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What Would the Founders Think?

What would our founders of all Greek organizations think if they saw us today?

Would they be proud, or would they shake their head in dismay?

Would they see the principles they believed in our daily walk, or would they be disappointed in the trash we talk?

Would they look from above with a smile on their face, or would they be looking down with shame and disgrace?

Would they see that Sisterhood and Brotherhood was still within us, or would they see backstabbing, fighting, and all kinds of fuss?

Would they see us willingly accepting all correction, or would they see us always mounting an objection?

Would they see us loving our Greek-lettered Sisters and Brothers, saying no matter what color they wear we must stand for each other?

Would they see that service was still number one, or would they see that it was replaced by the need to have fun?

Would they see you stepping with pride on Friday night and then up on Saturday to help the homeless plight?

Or would Saturday morning meet you snuggled in bed, while the need is ignored and our community unfed?

Would they see that scholarship was still our priority, or are we more concerned with pledging the cool sorority or fraternity?

Would they look at your pledges and be filled with memories, or would they gasp in horror as you twist their history?

Would they see us graduating at the top of our class, or are we barely scraping by with just enough to pass?

So I ask you, my generation, what will our legacy be?

Will we be the ones to bring our organization to its knees?

Will we sit idly by and watch our legacy ripped from our hearts, or will we stand up and say that it's time that we do our part?

Will I see you in the front row at our next business meeting?

Are you financial, active, and ready to have delegate seating?

Imagine what could happen if collegiates took their rightful place.

Would the founders then look down with a smile on their face?

Imagine if we remember our founding principles and the oath we said, and keep it ever close to us in our hearts and head.

I think then the founders would look down, their hearts about to bust as they say to each other 'Hey, don't they remind you of US?'

So, the next time you put on your letters, before you move or blink, with every action, look up, and wonder...What would the founders think?

Bro. Juan Woods, Gamma Iota and Xi Beta Sigma