 2:15). Though Adam was originally created in innocence and without knowledge of "the Law," this inherent "knowledge" was gained illicitly when Adam rebelled against God's one verbal instruction, which was  not to eat of "the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil." All mankind, as descendents of Adam, now possesses this "knowledge." Thus, Paul writes that every man is  not ignorant, and therefore is "without excuse" (Rom 1:20).

Then also, something much more occurred when Adam ate of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil." Originally, Adam was created as a living vessel to ultimately take into his spirit the very life and nature of God Himself as seen in "the Tree of Life." The earth had already come under the hand of Lucifer, the false deity, who was then and now still is  "the god of this world" (2Cor 4:4). God intended that, through Adam, He would dispense Himself into mankind and ultimately, justly, recover "dominion" over the earth through them. When Adam ate of the "Tree of Knowledge" he simultaneously took into his body's "flesh" the "sin-nature" (Eph 2:3) of the Sin-Spirit, Satan.

"Wherein in time past ye (Christians had) walked according to the course of this world, according to The Prince Of The Power Of The Air, THE SPIRIT that now Worketh IN the children of disobedience:" (Eph 2:2)

After Adam's innocence ended in rebellion, Adam then possessed a "nature" in his "flesh" that would make his desires "the desires of the (sinful) flesh," sinful desires that are in accord with the very nature of "Sin." Adam passed these to us as the offspring of his flesh body.

"Among whom also we all had our conversation (manner of living) in times past In The Lusts Of Our FLESH, Fulfilling The Desires Of THE FLESH And of The Mind; and were By NATURE the children of wrath, even as others. (Eph 2:3)

Note that when Paul uses the term "Sin" he is most often using it as a noun, to delineate the proper name of a force, as if he is referring to a deviant personality. Paul does not use "Sin" as a verb unless Paul is referring the "act of sinning." Thus, "Sin" is the Sin's nature that Paul says indwell "the flesh" of the human body "members" (Rom 8:3b, 7:5) of every person born of the line of Adam - that's all of us.

"When we (Christians) were in (in accord with) the Flesh, the Motions of Sins (sinful appetites)... Did Work IN Our Members" (Rom 7:5)

The Sin-nature that indwells "the flesh" body of man opposes every man who would try to live in accord with their "knowledge of Good & Evil." Man's "sin-nature" is expressed through his "carnal (fleshly) mind," which remains always at "enmity against God." Unregenerate men, those without Christ's life, may at times do what appears  good, but its always out of the wrong motive of pride, or out of an ultimate self-interest, thus their works are not genuine and do not honor the Lord. These are "dead works" (Heb 6:1).

"...the (soul's) Mind set on the Flesh is death..." 7the Carnal Mind (the mind of "the flesh") Is Enmity Against God: for it is NOT Subject To The Law Of God, Neither Indeed Can Be. (Romans 8:6-7)

The fact is that Christ Himself is the only Righteous One. His nature is of love toward others, as a "giver." All men are "conceived in Sin" and are by their fallen nature of "lovers of self" and therefore "getters."

Yet, among men today, only those in whom Christ's "Spirit of life" comes to dwells are able to live in accord with His righteous "divine nature" (2Pet 1:4), serving Him out of His "love" in them. This is because among men today only believers have Christ's own "Spirit of life," and thereby His very "nature," working within their human "spirit," to prompt, guide and empower them in expressing His life and righteousness.

"But ye (the believers) are not in the flesh, but in The Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell (abides) in you. Now If Any Man Have Not The Spirit Of Christ, He Is None Of His. 10 And if Christ be In You, the body (to God) is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life (Zoë, God's life) because of righteousness. (Romans 8:9-10)


Part 2 of 4 - Paul's Own Experience with Sin & The Law

As the lineage of Adam, all unregenerate non-believing men have NO possibility of genuinely living in accord with the righteous demand of "the Law" for righteousness.

Then also, even the genuine regenerated (born-again) Christian who chooses to turn back and try to live by "the Law," has NO possibility of living a genuinely righteous life.

