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AWL is an E-Fed Chat organization


AWL is an E-Fed Chat organization





Welcome to the insiders Edge Im Chad Riddler. Lets recap what has happend over the last month of the AwL..


At the first Massacre we had Blake Take on a mysterious wrestler for the hardcore title..noone knew who it lets check it out..(cuts to the first massacre)


(**Elevation plays** and Blake makes his first AWL appearance. He heads down the ring and looks under the ring to find weapons for the up and coming match.


**Spit It Out hits**


JT: whos this guy?


Savage: Can i have a guess? that thing that was on the other night. The Hammer?!


JT: Since when was The Hammer Hardcore?! and why would he enter the ring after his injury, especially when he's got it set up backstage.


Savage: i dunno....


A masked wrestler appears at the top of the stage, carrying a 2x4. He then walks down and circles the ring, walking over to Randy he mutters something before sliding in.)


Well this wrestler was the one and only .. RacCoOn! RaCcOon later took the match by hitting a Suicide for the pinfall!


The next match was a thriller! Trix vs the Rock for the Intercontiental title!

Trix hit the Trixa on the Rock but only for a 2 count! Trix didnt agree with the call so he went to argue with the ref, but when Trix came back Rock was there and ended up hitting the Rock bottom for the 3 count and the IC title!


The main event was a beauty! N2k vs The calm the cool Hypno-dude!! Now these 2 had a history dating back all the way to the old AwL! So what better way to settle there differences then a steel cage match for the World Title!! N2K look to have Hypno-Dude beat in the later stages of the match when he hit Hypno with a 69er driver! But Hypno-Dude bounced back against the furious N2k who only got a 2 count! Hypno-Dude then hit N2k with a top rope bulldog then finished it off with a Hypnotizer and climbed the cage for the victory!

So after the first week we had 3 new champions! RaCcOoN the Hardcore Champion, Rock the IC champion and Hypno-Dude the World Champion! Theres more so join us after the break.


***Commercial b reak***


Welcome back and its time to recap the 2nd massacre! The second massacre looked to be as good as the first with a EXPLOSIFE card..but before we go to that lets go over what happend during the week leading up to the next massacre! It all started when RacCoOn came out, demanding a challenge, so then Blade came out, but then Rock came out! Now all three men were in the ring when the unexpected happend! TnT came out to a huge ovation!


So in the first 2 weeks we had 2 new wrestlers come in to the AwL!


Now to massacre, the first match we Saw RaCcOon succesflly defend his Hardcore Title against Blade, Then we saw N2k beat Blake for the number 1 contendership for the hardcore title! Trix had come out during the match and hit Blake with the trixa and that gave N2k the victory! Next we had the Rock vs TnT, Rock won the match but in the oddest way!? TnT had the match but got caught in the ropes, and the Rock capitalized with a Rockbottom for the 3 count! Now in a match that everyone was waiting for Hypno-Dude took on Trix in a non title match! An awesome match in the making and the 2 wrestlers didnt dissapoint putting everything on the line and Trix hit the Green Wallow to the suprised Hypno-Dude! Trix walked away with  a HUGE victory!


**Commercial Break**


Well after the amazing massacre, things started to change in the Awl..the first change was with TnT..lets check in..


(*TnT is sitting in a room talking to someone, but we can't make out who he is talking too*


TnT: So now I have to face the "great one" and blade! Like THATS CRAZY! I had the Rock beat at Massacre..but he had the ring riged!!! And Blade well the only success he has ever had was in that movie..and I still thought it sucked!)


From the Fan Favorite TnT had a sudden attitude change! And things just got odder and odder..


The Rock finding a note on his lockeroom door, went down to the ring calling out TnT..but what happend..Y2J CHRIS JERICHO !! Attacked Rock from behind, and after you could easily see that it was a set up by who else..TnT!


So now with Chris Jericho in the AWl things didnt stop getting more wierd! Tension started to heat up between RaCcOon and N2k!


RaCcoon first asking N2k if he was Hardcore enough! N2k came out and told RaCcOon that he will leave RaCcoOn in pain at the PPV.


