Ferris Wheel

This is another tag made by Connie...Connie made the ferris wheel and did the animation...and is sharing her talent with us....

Written by


July 21/2004

Let's get rolling


Open Ferris Wheel template...make a layer for each letter of your name.

Letters are Arial black / stroke black #000000 / fill red #FF0000 / size 36/ Floating and Antialias checked.

Merge each letter and re name the layer

Add a new layer and type your text....layers>merge...re name text... .Place the text where you want it to land on the platform

This is what my layer palette looks like

Just a little tip...I numbered my layers 1,2,3,1,2,3 like so, this is so I would not get mixed up with my ferris wheel layers..you will understand as you work the tut

1)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter ....ferris 1...Place your single letters in baskets, I put my first letter in the basket next to the ticket stand and the next letters in the baskets to the right...make sure they are behind the basket layers. ..Layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Duplicate and drag down ... .... each letter ...ferris 2....Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...open previous layer to judge which basket to put it in. ..Layers>merge...close off and re name

3)Duplicate and drag down....... each letter....ferris 3... Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...open previous layer to judge which basket to put it in. ..Layers>merge...close off and re name

1)Duplicate and drag down...... each letter ..ferris 1....Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...open previous layer to judge which basket to put it in. ..Layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Duplicate and drag down . .... each letter.....ferris 2... Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...open previous layer to judge which basket to put it in. ..Layers>merge...close off and re name

3)Duplicate and drag down....... each letter...ferris 3... Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...open previous layer to judge which basket to put it in. ..Layers>merge...close off and re name

1)Duplicate and drag down........ each letter ..ferris 1....Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...open previous layer to judge which basket to put it in. ..Layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Duplicate and drag down ... .... each letter ferris 2...Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...(now I am on my last letter...so the duplicate of D will not be on the wheel.....just the last 6 letters.... we will work moving these on to each basket....and at the same time move the D over to the left side)...place the first letter on the platform ...away from the wheel's last basket...open previous layer to judge which basket to put it in. ..Layers>merge...close off and re name

This is the way I will move my letters...I will not add this to each layer though <

3)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter...ferris 3... Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...remember we are just working with the last letters...move the first letter over about 1 letter length by making that letter the active layer and hit the de form tool(my favourite) and holding down the ctrl key and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard.... move the first letter over about 1 length... open previous layer to judge that move and what basket to put your letter in ..Layers>merge...close off and re name

1)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter...ferris 1... Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...have the second letter come off the wheel...place it on the platform.....move the first letter over about 1 letter length layers>merge

2)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter...ferris 2... Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...move the first letter over about 1 letter length ...move the second letter over about 1 letter length..... layers>merge

3)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter...ferris 3... Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...move the 3rd letter off the basket and place it on the platforem... move the first letter over about 1 letter length ...move the second letter over about 1 letter length..... letter length layers>merge

1)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter...ferris 1... Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...move the first letter over about 1 letter length ...move the second letter over about 1 letter length....... .move the 3rd letter over about 1 letter length.... layers>merge

2)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter except the first 1 letter..ferris 2... Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...Duplicate and drag down ...text...lasso all but the first letter...delete... ...move the second letter over about 1 letter length....... .move the 3rd letter over about 1 letter length.... layers>merge

3)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter except the first 2 letters...ferris 3... Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...move the 4th letter out of the basket onto the platform.... Duplicate and drag down ...text... lasso all but the first 2 letters...delete......... .move the 3rd letter over about 1 letter length.... layers>merge

1)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter except the first 3 letters...ferris 1.. Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...... Duplicate and drag down ...text... lasso all but the first 3 letters...delete......... .move the 4th letter over about 1 letter length.... layers>merge

2)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter except the first 3 letters...ferris 2... Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket.......... .move the 4th letter over about 1 letter length.... Duplicate and drag down ...text... lasso all but the first 3 letters...delete.... layers>merge

3)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter except the first 4 letters...ferris 3.. Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket...move the 5th letter out of the basket.... Duplicate and drag down ...text... lasso all but the first 4 letters...delete.... layers>merge

1)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter except the first 4 letters...ferris 1.. Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket..... move the 5th letter over 1 length Duplicate and drag down ...text... lasso all but the first 4 letters...delete.....move 5th letter over about 1 length....... layers>merge

2)Duplicate and drag down.... each letter except the first 4 letters...ferris 2.. Place your single letters in baskets, move each letter up 1 basket........move your 5th letter over....text... lasso all but the first 4 letters...delete.... layers>merge

3)Duplicate and drag down ...all single letters except the first 5 letters....text...ferris 3...take the 6th letter out of basket and place on platform.....lasoo all but the first 5 letters....

layers>merge...close off and re name

1)Duplicate and drag down ...text..lasso and delete all but the first 5 letters....ferris 1..duplicate and drag down your last 2 letters move 6th letter over about 1/2 a length....place your last letter in the basket.....layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Duplicate and drag down ...text...lasso all but the first 6 letters.....delete... duplicate and drag down...ferris 2...duplicate and drag down the last letter......place the last letter in the basket...layers>merge...close off and re name

3)Duplicate and drag down ...text...ferris 3...... ....layers>merge...close off and re name

1)Duplicate and drag down...text...ferris 1...layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Duplicate and drag down...text...ferris 2...layers>merge...close off and re name

3)Duplicate and drag down...text...ferris 3...layers>merge...close off and re name

Open AS....open your graaphic in AS...Animation re size to 300... edit>select all...animation properties set at 30

All done going round and round...Thanks Connie for a cute tag and thanks for sharing

