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Pick Level

Put in FZJFTMR2G8RQ if using Veteran Difficulty or VZRFTMQ2G8SQ if using Recruit Difficulty.

LVL LVL Name Recruit Diff Password Veteran Diff Password 
2 Red Wolf  12D1S2Q22MQQ 1ZL1S2RF2MQQ  
3 Sun Devil  BJDBC3Q22WQQ BJJBC3RF25QQ  
6 Fire Walk  K2TK65Q2F4SQ DJBDCYRFF5RQ  
7 Lion's Den  T2TT68QGF!WQ   
8 Deep Magic  5JR5L1QGGGSQ LZBDS8R2F8RQ  
9 Lone Fox  52T572Q4G4SQ MJB2D1R2G2RQ  
11 Wild Arrow  VZVVXMQ26!SQ FJJFD3R2G5RQ  
12 Mystic Tiger  VZRFTMQ2G8SQ FZJFTMR2G8RQ  

Elite Difficulty Passwords

2 Red Wolf  1ZB1S2S22M?? 
3 Sun Devil  BJBBC3S225?? 
4 Eagle Watch  BZBBSMS22888 
5 Ghost Dance  CJDCCQS2F288 
6 Fire Walk  CZDCSWS2FMQ8 
7 Lion's Den  DJBDCYS2F5?? 
8 Deep Magic  DZBDS8S2F??? 
9 Lone Fox  2JB2D1S2G2?? 
10 Black Star  2ZB2T2S2GM?? 
11 Wild Arrow  FJDFD3S2G5?? 
12 Mystic Tiger  FZDFTMS2G888 

This Cheat/Hint submitted by darrin on Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 16:41:19

The Ultimate Password

Enter This password at the quick start screen or the load campagin screen (no memory cards can be inserted into your controller packs when u enter this password)
Enter this-VZRFTMQ2G8SQ
this password wil also give you access to all levels

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Vinnie From Nc on Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 11:22:41

Tip for the computer hacking thingee mission

This is a hard mission.  You start on the roof.  KILL YOUR TEAM, because they will screw you up in the mission.  It is a good idea to go to into the elevator shaft and then down the ladder.  Once you do so, DO NOT GO OUT THE DOOR!  There will be like two guys outside the door that will shoot you, and you cannot shoot him or you'll be detected.  So, go to the wall opposite of the side and start firing to direct the people over there.  Look on the radar to see if they came over.  Once they do, open the door and run behind the desk and to the right and open the door and shut it.  Immediateley go over to the alarm and turn it off.  Then got to the room with the computer, download the files and complete the mission.  Good luck!

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Huvi450 on Monday, November 29, 1999 at 18:32:13


To beat this level is fairly simple if you follow these steps.  First take one team of guys all the way down into the basement. When you get there throw a bunch of frag grenades to get the guards on the floors above to get distracted. Next take your other team of guys and go into the elevator shaft and down the ladder. Now go out the door and to the right into the door where the alarm goes off.  Close the door and proceed to turn off the alarm. Now quickly go out of the room and head towards the office that has the computer with the files you need to download on it. Go into the room and download the files. Now quickly go back to the roof withotu being seen. There you go that is how I did it and it works. 

This Cheat/Hint submitted by  on Thursday, January 27, 2000 at 18:58:54 


INVALID CODE??This code was reported invalid by Users-You Decide

To get invincibility, press C right. then hold Z, and then hold b, and then QUICKLY press R.  if done right you should have invincibility.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by MysteriousMafioso on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 21:32:22

Tips for not killing hostages:

- Watch your radar
- In some levels you should use not hand-gernades or even flashbangs
- Lock pick kits enable faster opening of doors
- Heart beat sensors enable you to see enemies on your radar in levels that you normally can't
- Assault, Electronics, and demolitions are just some of the specialties team members can have

- Silencers work best on some levels

Download on computer

Start out with two teams with one person on each team. On the "Planning Screen" tell the other person to go wait at the 3rd. floor door.Start the Mission. Take your person and go down the ladder and watch where the guard goes by putting your map on full screen. As soon as he passes the corner, go into the room across the hall and turn the alarm off. Then shut the door. Switch to the other person. Take that person and go through the door and to the right. Go into the room with the computer an download the files. This took me several times.

