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Many have seen him by many other nicks but most of the regulars know cory as the dawg. This is what cory has to say:

"It's been a long 4 or 5 years since I first came to amp and really it was al4a that was the hotspot at the time. When i first got there rant drug me over to ampland and we was lucky to have 3 or 4 people at a time in there. I was made op, me and rant fished, sang, thenstarted dragging more and more people in. I'm not sure whne the flip was made but amp became the disco dancin soul singing place we all love now a days, theres been so many people in and out of there. Sometimes its like a revolving door. Love can be found and lost in there, and its not always just lust and puppy love but real true love. me and tee are coming up on 3 years together and I've been one of the lucky ones to be able to meet my one true love and I'm still plannin on being one of them funny talkin down under people one of these days." - Cory

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