Curly's Imaging Class
I graduated from Curly's first class,but am taking a refresher course this time around.Here is some of my imaging work I've been doing along with the class this time.I love doing these.I don't remember all the steps I did with these.I just kept changing things around until I got something I like.
Composite Art called Boy & Girl By The Lake
Composite Art Called Ghost Lady By The Lake
Art using Effects in Image Magick
Framed Flowers
Animation Image
Spider Girl
Morphing Image~changing one image into another~
Took a Peacock and Swirl and Wave
Called Melting Pot
Swirl Garden Scene Called Swirled Tuba
Swirl & Wave Called The Ghost
Swirl Called Islands In The Stream
Swirl,Wave,Painted and Composited the Flowers Called Passion Flower
Kscopes Cubed,framed Kaleiscope