This series begins twenty years after the close of the Heritage series. Beginning with the discovery of a body that has washed up shore by the Winged Rider Hunter Predd. The body turns out to be a lost elven prince who went on a trip across the Blue Divide many years before in search of a legendary magic. He carries with him a strange map. Walker Boh knows the true meaning behind this map. He strikes a deal with the new king of the elves to start a new expidition in return for his vote for a new Druid Council. So begins the voyage. On the ship is Bek Rowe an orphan and a whole cast of characters. After them is the Ilse Witch, who true identity is very predictable once you know her magic. The only other drawback in this book is Bek's true lineage. We know what it truly is when he uses the Sword of Shannara. A good start to a great series.