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This is the page 4 my friends.
James Davis-Sup man! Thanks 4 all those mp3's and all the backgrounds and other stuff that you've given to me.

Bridgett Owens-BOOOOOO!!!!

Lauren Donaldson-Hey Lauren! Hope u have fun up in Birmingham, but b sure to come to all of the football games!

Andrea Messick-Hey! I ain't a liar.

Kayla McDaniel-Hey Kayla! I've had fun w/ u n band, and don't quit on me.

Andrew Mathis-I really don't know what to say about u, so I'll just say u've been a good friend.

Ashley Hardage-Your a really great friend, and have always been there when I needed you to be, and just know I'll b there whenever u need me.

Lauren Carter-Sup Lauren. It's been fun in band i guess.

Britney Grizzel-Hey Britney!

Chris Hall-Wassup Man! It's been fun in band, I'm gonna miss ya next year, won't have nobody to talk about deformed corn with!

Brandon Bobo-Wassup Boho the Man Ho.

Randy Sherman-Sup Sherm. Good luck on ur page.

Brock Harrell-Sup Brock. Lunch has been the best listenin to ur stories about gettin pulled over and all that other crap u do.

If i've 4gotten neone, or u want me to put u on here, just email me and I'll get around to it.