You see, when believers live by "the Law"... they are living independent of Christ's life, wisdom, and power within them. Such self- trust is self-worship; a form of idolatry. When believers persist in embracing "the Law" to achieve righteousness or win God's favor, it only serves to energize "Sin in the flesh." (Rom 8:3) all the more. Men honor God when they take His way, which is the cross of Christ to take away their sins and Christ's life as their new, righteous, life; to energize and guide them from within.

Thus, "the Law," after exposing our sinfulness and prompting us to receive Christ as Savior, is of no help to us in living righteously. "The Law" then is contrary to righteous living because

"... The Strength (Gk., dunamis, power) of Sin Is The Law." (1Cor 15:56b). I will explain this in more detail as we go along.

Paul wrote of his own experience as a saved regenerated man trying to keep the Old Covenant based upon "the Law" for righteousness. It was then that Paul recognized that it was "Sin" in his flesh body members that prevented him from living a genuinely righteous life. In (Rom 7:15-24) Paul says, when he wanted to do good and not do evil, by the strength of his self "will" (v18), he failed. Paul saw that "Sin" was actually empowered by his attempts to live by "the Law" (Rom 7:11).

"... what I would {like to do}, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. 16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. 17 Now Then It Is No More I That Do It, but... SIN That Dwelleth IN ME. 18 For I know that In Me (That Is, In My Flesh,) Dwelleth No Good Thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. (Romans 7:15-18)

Paul initially tried to live according to "the Law" by his own human will-power, and failing. Then he recognize that the problem was the "Sin-nature" that dwelled in "the flesh" of his "body"; so he cried out.

"O wretched man that I am! who shall Deliver Me >From the 'BODY' OF THIS DEATH?" (Rom 7:24).

Since all men are sinful, God's Holy Law demands their death. "The soul that sinneth, it shall die...(Ezekiel 18:20) Therefore all men, including believers, have at least "once to die" (Heb 9:27). Only the unbelieving lost will die a "second death" (Rev 21:8).

1) The unbelieving lost will die once, and then die again a "second death" after they are resurrected to  appear at the "Great White Throne" judgment.

2) By contrast, every regenerated believer has already died "with Christ," and now literally possesses Christ's righteous and eternal resurrection life (cf., 2Tim 2:11). After the physical death of a "member of the body of Christ" they will be resurrected at the Rapture, never to die again.

Paul's cry of " who shall Deliver Me From the 'BODY' OF THIS DEATH?" (Rom 2:24) is answered as seen in the next chapter, in Romans 8:1-2. These verses reveal the new paradigm for Christian living under the grace terms of today's "dispensation of the grace of God."

In Romans 7 we note Paul's use of the word "I" thirty-three (33) times, indicative of his trying to serve the Lord by his self-effort. By contrast, in Romans 8 we see that word "I" replaced by the words "Christ," "Spirit" and "life." It is here, by these elements that Paul records the source of victory for believers who go onto trust the indwelling "Spirit of life in Christ Jesus" to be their new life source.

1) "THEREFORE, [there is] Now NO CONDEMNATION (no adjudging guilty of wrong) For Those Who Are IN CHRIST JESUS, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit." (Romans 8:1 AMP)

By Faith In The Fact... That Believers Now Are Never To Be Condemned Under Grace:

2) "For THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE [WHICH IS] IN CHRIST JESUS [the law of our new being] Has FREED Me from the Law of Sin and of Death." (Romans 8:2 AMP)

By Faith in the Fact... that believers are freed from Sin's dominion by their co-death with Christ (Rom 6:3-4, 6-7), and they are empowered to live righteous overcoming lives by Christ's indwelling Life.

The key elements of Paul "mystery" and "gospel" that he called "my gospel." Paul says his gospel of "the grace of God"  (Act 20:24) would "establish" the Christian. The details of Paul's "the grace of God" gives believers a fixed understanding of "the mystery (Gk., musterion, secret plan of God)" concerning who they are "in Christ" and the resident "power" of Christ's limitless indwelling life when they operate under the new paradigm of God's unconditional love and pure, continuing, "grace."

