Attention! Your browser does not support CSS. Therefore you will not see any colors on this page. OK, I
could have cluttered up the code on this page in order to support your old browser, but I didn’t feel like it. Not this time. Sorry. Try upgrading to the latest
Netscape or
Opera browser, all of which are free.
The Browser-safe palette
The image at right simulates a high-quality photograph displayed on a low-resolution monitor.
(Point at the picture to see the original version.)
At low resolution, we can still see a calico cat with green eyes but the image is “flat” and much of its detail has obviously been lost. Notice, too, how the cat’s shadow is now an olive-drab blob. This kind of thing often happens when the computer is forced to replace thousands or millions of colors with only a couple hundred. The effect can be even worse when an image has a large area of solid color - like the background of a web page.
All color monitors are not created equal. While most can display a spectrum of color richer than what the human eye can distinguish, others can handle a palette of only 256 colors. Also, some users purposely configure their monitors to display a limited palette in order to accommodate old software, or to save memory and boost speed.
While there’s no way to prevent an 8-bit (256-color) monitor from making a mess of a finely detailed photo, we can at least protect our text colors and backgrounds. Behold the “browser-safe” (or “Web-safe”) palette, a collection of 216 colors that tend to look the same on monitors with different configurations. Devised by Lynda Weinman in 1996, the palette has become one of the mainstays of web design. You may want to (but you don’t have to) use these colors for text, backgrounds, background colors in image files, and any other fields of solid color.
Use RGB values in your HTML and CSS coding. The Visibone names in this chart are descriptive only; Visibone names are not in any way “official,” and they are not valid for coding. (The Visibone Color Lab is an excellent online tool for trying out browser-safe color combinations.)
Four of the sixteen “named” colors are not Web-safe, but you needn’t be anxious about using them. They are
gray (#777777),
green (#007700),
maroon (#770000), and
navy (#000077).
Visibone color name
RGB value
| #000000 #000 black
Obscure Weak Blue |
| #000033 #003
Obscure Dull Blue |
| #000066 #006
Dark Faded Blue |
| #000099 #009
Dark Hard Blue |
| #0000CC #00C
| #0000FF #00F blue
Obscure Weak Green
| #003300 #030
Obscure Weak Cyan
| #003333 #033
Obscure Dull Azure
| #003366 #036
Dark Azure- Blue |
| #003399 #039
Dark Blue- Azure
| #0033CC #03C
Blue- Blue- Azure
| #0033FF #03F
Obscure Dull Green
| #006600 #060
Obscure Dull Teal
| #006633 #063
Obscure Dull Cyan
| #006666 #066 teal
Dark Azure- Cyan
| #006699 #069
Dark Hard Azure
| #0066CC #06C
Azure- Azure- Blue |
| #0066FF #06F
Dark Faded Green
| #009900 #090
Dark Teal- Green
| #009933 #093
Dark Teal- Cyan
| #009966 #096
Dark Faded Cyan
| #009999 #099
Dark Cyan- Azure
| #0099CC #09C
Azure- Azure- Cyan
| #0099FF #09F
Dark Hard Green
| #00CC00 #0C0
