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MorningStar Birth Support

Midwifery/Homebirth links

advantages/disadvantages of Homebirth
gentle birth
battle for homebirth
Birthing Options in Alabama
Info about birth
the midwife and homebirth
Good News Network
Biblical model of midwifery

Every woman deserves a birth where she is in control of who her attendants are, where she will birth, and what happens to her baby afterwards. Birthing at home with a midwife gives a woman strength and power in a time of her life where she is most vulnerable.
Who are we?
I am a religious traditional midwife that trained through several different paths. I have had 9 children all born at home in several states. My first child was born in 1983 long before homebirth was known much outside a few radical groups. I have studied midwifery for over 15 years, went to a midwifery school in TN, and spent 2 weeks in Jamaica catching babies and working with cultural midwives. I have been to Oregon at several midwife training classes, to Paris France and to The Farm in Tn and met the wonderful groovy midwives there. But mostly I have had some wonderfully willing women to let me learn about their births and to develop my intuitive skills as a midwife.

What do we offer?
We meet with the each pregnant woman and their families throughout pregnancy to do a variety of things. Among them are blood pressure check, urine checks and listening to babys heartbeat. More importantly we spend a lot of time talking with the mom, learning about her as a person, things going on in her life and how she wants to birth. Developing a relationship with her and her husband is a vital part of midwifery.

What can we offer during labor?
Support, encouragement, strength and love. As midwives, we have many things to use to help with labor..such as hot compresses, rice socks, labor/birth pool, massage and relationship with you as the mom.

Women have to take back birth from a medical society that sees it as a disease. When a mom has medical problems, we do send them to a Dr who is trained in medical solutions, but has not been trained in normal childbirth.
Midwife care is a traditional way of helping a woman birth normally and naturally in her own home. It is a way to help women become powerful through birth.

We support breastfeeding as the only way to properly nourish your child. Breastmilk is the perfect food for your baby and research shows babies who nurse are healthier through out their infant/toddler year and into their adult years. Nursing is normal food for babies, not formula.

If you would like to consider a homebirth please call us. We will gladly consult with you on what your needs are.

Donna Knox
Traditional Religious Midwife

why we are midwives:
Because there are things that are easier, but few things in life are this amazing, and nothing this amazing is easy.
Because when the Lord calls you, the faster and further you run from Him the louder the call gets
Because, even though when its 'bad' it's REALLY bad, When it's good, it's REALLY good, and it's good more than it's bad
Because it's not what you are, it's who you are (even if you get burned out and do something else, you're still a midwife in there somewhere)
Because we can do no other.

thank you to a midwife in Tx for these thoughts about being a midwife.
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