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"Showing a Pig at Polk County Fair Junior Livstock Show" My name is Alecia and I'm in 9th grade. For those who enjoy show pigs and livestock shows, I would like to share our progress at the Polk County,and State Fairs in Arkansas.
We bought the pig in June, she was born around the beginning of April. We raised her to show in the county and state fairs. I named her Piglet. When we took her to the fair Sept 8th she weighed 238 pounds and won first place in its class of 12 pigs. {Click on photo to enlarge}
This is Piglet at the age of 4 1/2 months. We were feeding her 4 pounds of MoorMan's ShowTec 194 feed per day. We worm her once a month and always have plenty of water on hand everyday. Keep their pen as clean as you can with wood shavings or hay. Keep them cool in the summer with a fan and warm in the winter with a heater.
"Preparing pig for judging"I gave the pig a bath everyday she was there and then I had to clip her hair for the show to make her look nice. Keep clean shavings in her pen at all times so she doesn't get dirty.
There were 12 pigs in Piglet's weight class. It was the heavest weight class. They picked 5 pigs out of the 12 then those 5 compete for ribbons 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. I won 1st place which was exciting.
"Premium Sale"
This is where local companies and businesses bid on the pigs to help the kids in the junior livestock show. I received a fair amount for my pig from a local bank in Mena.
"Showmanship Showdown" This is where you perform leading your pig around the arena. I didn't do very well in this because my pig was in heat and just wanted to go back to her pen.
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