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~~clarkson'z~~ Homepage

MUSIC:Hard Rock/Metal
FAVORITE SONG:Of Wolf and Man/Human
TV SHOW:The Simpsons
MOVIE:Monty Python and the Holy Grail
VIDEO GAME:Unreal Tournament
Wassup. I'm Andrew Clarkson and THIS is my page. Well I guess u came here to learn a little about me, so here goes. I'm 14, about 5'6", have brown hair, brown eyes, and I am single. I live n a little town called Opp, and some of my hobbies include, surfin on the net, talkin and hangin out with my friends, visit the linx page to find a link to my friends page, playin with my dogs, takin the shotgun out and just shootin stuff and messin around n the woods, and playin Unreal Tournament online. I'm currently under the s/n stormtrooper88. I mainly stay in the Deathmatch servers, but I play on the other servers as well. U can email me netime, the address is, click a button below to email, feel free to add me to ur messenger,and while ur here sign the g/b. Oh yeah, if there's nething u think should b on the site, feel free to email me about it, if it's a decent idea, i'll prolly do it. I have updated,in case you somehow haven't noticed.So if u find ne bad linkz, or somethin wrong with the page, email me here So have fun and sign the g/b!

get this gear!

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Linkin Park-Somewhere I Belong<---MP3 of the week or so--->