Little Caroler

This is a very cute picture and please keep the copy write on it,if you enjoy selections this is a cutie. The face and the dog will go on as a graphic as I am not good at faces and the dog is way too cute to try and do as a selection

The artist was kind enough to give me permission to use her picture and to share it. Please visit her site and look a round



Written by ©Dorothy


Let's begin


Make a new folder on your desktop...extract the selections to this folder, don't put them in your selections folder in PSP it will overload it, you can work from a seperate folder off the desktop

Open you supplies,which will be the background.. reindeer...snowflake...head and dog... with the snowflake active just go to "file>export >to picture tube...give it a name the same with the reindeer....close off frame layer..

Add a new layer and name it boots....Selections>load from fill with #E1392E....with your smudge tool smudge set at lighter....smudge a little at the top of the boots

Note:If you are using PSP 8 and up I really don't know how to use the smudge tool but it is such a light smudge you can just skip that part

With these settings.........and just 1 click very lightly, doesn't show much .. none

Add new it boot top....selection...load from disk boot top...flood fill with none

Add new it sleigh...selections...load from disk...sleigh... flood fill with none...selections...load from strips flood fill with none...selections...load from disk..yellow strips... flood fill with if you want to here you can do a little smudge at the top of each strip...........just bring your size down to none..

Add new it sleigh back...selections...load from disk...sleigh back...flood fill with none

Open your dog and copy and paste as new layer.. selections...load from with your mover tool move the dog into the selection, we want to get him in the right none

Add a new layer and with your draw took set at size 2...single line...antalias checked... colour set at #798883... draw a line from the dogs mouth to the sleigh,you can pick up the rope on the dogs mouth and draw it to the sleigh

Add new layer it legs....selections>load from disk...legs... flood fill with #463C32(here you can add your own color)... select none

Add new it coat...flood fill with none... now we need to draw a little line down the inside of the sleeve on both arms,,, draw down the front of her coat..near the buttons ...color set at .#C92A17 using the draw tool...line set at 1...freehand line

Add new it left arm...selections...load from disk... left arm...flood fill with none....selections load from disk....inside left arm....flood fill none....selections load from disk...right arm...flood fill none...selections...load from disk...inside right arm...flood fill #83291E... select none

Add new it hands...selections load from disk...left hand...flood fill... none...selections...load from disk...right hand...flood fill with #F3D8AD... select none

Add new it muff...selections ..load from disk...muff...flood fill with white...selections>invert... ...effect...drop shadow with these settings

select none

Add eye candy 3000...jiggle...with these settings

Add these settings one more time

Add new it neck...selections...load from disk...neck...flood fill with #F3D8AD... none...

Add a new it buttons...selections...load from disk...buttons... flood fill with #83291E...selections>invert...effects>outer bevel with these settings

Add new it collar...selections...load from disk...collar... flood fill with white...selections>invert...add a drop shadow...same settings as>none.. ..add a jiggle..same settings as muff...only this time only use the jiggle setting 1 none

Add new it head...selections...load from the copy of her head... edit> on canvas...paste as new layer and place the head in the selection.. select none..

Add new it hat...selections load from disk...hat..flood fill with #E1392E none...selections..load from disk brim....flood fill with #E1392E...effects>texture>blinds> with these settings

Select none

Add new it hat from disk...hat knob...flood fill with white...selections invert.. add drop shadow as before...add jiggle as before,but this time use the jiggle 2 times......with your mover tool move the knob to the top of the none

Add new dogs tail....selections...load from disk...dogs tail...flood fill with #935327... with your smudge tool same settings...except change settings to "darken rgb"...smudge a little on the top of his tail...

select none...

Add new layer and with your picture tube find the reindeer and just click on the hat where you want him. Click on Image resize and re size him 50%...make sure resize all layers is not checked... now go to image>rotate and rotate him 30 to the left...go to layers>duplicate and move this one to the middle of the hat...go back to image duplicate and move him to the other side of the hat...

Add a new layer and click on the snowflake and put where you want it on the hat... ...image resize 50%...make sure resize all layers is not checked.... ..duplicate the snowflake layer and move it over .do this one more time...for 2 snowflakes and place them between the we are almost done... go to edit>copy>merged...

Open AS... right click and paste as new animation.. duplicate this canvas 19 times for 20 your snow template... it has 20 on the snow template and edit>select all...edit> on your canvas ... edit>select all..edit>paste into selected frames.... now move this over to the right of the canvas so it fits the width,

this is too small for the whole on edit again...paste into selected frames and this time just match it to the empty spot on the left of your canvas...

Go Back in PSP and open the frame layer...make sure it is highlighted...right click on the layer and copy...go into AS... right click and paste as new on the frame to make sure it is the active go to your top of AS and click on the propagate sign..

Now make sure your 20 layer canvas is active and go to edit>select all.. edit>paste into selected frames...just place your border on the picture lining it up around the edges... you can do the same with any message you want to add

Thank you for doing my tut and I hope you enjoyed doing it