Dark Green- Teal
| #00CC33 #0C3
Dark Hard Teal
| #00CC66 #0C6
Dark Cyan- Teal
| #00CC99 #0C9
Dark Hard Cyan
| #00CCCC #0CC
Cyan- Cyan- Azure
| #00CCFF #0CF
| #00FF00 #0F0 lime
Green- Green- Teal
| #00FF33 #0F3
Teal- Teal- Green
| #00FF66 #0F6
Teal- Teal- Cyan
| #00FF99 #0F9
Cyan- Cyan- Teal
| #00FFCC #0FC
| #00FFFF #0FF aqua
Obscure Weak Red
| #330000 #300
Obscure Weak Magenta
| #330033 #303
Obscure Dull Violet
| #330066 #306
Dark Violet- Blue |
| #330099 #309
Dark Blue- Violet
| #3300CC #30C
Blue- Blue- Violet
| #3300FF #30F
Obscure Weak Yellow
| #333300 #330
Obscure Gray
| #333333 #333
Dark Weak Blue |
| #333366 #336
Dark Dull Blue |
| #333399 #339
Medium Faded Blue |
| #3333CC #33C
Light Hard Blue |
| #3333FF #33F
Obscure Dull Spring
| #336600 #360
Dark Weak Green
| #336633 #363
Dark Weak Cyan
| #336666 #366
Dark Dull Azure
| #336699 #369
Medium Azure- Blue |
| #3366CC #36C
Light Blue- Azure
| #3366FF #36F
Dark Spring- Green
| #339900 #390
Dark Dull Green
| #339933 #393
Dark Dull Teal
| #339966 #396
Dark Dull Cyan
| #339999 #399
Medium Azure- Cyan
| #3399CC #39C
Light Hard Azure
| #3399FF #39F
Dark Green- Spring
| #33CC00 #3C0
Medium Faded Green
| #33CC33 #3C3
Medium Teal- Green
| #33CC66 #3C6
Medium Teal- Cyan
| #33CC99 #3C9
Medium Faded Cyan
| #33CCCC #3CC
Light Cyan- Azure
| #33CCFF #3CF
Green- Green- Spring
| #33FF00 #3F0
Light Hard Green
| #33FF33 #3F3
Light Green- Teal
| #33FF66 #3F6
Light Hard Teal
| #33FF99 #3F9
Light Cyan- Teal
| #33FFCC #3FC
Light Hard Cyan
| #33FFFF #3FF
Visibone color name
RGB value
Obscure Dark Red
| #660000 #600
Obscure Dark Pink
| #660033 #603
Obscure Dark Magenta
| #660066 #606 purple
Dark Violet- Magenta
| #660099 #609
Dark Hard Violet
| #6600CC #60C
Violet- Violet- Blue |
| #6600FF #60F
Obscure Dark Orange
| #663300 #630
Dark Weak Red
| #663333 #633
Dark Weak Magenta
| #663366 #636
Dark Dull Violet
| #663399 #639
Medium Violet- Blue |
| #6633CC #63C
Light Blue- Violet
| #6633FF #63F
Obscure Dark Yellow
| #666600 #660 olive
Dark Weak Yellow
| #666633 #663
Dark Gray
| #666666 #666 silver
Medium Weak Blue |
| #666699 #669
Light Dull Blue |
| #6666CC #66C
Light Faded Blue
| #6666FF #66F
Dark Spring- Yellow
| #669900 #690
Dark Dull Spring
| #669933 #693
Medium Weak Green
| #669966 #696
Medium Weak Cyan
| #669999 #699
Light Dull Azure
| #6699CC #69C
Light Azure- Blue
| #6699FF #69F
Dark Hard Spring
| #66CC00 #6C0
Medium Spring- Green
| #66CC33 #6C3
Light Dull Green
| #66CC66 #6C6
Light Dull Teal
| #66CC99 #6C9
Light Dull Cyan
| #66CCCC #6CC
Light Azure- Cyan
| #66CCFF #6CF
Spring- Spring- Green
| #66FF00 #6F0
Light Green- Spring
| #66FF33 #6F3
Light Faded Green
| #66FF66 #6F6
Light Teal- Green
| #66FF99 #6F9
Light Teal- Cyan
| #66FFCC #6FC
Light Faded Cyan
| #66FFFF #6FF
Dark Faded Red
| #990000 #900
Dark Pink- Red
| #990033 #903
Dark Pink- Magenta
| #990066 #906
Dark Faded Magenta
| #990099 #909
Dark Magenta- Violet
| #9900CC #90C
Violet- Violet- Magenta
| #9900FF #90F
Dark Orange- Red
| #993300 #930
Dark Dull Red
| #993333 #933
Dark Dull Purple
| #993366 #936
Dark Dull Magenta
| #993399 #939
Medium Violet- Magenta
| #9933CC #93C
