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Alabama talent makes it big on American Idol

The following story and link are being used with permission. This article was written by Eric Mann, assistant arts and entertainment editor of

Ruben Studdard has gained favorable recognition from tough judge, but his real achievement is being a good role model for teens.

Tuesday night on Fox's incredibly popular overblown national talent show "American Idol 2," the usually straight forward and downright rude judge Simon told Birmingham native Ruben Studdard he ought to be voted this season's American idol.

Simon's vote of confidence was huge, given that he verbally blasted every other contestant on the show that night, despite the cheers of the crowd and encouraging words given by the other judges. Simon has never been one to hide what he really thinks from the public. His comments often bring tears to the eyes of contestants and incite loud rounds of "boos" from the live audience.

However, Simon might be right about Ruben Studdard. Every week Ruben proves to the judges, audience and American people that good things do grow out of Alabama besides football and Courtney Cox-Arquette. In fact, Ruben's rapidly growing fan base is sending the Birmingham boy-made-good into superstardom. Every week hundreds of fans pile into the American Idol studio sporting "205" jerseys, Ruben shirts and flashing home made signs with his big teddy bear smile plastered on them.

I signed up to be a part of the official Ruben Studdard Internet message board to find out exactly what it is that makes people love him. I posted a few questions about Ruben and expected two or three replies about how cute he is or about his amazing voice. What makes fans want to pay upwards of $150 for an oversized 205 jersey from JC Penney? What is behind the wave of Ruben fanaticism? I was surprised when after only one hour, Ruben fanatics were sending me emails from parts as far away as Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

Wendy Renicky, a resident of Manheim, Pennsylvania and graduate of The University of Alabama believes Ruben is the perfect role model.

"What a positive role model he is for the average non-perfect teen. He is funny, genuine and an all around good guy. And what talent! I'm so happy to see America looking beyond physical image to where the real talent lies... inside. I think Ruben will do my home state proud," Renicky said.

After all, Ruben isn't your average superstar. He towers over the rest of the contestants, and looks like he could out eat anyone on the panel, even large judge Randy Jackson. His enormous stature is uncommon, but then again so is his larger than life talent and his lovable personality. Ruben always has a smile on his face and still shies up when being interviewed by Ryan Seacrest, the show's emcee.

Barbara Thurlow of Washington, D.C. believes if Ruben doesn't win the contest he will still be a success in the music business.

"If Ruben doesn't win (i.e. if America gets it wrong), Ruben has already guaranteed a successful career for himself. With that smooth voice, and that kind of stage presence, he is sure to be a hit. Birmingham should be proud," Thurlow said.

One thing is for sure, Ruben Studdard has represented the state of Alabama and the city of Birmingham very well. His talent is head and shoulders above the rest of the contestants on "American Idol 2" and even Simon sees it.

"He makes it look so effortless - he is obviously a natural talent. It's like the earth is singing below him, and he just opens up his mouth to let it out," Thurlow said.

This story was written by Eric Mann,, and was edited by Jennifer Coakley,

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