255 grenades

Throw every grenade in a row full strength.continue even you you get to zero and then it will say you have 255 grenades

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Larry on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 at 23:19:05

Make Operatives Dance

This code is really obvious. All you have to do is repeatedly push up, then down on the control stick while pushing C up.(Or down.)

This Cheat/Hint submitted by A.J.@C.O.O.L on Monday, December 13, 1999 at 18:25:38

Kill armed guards in Deep Magic without being detected

When you start off the level kill all your team because they will mess you up.  You can kill any of the guards with frag grenades as long as they don't see you.  A good way to do this is ricochet grenades off corners of walls so that they will land next to guards.  The guards will be killed and you won't be detected giving you the freedom to roam around as you like.  To kills the guards in floor 3 get next to the farthest elevator box away from the door and shoot your gun at it.  Have your map on full screen.  At lest one guard will immediately go into the open elevator.  The other guard might take a few times to get far aay enough from the door so that he won't see you.  As soon they are by or in the elevator step out the door just barely and chuck a grenade at where the open elevator with full strength.  They will be killed and you can now roam freely.  Good luck!

This Cheat/Hint submitted by George on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 18:11:11

Deep Magic Update

Above or Below is stated that you can kill armed gaurds in the "Deep Magic" mission. You can't. Every time I kill them, then complete the mission (security, download) the mission will not allow me to complete it. And also i have found that firing ANY weapon :::even silenced::: will cause mission failure. The best bet is to fire all your ammo at the beginningof the mission, and use only one teammember to complete it, that way you don't have to kill any teammates

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Yevgeniy Pavlovich Chekov on Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 15:18:16


Here is a fun liitle thing to do.  Make it so you are looking directly into the air.  Throw a combination of flash bangs and frag grenades at full strength into the air and sit back and watch the fire works!

This Cheat/Hint submitted by George on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 18:00:25

Get 255 flash bangs

This is just like how you get 255 grenades. all you have to do is toss all 6 flash bags at top strength. make sure you keep the Z button down, never let go of it. when you get done doing this code, you can have 255 flash bags, and 255 flash bags. 

This Cheat/Hint submitted by bucks. cj on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 13:27:23

Tip For When Flash Bangs Blind you

When a flash bang blinds you and you can't see just throw on your night vision goggles and then you won't be blinded.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Sean on Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 10:28:25

Enemies Surrender

The enemy must be on a floor higher than you (example: on a roof). Make it so he can see you and shoot at you but not hit you. Shoot about 10 or more bullets right above the enemy's head, but do not kill him. Then he should be on his knees surrendering.
Its best to turn "auto target" off in the options.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Sean on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 16:18:28

Inside The Wall Glitch

In level 4: Eagle Watch there is a glitch that will let you get inside the walls.  You start the level and go into the other big room and go into the blue hallway and go straight untill you reach the gold hallway and take a right on the first right in the gold hallway next go straight and take the first left and stop take a look at the wall to your left now walk right into it.  YOUR ARE NOW INSIDE THE WALLS

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Jason and Grant on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 20:15:35

Deep Majic

To kill guards on the level Deep Magic:

All you need to do is go behind them and shoot them.  If you are in front of them they will sound the alarm, but if you shoot them in the back you should be all right.  It is best to use a secondary weapon so that you don't fire unneccesary rounds. 

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Greg Prislipsky on Friday, February 11, 2000 at 09:29:24

Flashbang will not effect you

This trick works in every level. Before entering a room where there are terrorists read these steps carefully, TURN NIGHT VISION ON,THROW FLASH BANG INTO ROOM, QUICKLY SWITCH TO YOUR PRIMARY WEAPON, ENTER ROOM AND KILL ALL  TERRORIST. This trick is affective and takes no skill to master it.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by D-town hustler on Tuesday, January 4, 2000 at 16:09:15