Light Hard Violet
| #9933FF #93F
Dark Orange- Yellow
| #996600 #960
Dark Dull Orange
| #996633 #963
Medium Weak Red
| #996666 #966
Medium Weak Magenta
| #996699 #969
Light Dull Violet
| #9966CC #96C
Light Violet- Blue
| #9966FF #96F
Dark Faded Yellow
| #999900 #990
Dark Dull Yellow
| #999933 #993
Medium Weak Yellow
| #999966 #996
Light Gray
| #999999 #999
Light Weak Blue
| #9999CC #99C
Pale Dull Blue
| #9999FF #99F
Dark Yellow Spring
| #99CC00 #9C0
Medium Spring Yellow
| #99CC33 #9C3
Light Dull Spring
| #99CC66 #9C6
Light Weak Green
| #99CC99 #9C9
Light Weak Cyan
| #99CCCC #9CC
Pale Dull Azure
| #99CCFF #9CF
Spring- Spring- Yellow
| #99FF00 #9F0
Light Hard Spring
| #99FF33 #9F3
Light Spring- Green
| #99FF66 #9F6
Pale Dull Green
| #99FF99 #9F9
Pale Dull Teal
| #99FFCC #9FC
Pale Dull Cyan
| #99FFFF #9FF
Visibone color name
RGB value
Dark Hard Red
| #CC0000 #C00
Dark Red- Pink
| #CC0033 #C03
Dark Hard Pink
| #CC0066 #C06
Dark Magenta- Pink
| #CC0099 #C09
Dark Hard Magenta
| #CC00CC #C0C
Magenta- Magenta- Violet
| #CC00FF #C0F
Dark Red- Orange
| #CC3300 #C30
Medium Faded Red
| #CC3333 #C33
Medium Pink- Red
| #CC3366 #C36
Medium Pink- Magenta
| #CC3399 #C39
Medium Faded Magenta
| #CC33CC #C3C
Light Magenta- Violet
| #CC33FF #C3F
Dark Hard Orange
| #CC6600 #C60
Medium Orange Red
| #CC6633 #C63
Light Dull Red
| #CC6666 #C66
Light Dull Pink
| #CC6699 #C69
Light Dull Magenta
| #CC66CC #C6C
Light Violet- Magenta
| #CC66FF #C6F
Dark Yellow- Orange
| #CC9900 #C90
Medium Orange- Yellow
| #CC9933 #C93
Light Dull Orange
| #CC9966 #C96
Light Weak Red
| #CC9999 #C99
Light Weak Magenta
| #CC99C #C9C
Pale Dull Violet
| #CC99FF #C9F
Dark Hard Yellow
| #CCCC00 #CC0
Medium Faded Yellow
| #CCCC33 #CC3
Light Dull Yellow
| #CCCC66 #CC6
Light Weak Yellow
| #CCCC99 #CC9
Pale Gray
Pale Weak Blue
Yellow- Yellow- Spring
| #CCFF00 #CF0
Light Yellow- Spring
| #CCFF33 #CF3
Light Spring- Yellow
| #CCFF66 #CF6
Pale Dull Spring
| #CCFF99 #CF9
Pale Weak Green
Pale Weak Cyan
| #FF0000 #F00 red
Red- Red- Pink
| #FF0033 #F03
Pale Pink- Red
| #FF0066 #F06
Pink- Pink- Magenta
| #FF0099 #F09
Magenta- Magenta- Pink
| #FF00CC #F0C
| #FF00FF #F0F fuchsia
Red- Red- Orange
| #FF3300 #F30
Light Hard Red
| #FF3333 #F33
Light Red- Pink
| #FF3366 #F36
Light Hard Pink
| #FF3399 #F39
Light Magenta- Pink
| #FF33CC #F3C
Light Hard Magenta
| #FF33FF #F3F
Orange- Orange- Red
| #FF6600 #F60
Light Red- Orange
| #FF6633 #F63
Light Faded Red
| #FF6666 #F66
Light Pink- Red
| #FF6699 #F69
Light Pink- Magenta
| #FF66CC #F6C
Light Faded Magenta
| #FF66FF #F6F
Orange- Orange- Yellow
| #FF9900 #F90
Light Hard Orange
| #FF9933 #F93
Light Orange- Red
| #FF9966 #F96
Pale Dull Red
| #FF9999 #F99
Pale Dull Pink
| #FF99CC #F9C
Pale Dull Magenta
| #FF99FF #F9F
Yellow- Yellow- Orange
| #FFCC00 #FC0
Light Yellow- Orange
| #FFCC33 #FC3
Light Orange- Yellow
| #FFCC66 #FC6
Pale Dull Orange
| #FFCC99 #FC9
Pale Weak Red
Pale Weak Magenta
| #FFFF00 #FF0 yellow
Light Hard Yellow
| #FFFF33 #FF3
Light Faded Yellow
| #FFFF66 #FF6
Pale Dull Yellow
| #FFFF99 #FF9
Pale Weak Yellow
| #FFFFFF #FFF white
Named colors ||
Top of page ||
Reallysafe palette