

We don't have many but what we do have.
I do stand firm on.

1) Treat other as you want to be treated.

As part of this group you are ask to join at least one committee. While we are small
I would appreciate more than one committee but that is not mandatory.

You must be a active member.
Active as in: If you are ask to help someone within your group please do so. You can make a difference
in someone's life of loneliness or feeling of hopelessness. If anyone has a legitimate reason to not be active, email me and ask for 
a leave of absence. It is that simple.

I do not require you to have a website.
I know it does not take a creative, graphic or flamboyant website to show someone that you care.
But I would like a page about yourself (We can even help you with this) letting others know something about yourself.

No Porn.
NO links to porn. I know there is a lot of well know famous artist out there that have nude paintings. This not always porn.
Porn is something that if you do NOT have a ID that says you are old enough to see it. Then it is porn. We are adult and we know the difference.

Last but not least
I want you to have fun.
To me this has been the most relaxing and spiritually uplifting experience I have ever had.
I want it to be the same for you.

 If there is anything I have forgot here please email me with suggestions.
I am new at this and I sure there are many things I am forgot.

I hope to hear from you soon Hugs Tegan Angel

Angel Hugs and Kisses,
Tegan Angel
Please join me by filling out this application and becoming part of Goodwill Grits

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