Rock Carving

Another great idea from Connie...Connie made the tag and supplied me with the template to write this tut

Written by


July 18/2004

Tag by Connie


is all you will need

Open template in font and shrink to patch and shrink it in PSP

Duplicate the rock layer....close original layer ... with the copy of rock layer active..... add a new layer.... type your name using a white background and white fill (I used FLUBBER enclosed in supplies....Andy font if you have it.. font with a size 48)..hit it with the de form tool and turn it a little...kitty corner across the rock...selections... save to alpha none..... click on the white layer of your text and delete

With the copy of rock the active layer..go to selctions... load from alpha channel..... selections>invert......hit the delete key (this leaves only your name in rock) name text...close off..

1)Duplicate and drag down.........rock.... arm down....arm up... layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Duplicate and drag down..........rock.... arm down....arm up...... With the arm up the active layer...hit it with the de form tool ...move it over about 1 square and up about 1 square. more... open previous layer to judge... ....Layers>merge...close off and re aname

Remember to always close off your previous layer before you merge

3)Duplicate and drag down..........rock.... arm down....arm up...... with the arm up the active layer...hit it with the de form tool ...move it over about 1 more square and up about 1 more previous layer to judge... ....Layers>merge...close off and re aname

4)Duplicate and drag down ...arm down...arm up layer.. .with the arm up layer active... move it up to on top of arm up on layer 3....but do not take it off the canvas.........we are bringing it back down.....Layers>merge...close off and re aname

5)Duplicate previous layer....lasso the arm and hit it with the deform tool... move it down about 1 square and over about 1 square...line it up with the none......Layers>merge...close off and re name

6)Duplicate previous layer....lasso the arm and hit with the de form tool ....move it down a little more..............Layers>merge...close off and re name

7)Duplicate previous layer....lasso the arm and hit with the de form tool... move it down to rest on the chisel.. ..........Layers>merge...close off and re aname

8)Duplicate and drag down...text....drag down...shatter 1......duplicate and drag down.... .hand down... hand up...move the hand up a ways from the down in layer 2..... layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate and drag down...text....drag down...shatter 2.......duplicate and drag down.... hand down... hand up...move the hand back further from the other in layer 3... you may want to open the previous layer to judge.... layers>merge...close off and re name

10)Duplicate and drag down...text.. drag down...shatter 3.. ....with the eraser tool...settings at

...very carefully erase the shatter around the name....make sure the shatter 3 layer is the active layer.....

duplicate and drag down......hand down... hand up...move the hand back further from the previous layer...... with the text layer the active layer....add a drop shadow with these settings...

merge...close off and re name

Now let's make it look better...we still have a duplicate and drag down to under layer 1...background...layers>merge...close off and re name

Repeat this with each background....

Much better...let's make it even better and finish it off with a frame....

Close off all your merged will have unused layers... we just want the layers 1 to layer 10.....selections>select all...selections> modify...contract by 8.....selections> on the flood fill tool...set at pattern...find the little patch I put in the should be shrunk in your on the ok... click on layer 10...flood fill....close off 10 and open layer 9...flood fill... do this right down to layer all your layers 1 through 10 and save as


Open your graphic in AS...knowing me I like to re size and now is the size and of course my favourite is 300... your preference though...

Edit>select all...animation properties set at 21... right click on last frame...animation properties set at can change this....

Great tag by Connie...thanks for sharing with us Connie
