The First Caitlin Mowrey Fan Site
News 2003

December 27, 2003 @ 2:59 PM Central Time
I hope all of you had a great Christmas (unless you are of a religion that doesn't celebrate it, in that case, a great holiday). I did. I still do not have anything new about Caitlin. Sorry!

December 10, 2003
I have not forgotten about this site. I just have nothing to add. As soon as I find something, I will post it here.

December 1, 2003 @ 3:59 PM central time
A lot of people missed the episode of Miss Match featuring Caitlin from October, well, now I know where you can download it. On the ALL ABOUT ALICIA(Silverstove) Message Board thread "Alicia Videos" there is a link to download the episode of Miss Match. Just start at page one and read all the posts until you get to page two which has the URL. It will explain itself on how to download.

November 30 2003 @ 12:23 PM central time
A lot of people have asked me if Caitlin's Lays Chips/ Sierra Mist commercial is still airing, and instead of replying to all the e-mails, I'll just say it here. I saw it this morning on MTV. The only two networks I have seen it on are FOX and MTV, but I am sure it has been on others. MTV was also the network that played Caitlin's Herbal commercial a lot.

November 26, 2003 @ 9:08 AM central time
Today, I added the filmography section. Right now all it is is a list of all of Caitlin's acting appearances, but I plan to add a page about each thing soon, so keep checking back. Click here to visit the filmography page.

November 25, 2003 @ 3:41 PM central time
Profiler tonight on COURT TV at 6:00 PM (5:00 Pm central). Don't forget to tune in! I will try to update again soon!

November 21,2003 @ 3:41 PM central time
I finally got a reply about HIGH VOLTAGE from the Michael Bolton website. Here is what they had to say:

Will, the movie High Voltage is on hold for right now. We aren't sure when it will be release but as soon as we know we will post it at

Thanks for you support of Michael!
Michael Bolton Platinum Club

I am not exactly sure what "on hold" means, but I think it means that they do not have a distributor yet. At least we know something now.

November 20, 2003 @ 8:10 PM central time
Caitlin is in a new LAYS chips and Sierra Mist commercial (it is one commercial for both things). It is like a little rhyme thing, I think it is to promote "The Cat and The Hat", in theaters tomorrow. Caitlin appears when the lays chips come out, she has one line, it is something like "Can I have one Max?" I just saw it on FOX during Tonight's TRU CALLING. I also wanna give some credit to :     for letting me know about this commercial! Also, remember PROFILER on the 25th!

November 15, 2003 @ 12:57 PM central time
Today I added one picture to the City Guys promotional images gallery. I also added another Agency Photo of Caitlin to the Agency Photos gallery. I have been looking for any news that I can find about High Voltage. I e-mailed some of the actors official websites, including Michael Bolton's, and have yet to receive a reply. I e-mailed the production companies that IMDB says are involved, and no reply. I looked for a number to call one of the companies, but there wasn't one. If I do find something, you will be the first to know. Also, Do not forget about Profiler on the 25 on Court TV (scroll down to the Nov. 1 update).

November 10, 2003 @ 4:23 PM central time
I have not forgotten about this site...I just do not have anything to update with. I did go through and delete all the old files that I am no longer using, so that freed up some space on our host. I also have a pic of the entire CG cast to add, that will be up tomorrow!

November 3, 2003 @ 6:35 PM Central Time
Today I have a great update. I added a new photo page of pictures of Caitlin in high school. This brings the total number of pictures on this site up to 28! If you are subscribed to the YAHOO! group, you have probably already seen these pictures, or at least received a link to them in your email. These pictures from Caitlin's High School yearbook were sent in by I cannot thank them enough for these pictures.

November 2, 2003 @ 11:53 AM Central Time
Today I didn't do anything to this site, but I did update the Caitlin page at TV tome (so now it lists the Miss Match episode and a few other things), and the Caitlin Mowrey Yahoo Group. All I did to the group was change the main picture and add a new summary. Check them out if you want to. I am going to try and update this site again tomorrow!

November 1, 2003 @ 7:18 PM Central Time
A long time ago I posted that Caitlin guest starred in an episode of PROFILER and I asked if anyone knew where I could get a copy. Well, I no longer need a copy because it will be airing on November 25, 2003 at 6:00 PM (5:00 PM Central) on Court TV. Now, Caitlin may not appear in this episode...but I am pretty sure she does, so be sure to tune in! The Court TV website and a lot of Profiler fan sites list Caitlin as a guest star. We will just have to wait and see! Here is the episode summary: Sam (Ally Walker) and the Violent Crimes Task Force assist a small-town police chief (guest star Clarence Williams III) in solving the troubling murder of a teenage beauty queen (Caitlin!).