"Now to him that is of POWER TO STABLISH You According To My Gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, According to the Revelation Of The MYSTERY, which Was Kept Secret Since The World Began" (Rom 16:25)

It is by the core truth's of Paul's gospel that God has made a way for helpless mankind to live in victory. The victory began when we received Christ's salvation and His inherently righteous everlasting divine life.

"God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever BELIEVETH IN HIM should not perish but Have (Christ's own) Everlasting Life. (John 3:16).

Paul wrote; "...Ye Are Sons (of God), God Hath Sent Forth The Spirit of his Son Into Your Hearts..."(Gal 4:6).

Then, placing ones faith in the truths that Paul sets forth in Rom 8:1-2 help us to actualize our freedom from the "power" of "Sin in the flesh" (Rom 8:3). The victory was won for us 2,000 years ago at the cross. Successful Christian living after being saved and regenerated by grace through faith is based on the believer knowing and then continuing in "faith" in these key grace-age "truths." Victory over "Sin in the flesh" is actualized when we stand upon these two points.

The regenerated believer who is "saved by grace, through faith" in Christ has come to a new way of living in this age of the pure "grace of God." Every believer should know that they are risen to new life with and in Christ, and... that they now continue under the Lord's unconditional "Grace" all the days of their life on earth. Paul proclaimed;

"... ye are NOT under the Law, but UNDER GRACE. (Rom 6:14).

Believers can and should actually ignore the external written "Law" that God gave Moses for Israel . "The Law" is for sinners, having an important function; its not for believers. Paul here proclaims the believers freedom from the Law's ritual requirements, he lists several specific items in this one verse, including the 4th Commandment under "the Law," to "keep the Sabbath Day holy."

"Let No Man Therefore Judge You In meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:" (Colossians 2:16)


Part 3 of 4 - The Two Ministrations

Paul, in Galatians 3 and 4 (below), tells us as believers that "the Law" was our "Schoolmaster" as both our "Tutor" and our "Governor." "before" we came to "faith." (v23). The Law's purpose was to bring us to faith in Christ (v24). A young child needs a tutor or teacher and also a governor (a diligent parent) to oversee and direct them in the ways of right living. Of course, the "way" ultimately is to learn to live in and by Christ's indwelling righteous "Spirit of life" (Rom 8:2).

"But BEFORE faith came, we were Kept Under The Law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. 24 Wherefore The Law Was Our Schoolmaster to Bring Us Unto Christ, (so) that we might be justified by faith (in Christ). 25 But AFTER that faith is come, we are NO Longer under a schoolmaster. (Gal 3:23-25)

"Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; 2 But (he) is under Tutors And Governors until the time appointed of the father.

3 Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: 4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, 5 To redeem them that were under the law, (so) that we might receive the Adoption of Sons (grown up sons). 6 And Because Ye Are Sons, God Hath Sent Forth The Spirit Of His Son Into Your Hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

7 ...thou art No More A Servant... But A Son; and if a son, then an Heir of God Through Christ. (Gal 4:1-7)

The Tutors and Governors that God the Father appointed were the elements of the "the Law,"  which was our "Schoolmaster" (3:24). These lead us to "adoption" as "sons" (v4:5 above). Our "adoption" may be seen as our Bar mitzvah. An adopted "son" is a grown up "child of God" who has learned to be "led of the Spirit" (Rom 8:14) This "adoption" is our coming of age after the work of the Tutors and Governor. We should by then to have learned to live by "The Spirit of His Son (that Paul says, God sent) Into Your Hearts" (v4:6 above), not to live by the spontaneous desires (lusts) of "the flesh."

So what exactly was the Law's job?

Our fruitless exercise under "the Law" was to show us how hopeless we are within ourselves to life righteously. God intended that we thereby should have come to see our need of Christ to be our new, capable, righteous life.