 Now with all the crazyness in the AwL Trix and Hypno-Dude were at the edge of each others tempers! Trix getting more heat from the crowd, came out to discuss his match with Hypno-Dude at the PPV!


( Trix "Now i know you're not cool with the facts but it's true, i'm not gonna ALMOST end your career, if it comes down to it, I WILL!")


(Hypno-Dude: Shut Your Mouth William! (FANS CHEER!) You Didn't Let Me Finish.. You Seem To Like Running That Mouth Like A Little Bitch..Willy And I'm A Little Tired Of You're Punk Ass, 17-Year Old Wannabe Carkass Dissing The Real Hypnotizers Of This Business These People)


So with Trix getting on the fans bad side and Hypno-Dude on the fans good side..this match is leading up to be a great one!


Now the most oddest thing happend in the Awl..lets check it out!!!


(shows TnT going into a musical!)


 Now this left many of the wrestlers with different reactions!


(N2k:What the hell is that guy smoking? I got to get some of that!!!)


(Y2J: Hey man. Listen dude...THANK YOU for getting THE LIVING LEGEND Y2J Chris Jericho INTO the AWL. I mean, with you and Rock, and My HATRED for the Rock...OUR HATRED for THE ROCK, we can really kick some ass!


TnT: Ohhhh damn right!!!


Y2J: Oh yah!! While YOU'RE out there kicking the Rock's ass....


*TnT grins*




And did you think things went back to normal after that incident? If you said yes your far from right...


(Shows Trix going into a musical also!)


(shows a Hypno-Dude interview.."Hypno-Dude: As I Said, Willy Has Just Clocked My Bitch-Meter Too Many Time Dude! It's Like This, Willy Ever Since Becoming AWL Champion Back In The Old AWL Has Changed Into A Piece-Of-Thrash That Betrayed The AWL back Along The Line. He Sold Out And Truned His Back On The Hypnotizers And No-One Would Listen When I Said William Was Nothing But A Piece Of Haggard Aussie Thrash That Lives Off His Pappa's Money! William No Doubt Is A Decent Athlete But He's Gettin' Old. He's Already 22 And He's Way Past His Best! This Is The Hypnotizin' Era And William Can make All The Jokes He Like About Irish Lepicorns And About My Size But When He's Lying Flat On His Back looking Up At The Skylights Of The Arena And Sees My Flying Through The Air Size Won't Matter And He'll See Me walking Out Still As AWL World Champion!")


Now the last Week Y2j has yes..started playing mind games with Hypno-dude!! How much more can Hypno-Dude handle and what impact will Chris Jericho have at the Awl PPV return? Only time will tell!


**Commercial break**


Well after the odd week, we had a sudden suprise...Kevin Nash returned to the AwL!


So now lets get the latest scoop in whats going to happen at the PPV.


We will see RaCcOon defend his Hardcore title against N2k


The Rock vs TnT vs Blade for the IC title


and last but not least..


Trix vs Hypno-Dude in a hell in a cell World Championship match!!


Time for the Slam! Well here's my thought on the wrestlers in the AwL..the slam of this month goes to RaCcOon. Keep up the good work RaCcOon, We should expect great things from this wrestler in the future.

Now its the Peoples choice! This month's Peoples Choice award goes to ....TnT! Congradulations TnT.

Now the rper of the month award goes to...Final 3!..hypno-Dude, Trix and Y2j ..Final 2: Trix and Hypno-Dude

Lets reconize other talent in the AwL..such as N2k! Rock! and Chris Jericho!

And lets go to this months funniest quote…

Trix: " I have a question for ya. Is Hypno-Dude on LSD, Pot, Heroen, Speed, Coke... you name it, is he on it? I was thinking about that just then. I mean he calls himself Hypno and he's always cool, perhaps he's spaced out 24 7. hmmm"


This month's PPV looks to be a thriller, I can't wait to see what happens!


**fades away**



AWL Return
How did the first PPV pan out? Was there any title changes? or did any superstars get injured? 
PPV Star
Who won the Role-play award this month? Who got the best crowd reaction and did they reach their deserved break?
Press Conference
What did Impal0r announce? and will it effect the AWL in any way
The Slam
Who carried out the biggest slam of the PPV and what was it?