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Blue Dawn's Awards Page

My Awards
These are awards that my website has been honored to recieve and I am thankful for each and every one of them. I have links to each of the ones who have graciously given me these awards,and I hope that you will visit their sites, because they are all very informative and beautiful sites. Also,I now have awards of my own that I will be offering, so take a look at these and if you have a website that you feel deserves one of these awards please email me with your url and tell me a little about your site and I will visit it and review it for which ever award you are requesting.

Blue Dawn's Awards

The following are the awards that I have to give, so if you will send me an email with your name, the name of your site, your url(so I can visit your site), and which award you are interested in, I will visit your site and review it. Awards will be sent by email attachment.If your site recieves an award,please put a link to my site on your page and do not altar these awards in anyway.

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