Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh
{Not By Just Having Heard}, (Romans 10:17)}.


How To Have A Long Life:

Psalm 34:12-13; 1 Peter 3:10
Psalm 34:12-13 12 Who Is The Person Who Desires Life, And Loves Many Days, That He May See Good?
13 Keep Your Tongue From Evil, And Your Lips From Speaking Deceit.

1 Peter 3:10 For, “They Who Would Love Life And See Good Days, Let Them Refrain Their Tongue From Evil, And Their Lips From Speaking Deceit, {No Guile, Speaking Lies}. Both Isaiah 53:9 And 1 Peter 2:22 Said This About Yahoshua, “There Was No Deceit In His MHave What You SayUTH”, “{Strong’s Concordance ~ (H4820); Definition Of Deceit Used In Isaiah 53:9 Reads, “Fraud, Deceit. The Term Signifies The Intentional Misleading Of Someone Else Through Distorting or Withholding The Truth”}.  In Other Words, Yahoshua Did Not Say One Thing; Then Do Another.

Proverbs 18:20-21; Matthew 12:37; Psalm 34:12-13; 1 Peter 3:10.
Death And Life Are In The Power Of The TongueWhat You Say Determines Your Outcome~!  All The Time, Not Just When Situations Get Rough.  What’s Coming Out Of Your Mouth Is Like A Water Shut Off Value.  Either It’s Off or It’s Allowing Water To Come Out, Even If It’s Just A Trickle.



Write Them On The Door Posts Of Your House~!

Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh Over And Over And Over Again, {Not From Having Heard},

(Joshua 1:8; Jeremiah 15:16;
Psalm 1:2-3; Romans 10:17

Yahweh Said In Mark 4:24 That The More Time That You Spend Meditating Over And Over Again The Same Passage or Verse That The More Understanding Yahweh Will Reveal About That Passage.  Mark 4:24 ~ “Then He Said To Them, Be Careful What You Are Hearing. The Measure [Of Thought And Study] You Give [To The Truth You Hear] Will Be The Measure [Of Virtue And Knowledge] That Comes Back To You—And More [Besides] Will Be Given To You Who Hear”.  Romans 10:17 Repeats This Emphasis, “So Then Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh ”.  Hearing And Hearing ~ Not Just Reading One Time, But By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh ~ ~!

Joshua 1:8~ This Book Of The Law Shall Not Depart Out Of Your Mouth, But You Shall Meditate On It Day And Night, That You May Observe And Do According To ALL That Is Written In It.  For Then You Shall Make Your Way Prosperous, And Then You Shall Deal Wisely And Have Good Success.

Proverbs 8:35 Says, “For Whoever Finds Me Finds Life, And Obtains Favor From Yahweh.  So Yahweh Is Worth Finding, , {Because When You Find Yahweh You Find Life};”. But, How Do You Find Yahweh?  Proverbs 8:17 Gives Us A Clue, “I Love Those Who Love Me, And Those Who Seek Me Diligently Will Find Me”, And Jeremiah 29:13 Gives Us Another Clue, “And You Will Seek Me And Find [Me,] When You Search For Me With ALL Your Heart”.



Seek Yahweh With ALL Your Heart, And You Shall Know Him, And Hear His Voice ALL The Time~!

This Is What We Are Instructed To With Yahweh’s Words.

Proverbs 4:20-24~
20 My Child*, Give Attention To My WORDS; “Incline Your Ear To My Sayings”, (*ESV)
    My Child*, Pay Attention To What I Say; “Turn Your Ear To My WORDS”, (*NIV)
    My Child*, Give Ear To My Words And Incline Your Ear To My Speech, (*Aramaic Bible In Plain English).
21 Do NOT Let Them Depart From Your Eyes; Keep Them In The Midst Of Your Heart;
22 For They Are Life To Those Who Find Them, And Health To All Their Flesh.
23 Keep Your Heart With All Diligence, For Out Of It Springs The Issues Of Life.
24 Put Away From You A Deceitful Mouth, And Put Perverse Lips Far From You.

