Hey everyone I moved my web page to https://www.angelfire.com/blog/alisontwu/home.html so if you keep coming here this page won't be changing a whole lot. or at all. you might want to try the new one.
September 13, 2003Today we went on our first dorm date! We went to Julianne's house with the guys in 5 lower. Not that that means anything to you. We swam and had a barbecue. The guys were pretty nice!
Today the people from TWUSA (trinity western university student association) called and told Julianne that she had to go and put her name on a bunch of little posters that we had put up that said "Girls! All of the guys running for freshman representative are very good looking. Do you really want all of their time tied up in student concil? Avoid this problem. Elect a girl." We were poking fun at the fact that there are 3 times as many girls as guys at this school and that it is hard to find a date, and everyone thinks they are really funny. anyway, twusa said that they affect the other girls' campaigns and that we have to write julianne's name on them, so i called the other girls and asked them if it bothered them and they said no so i asked them if they could call twusa and tell them that and they did. i don't think we have a problem anymore. yay!
September 12, 2003Yesterday Julianne decided to run for freshman class rep and I am her campaign manager. We have been very busy making posters! It's pretty fun. She even made one in Korean and is going to make one in Chinese and one in Japanese.
We only put up a few posters in our windows last night, and this morning while I was walking to class everything was plastered with posters for a guy named Josh who is running. They are EVERYWHERE. they are pretty funny . . . he starts with "Vote for Josh" and he has several different endings like "your mother would like me" "you know you wanna" "why not?" "just cus he's cute" and one that says something about how he looks exactly like that guy in mission impossible who dies just to the left of the screen right while that other guy is being blown up. They make you want to keep reading them and see what they say! but it doesn't matter, Julianne is totally going to win. We're going to be doing some major campaigning during the next few days.
September 9, 2003Oh my gosh today I almost didn't finish my biology lab. i was so freaked out. and I think I'm getting worse at pool the more I play. I found a guy named Dan who will play with me pretty much anytime he doesn't have something urgent to do. anyway I've also been practicing by myself and I think my skills are deteriorating. You know, I have the weirdest schedule ever for tuesdays. I don't have any classes until 2:35 which gives me a whole morning that I have to figure out what to do with (I know it sounds nice but it's kinda weird) and then I have a class from 6-9 (bio lab). That was badly planned. Oh well, I have a friend in that class so it will be nice. I started reading the count of monte christo and I really like it so far. There is a bunch of stuff that isn't in the movie. Yay! Ok, I need to go write a letter to my darling cousins! Bye!
September 8, 2003Hey if anybody thinks of a good book that they think I should read PLEASE email me! Because I am really looking for good books and I have a little list but I would like more options just in case. Thanks Whit for your suggestions I'm going to look for the Gospel According to Larry!
September 5, 2003Woo! Today I went to my English class, my Bio class, my Concepts of Physical Fitness Class (HKIN), and my Math for Elementary School Teachers class. I love them All! My HKIN teacher stripped down to his shorts and stood on the table to help introduce the idea that we will be talking about being comfortable with what God gave us and how our bodies are a representation of ourselves. Eek!
My Bio teacher is totALLY into Biology. he's hilarious. Plus he loves to study daisies! woo!
PLUS I found out that my Math class is only meeting Monday/Wednesday not M/W/F! Yay . . . only 3 classes on friday instead of 4!
September 4, 2003Hey! In about 15 minutes I'm leaving for my first class. It is Psychology so I'm really excited! It ended up being that I only have one class today even though I'll usually have two on Thursdays. Yesterday everyone went to Stanley Park in Vancouver, and Julianne and I didn't want to ride the bus so we went in her car, and Karissa came too, and we almost got to Stanley Park and then we decided that we didn't want to go play relay races and stuff so we went and had a tour of Vancouver! We also went and saw Julianne's house and swam and had dinner. Her house is gorgeous I love it! Her yard, especially.
August 31, 2003Well, as you will all be relieved to see, I am not going to be saying "eh" after every sentence today. I got my cds and everything so I have access to my pictures, but they don't want to upload right now so I'll deal with it later. Well, today was kinda overwhelming. I've been meeting SO MANy people and I don't remember half of their names. Tonight there was a big Jazz night thing in the upper caf and a ton of people were there, but it was impossible to find people unless you happened to actually run into them while you were walking. You couldn't just sit and see people. Anyway, I met still more people there and I don't remember very many names. One guy told me that he's met several Alisons but I haven't met any other ones yet. Well, I'm going to bed. Catch you all later!
August 30, 2003!WOOO! yeah! eh?* for all of you who have been waiting with bated breath for me to let you know what's going on at school, here it is, eh? I got all moved into my dorm (and yes, all my stuff did fit eh??. . .) and my roommate is AWESOME, eh?! her name is Julianne and she is super tall and super blonde and super nice, eh! We got all our stuff set up (she did a better job than I did, eh? . . . of course she brought less stuff . . .) but that's not really fair because she lives in west van(couver) which is super close and she can go home on the weekends and stuff so if she forgets something she can just get it, eh? anyway . . . today was awesome, eh? I got my schedule and everything and we went into town twice to get stuff we needed for the computer or whatever, and now my computer is all hooked up and ready to go, eh? except for my camera, eh? because I can't find the cd cas that has ALL of my computer cds in it so I can't load the software to get pictures off of my camera. lame, eh? Well, today Julianne and I discovered that we can see every single person who is going to the gym out of our window, eh? and of course they can see us, eh? anyway, she waved at a friend of hers, and he came up to visit us, and then we all went down to visit the lower caf together, eh? there was free cheesecake tonight, eh? a special treat from some guy who works at the college that I don't know but he seems really nice, eh? we also saw some guys actually playing the game "buck buck" tonight, eh? I had only heard of it before, a bill cosby sketch that we have on an old casette talks about it, and it sounded dangerous from that, eh? kinda on the level with "bloody knuckles," eh? anyway, the way it works is that a team of guys all brace themselves against each other and the floor, and then the other team of guys yells "buck-buck number one!" "buck-buck number two!" . . . etc, etc . . . and they (in turn) run and jump onto the top of the braced pile of guys who is the other team, eh? The point is to see how many guys you can have piled on top before you collapse, eh? I took some pictures but like I said before I can't load them because I don't have th disk, eh? I'll put them up asap, eh? Here are some things I've noticed in Canada that are weird to me. 1- the carpool lane is called the "HOV" lane for "high occupancy vehicle." 2- Compact spaces in a parking lot don't say "compact", they say "small car." 3- I have to watch the kilometers part of my speedometer instead of the mph. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now, eh? *this word appears excessively in this selection. no offense to all you canandians I really like the word though and I'm going to do my best to replace the word "huh" with the word "eh" and I'm not trying to imply that you say it after every sentence like I am here. I just need the practice, eh? |