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  AWA Singles Record - 0-0-0
AWA Tag Team Record - 1-0-0
AWA Achievements - TBA

Submission wrestling can be very confusing, frustrating, and exhausting. Trying to get that hold perfect, trying to push the pressure to the maximum to make your opponent Submit.  Being able to get back up, able to fight the pressure the pain, and agony is another thing. Which of the four men will be prepared, and who will be the best man for such a brutal match up. This match won't be won in a matter of seconds, minutes, this match will be a long hard fought battle until the end. You have to be in top shape, something that Big Bad Casey isn't weighting in at 315lbs you think he will have the stamina for such a brutal affair? You think he will keep up with the speed, and technique of the others? He maybe powerful, but this kind of match isn't all about power. Then you have Metamania, and Jason Stevens two men weighting in at 176lbs, they both defiantly have the speed to keep up, but what about the technique? Will they be able to take a lot of pain at such a small size? Or will they be able to put enough pressure on Big Bad Casey, or John Harper to make them want to quit, to submit? Do you think Metamania will be able to compete with his Lucha Libre style of wrestling? Can he make one Submit while flying through the air? Then on the other hand Jason Stevens an all around wrestler with ring smarts should one be worried  about a man of his caliber? Or does his poor record tell everyone where he stands exactly? Either way you look at things looking deeply at The Canadian Destroyer he's the perfect size, the perfect style, and in the perfect shape for such a match up. He's not to big not to small, he knows how to wear down his opponents, and then take them out. That's his style of wrestling, that's how Harper focuses every night he steps into the ring, and at Sub Zero in Madison Square Garden that's the only thing his opponents will have to be focus on, and he can't wait to see the frustration, and pain that's going to be written all over there faces this Sunday Night in New York City on Pay Per View. 

The AWA camera crew enters an empty building that looks to be abandoned. They walk down the hall way as they hear footsteps, they keep getting louder, and louder as if someone's running back, and fourth. The Camera crew continues down the hall way, as they take a turn looking through glass doors where we see The Canadian Destroyer doing some agility running as he is going around cones laid out. John has on black shorts, white muscle shirt, with white, and red running shoes. The Camera's move in closer with Harper coming to a stop in front of the camera. Harper has sweat dripping down his head, as he begins to speak to the camera.

John Harper: The week is counting down, it's drawing near for AWA's first Pay Per View of the year. I know the fans are excited, they can barely wait, and I can tell you the same, The Canadian Destroyer wishes tonight was Sub Zero. I couldn't be more ready, more prepared for such a match up as a Fatal Four Way Elimination Submission only match. I can't say the same for my three opponents, as they are likely feeling the heat, feeling as if they are being squashed, and cannot breath smoothly. When they swallow that sore feeling hits there throats, as they can't stop time, they don't have enough time to get ready for such a brutal match up nor would they know how to approach this Sunday Night the right way. Boys times drawing nearer, and nearer every minute of the day, times running out to make game plans, to make sure you're in top shape for the Fatal Four Way. I know I'm ready, I'm five days ahead of you guys, the more I accomplish in the next five days will put me even further ahead, you guys are up against one of the biggest challenges of your careers. How are you going to over come The Canadian Destroyer? Are you going to out work me? Cause right now your falling behind, your way behind schedule. Are you guys going to show more skill then me? My Technique is down to a tee, I know all the holds, I know how to reverse, how to escape, and more importantly I wont panic if I get put into a submission hold because I've been in these situations many of times.  So give it your best shot guys, try to size up with The Canadian Destroyer because I can promise you I won't go down without a fight, I don't plan on quitting, I don't plan on losing, and this Sunday when my hand is raised in front of millions of my fans in Madison Square Garden in New York the AWA will know they have a super star grabbing the spotlight.  

The Canadian Destroyer grabs a couple of 50 lbs sand bags, as he carries one in each arm doing a farmer's carry, Harper is walking at a good tilt, as he gets about one hundred meters, and drops them on the ground. Harper blasts out twenty-five push ups, as he springs to his feet, in a dead sprint back towards the camera, Harper touches the line on the floor, as he heads back towards the sand bags. Harper then explodes through twenty-five more push ups, as he grabs the sand bags once more, and begins the farmer's walk back towards the camera. Sweat is running off Harper's face, as he drops the bags back down in front of the camera. John takes a smash of water, as he begins to speak once again. 