The Law and the works it demands are the Lord's tools to teach us our need of Christ. In the believer the "works" demanded by "the Law" actually serve to negate the power of Christ's "Spirit of Life" within. The Christ-life operates only by pure "grace."  Thus Paul wrote, "if by GRACE, then is it NO more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. (Rom 11:6a).

So when a believer, after his "salvation by grace through faith," then tries to please God or earn favor with the Lord through their good works, they have then departed from their grace relationship with Him.

Believers can only live victoriously when living "by grace through faith" and in accord with the indwelling "law (normal operation) of the Spirit of life." They then enjoy the limitless supply of the inexhaustible power of the righteous "Spirit of life in Christ Jesus" (Rom 8:2a). Only His life overcomes "Sin in the flesh."

Paul here below clearly contrasts what he calls the "Ministration of Death" by the Law's demands, with the "Ministration of Righteousness" that is empowered by "the (indwelling) Spirit of life in Christ Jesus."

Here the word "ministration" that is seen repeatedly in 2Cor 3 means "the ministry of ..."

"Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; NOT of The Letter ("Law"), but of The Spirit: for the letter ("Law") killeth, but the spirit giveth life (Zoë, God's Spirit).

7 But if the Ministration Of Death, (the Law) written and engraven in (dead) stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory Was To Be Done Away:

 8 How shall not the Ministration of The Spirit be rather glorious? 9 For if the Ministration of Condemnation be glory, much more doth the Ministration Of Righteousness exceed in glory. 10 For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that excelleth. 11 For if that (Old Covenant Law) which is done away (is made of no effect) was glorious, much more that (the spontaneous regulatory operation of His indwelling "Spirit of Life") which Remaineth is Glorious.

12 ... we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech (openly proclaim): 13 And NOT as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished: 14 But their Minds Were Blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament (Covenant, of the Law); which vail is done away in Christ. 15 But even unto this day, when Moses (Law) is read, the vail is upon their heart.

16 Nevertheless when it (the heart of the Christian) shall turn (from Law) to the Lord (himself), the vail (the blinding of the Law) shall be taken away." (2 Cor 3:6-16, KJV, with emphasis added)

Knowing man's "infirmity" due to every man's "Sin in the flesh," (cf., Rom 6:19a), God intended that the "Ministration" that is of "the letter (Law)," which is also called the "Ministration of Condemnation" and "Ministration Of Death," would serve to expose and reveal to man his hopeless, sinful, needy condition. This is so man would become convicted by his conscience and then turn to receive Jesus Christ as his Savior. Then also he simultaneously receives Christ's resurrected "Spirit of life" to dwell within his human spirit (John 3:6, 1Cor 6:17). Only the "Ministration of the Spirit" bears the "Ministration of (the) Righteousness" of Christ to be expressed in and through the believer.

When a man tries to live according to the "Ministration of 'the Law" he is under its "curse."

"... As Many As Are of The Works of The Law Are Under The Curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in All Things which are written in the book of the Law to Do Them. (Gal 3:10)

"whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet Offend In One Point, he is Guilty Of All." (James 2:10).

Thankfully, every genuine believer has already died with Christ, and "in Christ." Each believer has died and was "buried with Him" (Rom 6:3-4, cf., Gal 2:20). With our "old man (old soul-self)" being already dead and buried, every believer is delivered from the demands of "the Law" that had empowered the Sin-nature in their flesh. "the strength (Gk., dunamis, power) of Sin is the law. (1 Cor 15:56).

"For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. (Romans 7:18 KJV)

"For sin (the Sin-nature) shall NOT have dominion over you: for (because) ye are NOT under the Law, but Under GRACE." (Rom 6:14)

"... our Old (unrenewed) Self was nailed to the cross with Him in order That [Our] Body [which Is The Instrument] Of Sin might Be Made Ineffective and inactive for evil, (so) that we might no longer be the slaves of sin. 7...when a man dies, he is freed from [the Power of] sin [among men]." (Rom 6:6-7 (AMP)

By the cross, our flesh nature of Sin, which is at "enmity against God" (Rom 8:7), has been circumcised, cut away from our soul, once and for all... making us free from the dominion of "Sin in the flesh." The Lord cut us loose at the cross, where we died with Him. Thus, we are now at liberty to walk with the Lord in righteousness due to the "circumcision made without hands."

