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My Greatest Gift

If only words could describe

If only I could make you see

How much my greatest gift

Is so much a part of me

You were there to make me laugh

You were there to wipe my tears

You were there to pick me up

To protect me from my fears

If you had only one breath left

To me you would give

You would gladly give your life

If the price of your death is that I should live

Like a pile f clay

A sculptor is your role

To show me the good from the bad

My life you try to mold

If I am the Earth, in search of warmth

I need your rays, you are my sun

My life truly started

The day our lives begun

When my branches reach for the sky

The day you call me grown

Have no fear, my roots are strong

I will never be alone

There will come a time

There will come a day

When I am ripe

Some one will pluck me away

When I hit life's obstacles

When I run into a wall

You've taught me to continue to climb

You will catch me if I fall

I place you on the highest shelf

A trophy for all to see

To them you are just an organization

But you are the Greatest Gift to Me...

Soror Tammy Rembert