CHAINSAW were an L.a. punk band who recorded an lp in '78 and had quite a big following, they fused punk and glam very well, some great songs here, from the sped up blur of 'POSSIBILITIES' to the cathy 'WE ARE NOT VERY NICE' to a live version of 'NO FUN', this is considered a long lost punk classic nowadays,
CHAINSAW lp ( alternative image )
Polaride Pictures Hard Times Run For Your Life Later Than You Think Possibilities
Burn All Bridges -30-06 Popular Boy Chains Break It Up
No Fun - (live) Polaride Pictures - (live) Popular Boy - (live) Not Very Nice - (live) Baker`s Dozen - (live)
Rudeness has become so prevalent in Japan, according to a May dispatch from Tokyo in The Times of London, that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has convened its commission on complaints, whose translated official name is the Study Group Relating to the Prevention of Behavior That Causes Discomfort Among Numerous People in Public Places. Among the public habits bothering various complainers are putting on makeup, sitting on the floor, uninhibitedly reading pornographic magazines, wearing strong perfume and ("unexpectedly," said the Times) "using an umbrella to practice golf swings." [The Times (London), 5-7-05]
Super-Forgetful People: The director of a Canadian landmine-detection company said in August that he had flown back from Sri Lanka with TNT in his luggage that he had just forgotten about. (Three airport security systems missed it.) And a 24-year-old man was arrested in August at the Oklahoma City airport for having a homemade pipe bomb in his luggage that he said he had just forgotten about. And when a 36-year-old woman was arrested for bigamy in Hordaland County, Norway, in June, she told officers that she had just forgotten she was already married. [Kingston Whig-Standard, 8-11-05] MSNBC-Reuters, 8-11-05] [Aftenposten (Oslo), 6-22-05]
Least Competent Criminals
Recurring Themes: Christopher Franklin, 20, became the latest man to flee from police on foot (from a traffic stop in Moore, Okla., in June) only to have his getaway aborted when he tripped on his loose, baggy pants (having run only about 30 feet). And in Durham, N.C., Otis Wilkins, 45, was charged with attempted murder of his ex-girlfriend and others in July for tossing a plastic bottle filled with gunpowder into their car, except that, as sometimes happens, he missed the window, and the bottle bounced back at his feet, igniting his clothes into a fireball, sending him to the hospital!!!!!![Norman Transcript, 6-21-05] [News and Observer (Raleigh), 7-7-05]
see this link for more stories ~
this band had lps in '77 and '78, said to have an odd punk sound,