"in (Christ) ... ye (believers) Are Circumcised with the Circumcision Made Without Hands, in Putting Off (divesting you from) The Body of The Sins Of The Flesh by the circumcision of Christ: ( Col 2:11)

Believers are now free to walk with the Lord under the "ministration of righteousness," being empowered spontaneously by the indwelling "the Law (the spontaneous regulating operation) of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law (the spontaneous regulating operation) of sin and death. (Rom 8:2, KJV)

Paul writes in four verses of 2 Corinthians chapter 3 that "The 10 Commandments" of the Law that condemns men to death are abolished or done away for the members of "the body of Christ."

  1. the Ministry of Death, in letters engraved on stones ... abolished [done away] v7
  2. Ministry of Condemnation... abolished [done away] v9, 11
  3. the Old Covenant... is abolished [done away, taken away] in Christ, v14
  4. whenever "the heart turns to the Lord," the veil [the Law] is abolished [taken away] v16


Part 4 of 4: Who Died At The Cross?

Now we must look more closely at the Greek word erroneously translated "destroy" in Rom 6:6 of the KJV. This mistranslation leads many to the erroneous idea that Sin has been "destroyed." Actually, here in Romans 6:6 Paul is saying the "body of Sin" has been "made of no effect" (cf., Strongs #2673) in the flesh of believers.

"Knowing this, that OUR OLD MAN IS CRUCIFIED With Him, (so) the body of sin might be DESTROYED (correction, Greek, kartargeo, Made of No Effect), (so) that henceforth we should not serve sin. 7 For He That Is Dead Is Freed From (The Power Of The) Sin (Nature). (Romans 6:6-7 KJV, with emphasis)

Yet, some think the "spirit" (cf., Eph 2:2) of "Sin" was "destroyed" at the cross. Then others say the Sin-nature vacated or "went out" when "Christ came in." These views are clearly not borne out by an abundance of Scripture.

Here in Rom. 6:6 (above, cf., 6:3) we see that the one who died with Christ was us; "our old man (old soul-self) was crucified with Him." Our death has thereby made "the body of Sin" (the flesh) "of no effect."

But how, is Sin "made of no effect"? This is because "Sin," which remains "in the flesh" of the believer cannot tempt dead men.

Paul says the Lord has "condemned Sin IN The Flesh" (Rom 8:3), where it is confined.

"For God has done what the Law could not do, [its power] being weakened by the flesh [the entire nature of man without the Holy Spirit]. Sending His own Son in the guise of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, [God] Condemned Sin In The Flesh [Subdued, Overcame, Deprived It Of Its Power over all who accept that sacrifice], (Romans 8:3 AMP)

So "Sin" has not been eradicated or evicted from "the flesh" and it will not be until our "flesh" body dies.

"... sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death" (James 1:15).

In this series we've well established by Rom 7 that "Sin" dwells "in the flesh" body of every man. By contrast, Christ came not into our flesh, but to dwell much deeper in man. Christ indwells the core of tri-part believers, into our human "spirit," where we are now "one spirit" with Him (1Cor 6:17, cf., Jn 3:6).

1.      "Regeneration" by "the Spirit"  (Tit 3:5) occurs in our  "spirit," not in our "the flesh."

2.      Our soul's mind is being "renewed" (Rom 12:2, 2Cor 4:12).

3.      "Sin" is 'condemned ..."in the flesh" (Rom 8:3).

The focus of Roman 6 is clearly that it was us, as the believers, who died with Christ as to our "old man (our old soul self)." Our co-death with Christ did NOT "destroy" our sinful "body" or expel sin. Obviously, you as a reader are alive physically and you likely still commit acts of "Sin" on occasion (cf., 1Jn 1:8). We, now being regenerated in our spirit, still live in the presence of the Sin in the "body of this death" (Rom 7:24).

