70s invasion ; Rare 70s Glam/Power-pop; THE CRUISERS, HOTKNIVES,, BUFFALO

CRUISERS glam 45

The Cruisers

' Schoolgirls/ College College ' ' 73

on EMI

the music on this RARE 45 is said to be glam styled pop-rock, the gals on the cover were probably not in the band rather since the a side is titled 'schoolgirls',........ they wanted a decent sleeve to go with the music, and we'll say this one does get our attention :)


HOTKNIVES ' Lovin' You / Around The World' ' 75

not really a glam release, more power-pop-punk , produced by Cyril Jordan from Flamin' Groovies!.......both sides are said to have loud guitars and good melodies, we'd love to get this one....

"Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the purest representation of Krsna." Bhagavad-gita 10.25 P


"So there is nothing to be said new. Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to understand it and continue your endeavour. Whether I am present or not present it doesn't matter." (SP Arrival conversation, 17/5/77, Vrindavan)


"I shall never die." Srila Prabhupada once said. "I shall live forever in my books." SSR, Intro.


"Srila Prabhupada: As soon as you interpret or change the scripture, the scripture loses it's authority. Then another man will come and interpret things in his own way. Another will come and then another, and in this way the original purport of the scripture is lost." SP, Discussions on Western Philosophy & Science - In Search of Divine Essence

Original Krishna Book: http://www.krishnabook.com


this lp by BUFFALO was a late glam rock entry, which came out in '77, they were guys from austrailia not girls, judging from the titles the music is probably in the style of HEAVY METAL KIDS, MOTT the HOOPLE, etc.......

not sure whatever happened to the biker gal on the cover, anyways we'd figure this last one fit well with this gallery..............

anyways what are u doing reading all this anyways ? get a life allready !