John Harper: Who's the biggest laughing stock in the AWA? Well it really could be any of my opponents this week, Big Bad Casey, Jason Stevens or Metamania. Take a close look I mean there records show it, and just by listening to Big Bad Casey tells you what he's all about. When I made this open challenge I was hoping for a challenge, I mean I can take out the garbage at home everyday, it's just something I don't choose to do that often because I'm better then that, I'm above, and beyond taking out the Garbage everyday. Goth you should know better, you've seen me compete, you know what I'm like every week, but throwing The Canadian Destroyer your trash just isn't cutting it. Jason Stevens forty-three losses, Metamania ten losses, eight victory's he's dropped his last three matches, and Big Bad Casey? Lets get serious now, these guys are washed up, and ill prove it to everyone without a shadow of a doubt. You may say I'm over confident, but I believe, I know the facts of Submission Wrestling, and I know one hundred, and ten percent that I will not lose at Sub Zero on Pay Per View. Why? Because I won't quit, I won't tap out to any submission holds. Say I'm cocky all you want, it won't faze The Canadian Destroyer because I know exactly what I am, and what I'm doing in my squared circle. Casey, Metamania, and Stevens prove me wrong, I dare you,  bring it ON! 

John Harper turns away from the camera once again, we see tape on the gym floor, as it's in a shape of a ladder, The Canadian Destroyer begins hoping in, and out of the ladder holes on one foot, Harper reaches the end of the ladder, as he comes back towards the camera on the other foot. John then reaches the end turning back around using both feet going at a wicked pace. The Canadian Destroyer finishes the ladder off, as he comes back towards the camera beginning to speak once again.

John Harper: Big Bad Casey you are as stupid as you look. I know you realize you're in a Fatal Four Way Submission Only Elimination match, but you didn't mention any of your opponents. Maybe that's your plan, you're out to trick your opponents either way what ever your plan maybe Casey, you won't fool The Canadian Destroyer. I'm not like these other two fools who will look past opponents focusing in on one main guy, I didn't request this match just to beat you Casey,  I asked for it to take down all three to prove a point to the AWA. If you think you're going to stand a chance at Sub Zero or even to last in the AWA you better pick up your game Casey because simply what you have to offer isn't going to cut it around here. Try to ignore this Sunday as much as possible Casey, put it in the back of your mind, come out on camera pretending it's not going to happen, but your wake up call will be coming at Sub Zero wither you want to admit it or not. Bring your big ass to my ring this Sunday Night, so I can stare you down, and when I look into your eye's I will see the fear, and then ill begin to get to work, ill chop you down to size wither I work on your leg, your back it doesn't matter to The Canadian Destroyer because ill be the one making you Submit in front of millions of my fans. I don't care if Goth, or Canis might be interested in teaming with you, I don't care who maybe on your side, I'm focused only on one thing Casey, and that's coming away with a victory at Sub Zero. Don't sweat it thought Casey your losing to one of the best, and you won't be the only one at Sub Zero tapping out to The Canadian Destroyer, and that's a damn promise. 

The Canadian Destroyer grabs a twelve pound medicine ball laying on the ground, as he walks over towards the wall. Harper holds the ball in both hands, as he is facing the wall like in a baseball batting stance. Harper explodes his hips through, and upper body keeping his feet in one position exploding the ball against the wall as he keeps his abs pinched tightly. Harper catches the ball exploding it through again, and again. Harper then switches sides, as he continues the exercise. The Canadian Destroyer then sets the ball down, as he begins speaking towards the camera. 

John Harper: Look who finally decided to show up. I was beginning to wonder Metamania, I thought you might of been to embarrassed to show your face. In fact thought you might of hung your little mask up on your bed post in your mothers basement. You think you know The Canadian Destroyer so well gloating about my victory at Insomnia, who doesn't gloat when they win? You don't gloat? Goth or Barnhart wouldn't gloat? Oh right you don't know what it's like to win recently with three losses in a row, it's been a month since victory Metamania. How does it feel? Got you down in the dumps, your even talking about retirement. You're trying to tell me you won't quit that easy this Sunday Night at Sub Zero? It's written all over you Metamania. I mean losing three times in a row almost made you hang up the trunks, but yet you won't give up that easy? There's no "DOUBT" in my mind that you will fold to The Canadian Destroyer in front of your home town. You've given me no reason to believe otherwise. You think this match should of been one-on-one. You're right about one thing, I would of enjoyed embarrassing you, I would of enjoyed just focusing on you this Pay Per View, but in reality Metamania there are two other individuals that I won't overlook unlike yourself. You can focus on The Canadian Destroyer all you want, I don't blame you as you know what I have to offer, you know this Sub Zero is going to be hell, and nothing less. You very well maybe better then the other two wrestlers, but anything can happen in a Fatal Four Way Submission Only Match, and being a veteran that you are you should realize that. Mistakes are what cost matches Metamania, and I can see why you've lost your last three matches because you are full of mistakes. Tomlin, Swanson, and Fang how are they anything different then The Canadian Destroyer? What makes these three individuals that you lost to over the past three weeks any better then me? After losing those three matches Metamania you don't realize how far you can go? How much you have left in the tank? You're spinning in circles, your lost in the dark in the middle of the woods Metamania, and there's no saving you now. You see Metamania I'm on an uphill climb, I'm looking forward, as you are trying to land on your feet, you're trying to save your career. You see Metamania that doubts still written all over your body, you proved my words correct, I know you to well Metamania, and it's only the beginning. I can tell you one thing Metamania, I don't need your help talking up The Canadian Destroyer, I know I'm a superstar, everyone knows it, and for those who don't will find out very quickly. I don't need you defending me Metamania I can look after that myself, maybe you should worry about you, maybe that's why you've been losing week after week. I'm a cocky son of a bitch what can I say, but Metamania I appreciate the help, but I simply don't need it to beat you, Big Bad Casey, or Jason Stevens.   