We, as to our "old man" have died with Christ and thus we are free from Sin's POWER over us, and ... we have also been "made alive... in Christ" (1Cor 15:22). Being dead, we are free from Sin's POWER - dead men are never tempted by Sin. Yes, we as believers are free from Sin's Power, but we are not yet free of Sin's PRESENCE and we will not be free of Sin's presence until this body dies; or Rapture alive (1Thes 4:16-18). Dead or alive, "we shall be changed" (1Cor 15:51-52). It only then that we shall "exchange" this "mortal, corruptible," "body of sin" for an "incorruptible" spirit-body, like Jesus' in His resurrection.

Again, the Greek word "kartargeo," translated "destroyed" in Romans 6:6 means "made of no effect." This also applies to the believers relationship to "the Law."

"now we are delivered from (Gk. kartargeo) the Law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit ..." (Rom 7:6).

The same Greek word is correctly translated as "of no effect" in Gal 5:4 (KJV). "Christ is Become of No Effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the Law..." Here Paul says, one who lives under "the Law" makes Christ of no benefit.

The Greek "kartargeo," is translated "done away" and "abolished," applying "the Law" four times (2 Cor 3:7, 11, 13, 14 KJV). The very same word, "kartargeo," is translated "abolished," in Eph 2:15 (KJV), then as "loosed" in Rom 7:2, and "delivered from" in Rom 7:6... all specifically applying specifically to "The 10 Commandments" of "the Law."

E.g., "Having ABOLISHED (made of no effect) in his (Christ's) flesh the enmity (opposition), even (which is by) THE LAW OF COMMANDMENTS ..." (Eph 2:15a)

Thankfully, the believer is dead to both "the Law" (Rom 7:4) and "Sin in the flesh" (Rom 8:3, Rom 6:11).

Our co-death with Christ has made "the Law," which was contrary us, "of not effect." Believers are free from the demands of the external written "Law" that EMPOWERED "Sin" and "killeth" (2Cor 3:6).

Thus, believers are free totally from the "Power of" and "Dominion of" (Rom 6:14a) "Sin in the flesh."

Our co-death with Christ has delivered us from the "Old Covenant (Law)" that is "Hostile To Us."

"(Christ) having canceled out the Certificate Of Debt consisting of decrees Against Us and which was Hostile To Us; and He (Christ) has taken it (the Law) out of the way, having nailed it to the cross." ( Col 2:14)

In  2Cor. 3:6-16 Paul draws these comparisons between the "Old Covenant" and "New Testament" (v6).

  • The Old Covenant - "Law," is External, written on "tables of stone" (v. 3, 7).

   - The New Testament "Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus" is written IN the "tablets of the heart" (v. 3).

  • The Old Covenant is of the outer "letter" (v. 6) 

- The New Testament is an inner relationship with the indwelling "Spirit of life" (v. 6)

  • The Old Covenant "killeth" (v. 6)

      - The "Spirit... giveth life"(v.6)

  • The Old Covenant is the "ministration of death" and "condemnation" (v. 7, 9)

      - The New Testament relationship is by the "ministration of Spirit" and "righteousness" (v. 8, 9)

  • The Old Covenant - is "glorious" (v. 7, 9)

      - The New Testament relationship "exceeds" (v9), "remaineth," and is "much more glorious" (v. 11)

  • The Old Covenant "Law" is "abolished, done away," (v7, 11, 13, 14)

      - The New Testament relationship of "the Law (the spontaneous regulating power) of the Spirit of life in

Christ Jesus' - 'remains" (v11) in us.

Note: A "Covenant" is a "promise" or contract, while a Testament is a "last will and testament" after the death of the "testator" has died - Jesus is our Testator who rose from the dead to now live within us as our new life. We as believers are literal heirs of His life.

"For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. 17 For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. (Hebrews 9:16-17 (KJV)