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Vosk Cove Slave Rules

Slaves will prostrate and beg to greet when first entering this realm.

Order of greeting: Your Owner, Ubar/City Administrator of the home, Ubara, visiting Rulers, First Sword, Second Sword, visitings Swords, Masters of the home, visiting Masters, Mistress's of the home, visiting Mistress's, Panther girls/ Taluna, first boy/girl of the home, brothers and sisters.

When addressing or greeting a Free ALWAYS capitalize names and personal pronouns. Greet indirectly, for example: Greetings Master in black or to my right, or Greetings Mistress in white. You may however use titles, example: Greetings Master at Arms or Greetings Ubara.

If the gender of a Free Person is unknown try whispering to another slave to find out or watch other slaves greet, if you nay get an answer then greet as a Master, if this is incorrect beg forgiveness and permission to greet again.

Greet each person individually, package deals are a sign of a lazy slave. However should the room have more than 10 people you may greet collectively by Greetings Master's in one post, Mistress's in another. slaves must ALWAYS be greeted in seperate post to the Free.

You must beg permission to greet new arrivals from the Free Persons you are in service to, this only need be done once by begging permission to greet freely.

Beg permission to leave, be right fact beg permission to do anything, if not answered by the second time you are free to go.

All slaves will speak in 3rd person, eg: this girl, this boy, he, she, her or not use I, me, my, myself etc unless given permission by your Owner, for Master/Mistress.

Only speak freely if given permission to do so, either by begging permission or being told to do so, but do not abuse this right or you may be told to hush it.

The slave will exercise caution when entering discussions with the Free, they must show respect at all times and beg permission to join in. The slave will remember that it is NOT the place of a slave to correct a Free Person at any time.

The Slaver of the Homestone looks after all slaves who enter this realm, collared or not. He/She is here to ensure your safety, this goes for visitors too.

Remember slaves own nothing, they cannot touch weapons without the permission of a Free. They must not touch money, they may carry it in the mouth or with their lips.

Relationships between slaves will be one of comradeship, bickering between slaves will NOT be tolerated!

White silk slaves will not serve unless granted indulgence for any mistakes they make. In other words let the Free know your capabilities, this way the Free cannot come down on you for errors.

When serving NO other activity must be acknowledged. No greeting, comment or question from anyone unless tis the Free you are serving. your total concentration must be on the One you serve.

If there is an arguement between the Free 'tis best to stay silent. It is highly advised to whisper at this time.

If you feel threatened in any way contact a Free Person or fg of this realm imediately, the matter will be dealt with.

All disputes regarding a slave will be bought to the attention fo the Owner and dealt with by the Owner. Only the Owner may discipline a slave. this does nay mean you can show disrespect whilst your Owner is absent for He/She will be notified.

Things to Remember.

The principal requirement of a slave is to be pleasing.
The primary purpose of a slave is to serve the Free.
The two duties of a slave are...Exquisite Beauty and Absolute Obedience.
A Master may not always be right...however he is NEVER Wrong.

Slave Creed.
He is Master, I am slave.
He is Owner, I am Owned.
He is to be pleased, I am to please.
Why is this? Because
He is Master, I am slave.

Vosk Cove


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