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A Letter from Lustful

I am writting this letter to all you wonderful lovely people that i have be en I am writting this letter to all you wonderful lovely people that i have been blessed to know since first coming to ampland. You have touched my heart one by one. The bond in which we have made by simply typeing words is amazeing.
Who knew that this room would creat deep deep love that i know will personaly go on for the rest of our lifes. The things we say or the way we act to each other when chatting in ampland can either hurt someone very much .... or brighten their day.

I know that my life and my heart has been forever changed because of you wonderful people. I want to thank you and tell you how much you truely mean to me. I find myself smiling everytime i see the room fill up with the regs whom all love one another so much ...... my darling jeffers .... strummer carma abbs hope tee dear Rave and so many more .... lol need i mention the big boss .... our landlord MR. Rant lol.

Well , i guess by now you all can see how much i adore you ,,,, i just wanted to tell you! ,,,, and i pray each and every night that you stay happy safe and well
l oved.
Hugs and Kisses i give to you . ..

All My Love now and Always,


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