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If you should feel sorrow or pain,

Let me share it with you, and hold you close.

If you should feel happiness or joy,

I will rejoice, and we will dance and sway,

Laughter our song of praise.

Every tear that you weep, I shall catch,

And turn them into rainbow gems,

Place them into Mother Earth where they shall grow and bloom.

For Every smile that you smile, Ten-thousand of like kind will lighten many a load,

And traveling at the speed of light, will return to you three-fold.

We are joined through sisterhood.

And as generations of women gone before,

We are as individual as the sun and moon.

But tempered of the same fire, therefore we are AS ONE,

And in that word 'SISTERHOOD,' are the ties with which we are bound.

Soror Dawn Shumpert, Zeta Mu Chapter