John Harper sits down on the ground with a rope at his feet, the rope is stretched out about one hundred meters, attached to the rope is a big truck tire, with two cinder blocks piled on top. Harper begins pulling the rope, as the tire gets closer, and closer. Harper lets out a grunt, as he brings the tire to touch his feet. John stands up looking down at the tire. The Canadian Destroyer makes his way back over to the camera, as Harper takes a drink of water, Harper wipes his mouth off with a towel as he begins to speak. 

John Harper: You're not going anywhere's anytime soon Metamania? I'm glad to hear it for the one hundredth time, coming from the guy who's ready to retire. You know why that makes me happy Metamania? You know why The Canadian Destroyer would like to see you around for a long time? So I can continue to dominate you, I can continue to beat you every week, and listen to you whine, listen to you cry that's what I enjoy the most. You are right about one thing Metamania, you do take your fair share of losses, you do get defeated quite a bit losing ten times just here in the AWA, but to claim I've gotten my ass kicked many of times? That's stretching it Metamania, we both know the facts, the history is still there, sure I have been beaten, I have a few losses, but not plenty, and I sure as hell didn't get my ass kicked from one ring post to another in dominance. You think your pretty clever, you think you outsmarted The Canadian Destroyer telling the AWA that I quit the GWA. Words now out Metamania, you out smarted me once again,  well news flash Metamania, they found out last week. You bring in old news Metamania, you have nothing on The Canadian Destroyer no hidden pieces. You think because I've only won a Tag Team match here in the AWA that makes you better then me? That I haven't accomplished anything in the AWA? Give your head a shake Metamania, clear out the cob webs because that was my first match here in the AWA. How can I accomplish Championship titles in my first match? I don't ask for things on a silver platter Metamania I simply earn it. You think I'm jealous of someone who hides behind there mask? That you get more attention then The Canadian Destroyer? That explains it Metamania, why do you think the media found me earlier in the week then you? Why are they following my every footstep, and your following behind them? But again you some how believe you get more attention then The Canadian Destroyer making me jealous of you. Keep believing it Metamania, think what you want I can't take that away from you, but sometime come up for some air, sometime come back to reality because this isn't your fantasy. I'm facing you at the wrong time, and place Metamania? Something coming from someone who didn't want to be placed in this match up. Why is it the wrong time Metamania? Tell the world, feed them your bull shit because I'm not buying it, and I know they aren't either. I know your not happy being in this match up because Ill make it four in a row Metamania, ill embarrass you in front of your home town, it's no surprised you didn't accept the open challenge, but to your surprise you were hand picked. Your a coward, just like the rest of AWA who wouldn't step up to the plate. 

The Canadian Destroyer rips his shirt off, as he begins jogging on the spot, as he hits his chest with his fists showing determination that he's ready to fight. John Harper continues to stay focused in on the camera not taking an eye off it. John then begins to speak to the camera still jogging on the spot. 