November 1, 2003 @ 2:21 PM Central Time
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I do actually have an excuse this time. My computer was in the shop, and I just got it back yesterday. I will be trying to update again later on today, but it may not be until tomorrow. Again, sorry. Also, A lot of people have been asking me if Caitlin's commercial is still airing, and I really do not know...but I haven't seen it on lately. You may wanna look for Marcella Lowery (Mrs. Noble on "City Guys") in a new "Sudafed cold and sinus commercial." One more thing, the IMDB has finally added the episode of Miss Match to Caitlin's filmography.

October 14, 2003 @ 8:01 PM Central Time
Today I added the first wallpaper in two different desktop sizes. I also added a new AIM icon. Enjoy! Also, as I will try to continue the rate of updating every day, it is becoming too much of a time consumer. I love this site, and Caitlin...but the site may be updated every three days from now on. It might still be updated daily, it just depends on how much time I have!

October 13, 2003 @ 7:13 PM Central Time
Today I added two more pictures from 2001 to the  In Public gallery.

October 13, 2002 @ 6:48 PM Central Time
Today I do not have much to update with. I am working on some wallpapers. I should have them up soon! I am also working on some other stuff to add to the site, so keep checking back! If you have any ideas for something that I should add just e-mail me to submit them. I also want to say that I made a domain for this site, so now you can get here through You can still get here through the old, long web address, though. So, you don't have to change your links or bookmarks or anything, but it is a lot shorter than the other one.

October 11, 2003 @3:11 PM Central Time
Today, I was surfing the Internet trying to find news, and I found this article from May 7, 2002 that talks about High Voltage. It is an interview with Michael Bolton. Here is the part that mentions High Voltage:
The principal photography is nearly done on High Voltage, which should be in theaters next year. "Basically, I play a Jim Morrison-type pop icon who still thinks he's Jim Morrison," Michael Bolton says. "I'm surrounded by a lot of very funny people. My character is exactly the opposite of what my audience perceives me to be - he's insensitive, unemotional, completely void of human feelings. You could say he's a sociopath." To read the whole article Click here.

October 10, 2003 @ 10:00 PM Central Time
Tonight I have very important news. Caitlin just appeared on tonight's episode of the NBC drama Miss Match, which stars Alicia Silverstone. Her character only had 2 or 3 scenes, but it was great to see her. I didn't tape it because I didn't know she was going to be on it. I am going to try to see if it re-airs anytime soon, and if it does I'll let you know. If it doesn't I will try and find a place where I can get a copy of it. Anyway, I know it's late, but I felt like I HAD TO post this. I was so happy! I also redid the links page. I removed all the broken links, and added one new link.

October 10, 2003 @12:59 PM Central Time
Today, I updated the FAQ page. I added some new questions, and I got rid of some old ones that have nothing to do with this site anymore. I also have a bit of news. I found an article on a indie film site that mentions High Voltage:
JONAS HUDSON - Producer Jonas Hudson recently produced a feature film entitled HIGH VOLTAGE in association with Michael Bolton's Passion Films. In 2001, Mr. Hudson produced, CORRECTIONS, a documentary that became an official selection of the 2001 Slam Dance Film Festival. He also produced BEL AIR, a digital feature film, in association with Plaster City and Nicholas Cage's Saturn Films. Hudson is currently living in Los Angeles and works as an independent producer, and is a partner with an on-line enterprise that works with independent filmmakers:
"Worlds Apart" - A Japanese-American father and son must confront their contrasting views of America within the anti-Japanese climate of a World War II American internment camp.

October 9,2003 @ 7:55 PM Central Time
As of today, this site will be updated at lease once a week. Today I added 7 pictures to, and rearranged the photo gallery. You might wanna check it out. That is all I did today, I will update again within the week,lol.

September 24, 2003
Hi. Again, I am so sorry it has been so long since I updated. I do have some news. Caitlin recently appeared in an Herbal essence commercial, so you might wanna look out for it. It is the one about "hawefina." I have seen it on MTV, I actually just saw it five minutes ago, which reminded me to update! I will be updating more often, now. So, check back for updates! I will try to get some shots from the commercial.

May 25, 2003
It has been so long since I updated! I am so sorry about that. But there hasn't been much to update about in the world that I call Caitlin,lol. I do, however, have some news tonight. According to a couple sites, Caitlin will be appearing in a film called "High Voltage" Some other people who are credited in this film are: Robert Steinman, Michael Bolton, and others. That is all the news for tonight, and it could change (but hopefully it doesn't!) I got this info from High Voltage @ IMDB.

January 1, 2003
I just want to wish all of you a happy new year, and I want to say that I am sorry I haven't been updating. I don't really have anything to update with. Also, Caitlin's birthday is this month, so Happy Birthday to Caitlin! I think she will be 23, but I am not exactly sure.

Click here to read all previous 2002 news

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