

Prayer Committee:

  I am also be offering a prayer request. This is where people from all over will email us
there prayer and members of the committee will send them the card prayer or URL to let
them know there prayer are being sent upstairs.

  I want each of you to know when I was with a prayer group with another group this was the best
blessing I could have ever received. I allowed me to know just how blessed I am with all my minimal problems.
A lot of these stories will make you cry but being a loving, caring individual you will want to
let them know you are there and someone does care about there situation.

Graphics Committee:

   There are many other committees like the graphics committee. This group is for those who can make
graphics, gift and such for members of the group to use that may not have the tool necessary to make
them for them self. Such graphics will be used like for Calling Cards, Birthdays, Get wells, ect......

Recruiters Committee:

   These individuals will leave calling cards or letters in others guest books inviting them to join our group.


Welcome Committee.

   Now that we have them here we want to show them that hospitality we were discussing earlier.

Birthday Leader:
   This individual will be in charge of the Birthday greetings.

Awards Committee:

  These individuals will be responsible to looking at websites that has requested award.
It will be up to you to decide which ones has and which ones don't.

As for now that will be all the committees that will be offered as the group grows and I hope it does we will offer more.
But right now I want to let others know we are there when they need a friend.

If you like what ya see so far. Follw me to the Rules Page

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Tegan Angel

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