John Harper: No ones going to get under my little friends skin, absolutely not Metamania, your anger shows your short fuse, it shows already that I accomplished to piss you off, and when you step into the ring, when you look The Canadian Destroyer in the eye you will blow up, the fans will see the steam coming from the eye holes of your mask you will be furious, and that's when mistakes will happen, that's when I am best Metamania I jump all over mistakes like I've shown in the past few minutes. Some veteran you are, no wonder your losing the fans, no wonder kids like Frankie Everheart don't look up to you. No wonder you want to retire I can't say as I blame you. I thought you were smart, and wise Metamania, but your words prove other wise. Former Friend? Alloy? You must be mistaken me for someone like Jay Gold? You can't be serious when you tell the AWA that you brought me into Revolution? You were what made The Canadian Destroyer? Like I said my very first time on AWA camera's that this federation is full of bull shitters, and ding...ning...ning we found another!! Tell him what he's won Johnny!! AWA already knows Metamania, they know it was Jay Gold who brought The Canadian Destroyer into Revolution. You try to take other peoples success, you try to take there glory, but always in the end Metamania everyone finds out how pitiful you actually are. You state that Canis, and you will take over the AWA, that your slowly weeding the family out of this federation, and pure domination will be yours? You think having Canis as GM is gold for your Metamania? This gives you power over the rest of the AWA? I got news for you Metamania, wither Canis is on your side or not I'm going to beat you down when ever we cross paths, I could care less about the Family, and your feud because that's one less distraction I need. Come back to reality you think you have what it takes to beat down Goth? To beat down the rest of his family? You don't even have what it takes to win the Championship title anymore, so why would people believe your going to do such a task. Why do you think Canis demanded I team up with Chase Tomlin to take on Fang, and Goth? Because you don't have what it takes. You say you have no idea about this match up? Knock..knock..knock any body home? You were the one standing right beside him when he basically slapped you in the face, you were leaning on the top rope, or were you in wonderland? A world where Metamania is unstoppable. Reality Check Metamania, come back to our world once again, keep on laughing, laugh your heart away about being up the GM's ass because that's the only thing you have going for you at this moment as you are soon to drop four straight matches almost two months of losing Metamania, and you say the AWA needs you? The AWA doesn't need someone pathetic as you are, your hoping your fans can help you out, that you need them more then ever, well Metamania your fans are dwindling, they are going extinct, and even if you had millions of fans like I do they don't help you win matches, they don't put you in holds, or slam you to the mat or win championships. Sure they are wonderful, they can motivate you, but Metamania they don't help you prepare mentally or physically YOU DO. They won't help you end your streak of losing only you can, not Canis or anyone else, but yourself. It's rather amusing though Metamania for a few reasons, you go on, and on about how golden it is to have Canis on your side, he's basically the one who's going to save your career, but yet you turn on him the more you ramble from the mouth. You don't need him, you took his championship title, but yet you realize after it's to late not wanting to insult him. Your a mixed up individual, when you might have something good happening, then you see an opening to grab the spot light, the glory you grab it just like you said you brought me to Revolution. I think by now everyone's figured out Metamania, they realize the true Metamania, and don't forget The Canadian Destroyer is the one showing your true colors behind that mask. You can stop hiding, or you can continue Metamania that's up to you. You got to stop dreaming Metamania, your full of fantasy things that don't come true, just like you didn't win the championship last week, just like you won't take down the family, and  your sure as not going to make The Canadian Destroyer submit, especially not with my Harper Stretch so keep dreaming.

The Canadian Destroyer comes to a stop, as he wipes his forehead off with the towel taking a drink. Harper walks back, and fourth for a minute cooling down from his jogging, as he begins to do arm circles, as he's stretching his body out after an important workout. Harper continues stretching his body from head to toe, as he keeps looking into the camera as he finally starts to speak once again. 

John Harper: Last Monday Night Insomnia Bill Barnhart made you a bloody mess Stevens, he made you tap out in front of the AWA, everyone was watching. You know what it's like, you've shown the world you will quit, you won't fight through it, you won't give it your all because you have no guts. Sure you might of had a chain around your throat gasping for air, and Sunday Night won't be any different once I lock in the Harper Stretch, or any other submission hold. You won't be able to breath, you won't be able to think straight as the one thing going through your mind is the easy way out, and that's simply to tap the mat. You think having the press all over you makes you something Stevens? For all the AWA knows you might of slipped a twenty in there pockets. Either way Stevens you didn't get the point, because your obviously not the hottest super star in the AWA, everyone knows that just like Metamania said when's the last time you won a championship? You are far from being the hottest superstar in the AWA. I mean you can look past your current record all you want Stevens, you can pretend it's not there, but everyone sees it, and knows exactly what you are made of. So let me ask you a question Jason Stevens why do we bother keeping track of records if they don't mean anything? If your record doesn't show exactly what you are then what's the point? Why do you think we come out, and wrestle every week? Sure it's fun, but everyone wants to win, who wants to lose Stevens? You think Big Bad Casey, or Metamania want to submit this Sunday Night just for the fun of the game? No. They are going to try to do everything possible to slip away with a victory I can tell you that. Your record does show  exactly what you are, what you have become, and the only way to fix it Jason Stevens, is to get back up, and bust your ass off, work for it. Show a little effort Jason Stevens the fans deserve it, and the AWA. This Sunday Night at Sub Zero you along with the other two better bring there A game, you better come fighting because if you don't, if you come un prepared then be ready for the beating of your life, one you might not be able to return  from. As far as I am concerned Stevens there's only one warrior heading to Sub Zero, and that's The Canadian Destroyer!  NO PAIN..... NO GAME!!!!

John Harper throws a towel over his shoulder, as he takes a drink of water, as he walks off camera.