*  {or My Daughter, or My Son, My Child, See Strong’s Concordance #H1121}.



I Will Take Sickness Away From The Midst Of You~!

Proverbs 2:1-6, (Amplified Bible Classic Edition)
1 “My Child, If You Receive My WORDS, And Treasure My Commands Within You,
2 So That You, “Incline Your Ear” To Wisdom, [And] Apply Your Heart To Understanding;
3 Yes, If You Cry Out For Discernment, [And] Lift Up Your Voice For Understanding,
4 If You Seek Her As Silver, And Search For Her As [For] Hidden Treasures ;
5 Then You Will Understand The Fear Of Yahweh, And Find The Knowledge Of Yahweh.
6 For Yahweh Gives Wisdom; From His Mouth [Come] Knowledge * And Understanding.

* [This Knowledge Would Include Knowing Yahweh’s Will~!]  How Do You Search For Hidden Treasures?  Use A Metal Detector For Surface Finds.  You Should Look Up How The Geologists Find Oil, And Work At Least As Much As They Do To Find Natural Gas or Oil To Seek For Knowledge, Understanding And Wisdom From Yahweh, Our Creator~!

Exodus 23:25-26 ~
25 So You Shall Serve The Lord Your God, And He Will Bless Your Bread And Your Water.
And I Will Take Sickness Away From The Midst Of You.
26 No One Shall Suffer Miscarriage or Be Barren In Your Land; I Will Fulfill The Number Of Your Days

And We Say It So Much, (Like Everyday), That When My Wife Has Started To Feel Sick, She Has Said To Me, “We Need To Eat~!  I Said, “What?”  My Wife Said, “You Need To Speak That Blessing Over Us”.  That’s Funny, But It Has A Truth In It.

We Need To Get So Filled Up With God’s That When Trials or Temptations Come That The First Thing That Comes Out Of Our Mouth Is What God Says About The Situation, {Because We Have What We Say ~ (Mark 11:23)}.  And You Don’t Have To Read The Entire Scriptures.  Perhaps Just A Specific Set Of Verses That Pertain To Your Circumstances.

Well, I Found That Proverbs 4:21-24 Says That The Words Of Yahweh Concerning You, “That They Are Life To Those That Find Them And Health To Your Whole Body~!”  For Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh Over And Over And Over Again, {Not From Having Heard}, Romans 10:17.



You Shall Write Them On The Doorposts Of Your House~!

Furthermore, We Are Instructed Not To Let Yahweh’s Words Depart From Our Eyes, (Proverbs 4:20-24~)~!  How Do You Meditate On The Word Of Yahweh?  Deuteronomy 6:9 Says, “You Shall Write Them On The Doorposts Of Your House, And On Your Gates”.  So, In Today’s Terms, I Would Take The Scriptures Up On This And Make Up Some 3” By 5” Index Cards And Hand-Write Scriptures Such As Philippians 3:13-14; or Psalm 34:1-22; or Psalm 91:1-16 or Other Scriptures On Them.

Place These 3” By 5” Index Cards ALL Over Your House Such As On The Gate Of Your Refrigerator, (At About Eye Level), or On The Make-Up Mirror or The Mirror Where You Brush Your Teeth or The Dashboard / Speedometer / Visor Of Your Vehicle And Read Them While At A Red Light, (or While You’re Waiting, {Not Driving}, or At A Parking Lot Waiting For The Children To Get Out Of School, or Waiting For Someone Else, etc).

Also Put Them In Your Lunchbox. Record Them With Your Cell Phone, And Have Them Play Back To You. Put Post It Notes On Your Computer. or Your Refrigerator or Let Your Computer Send Yahweh’s Word Across The Screen As A Screensaver. Place Them Above A Light Switch Like In Your Bedroom, Just Before You Go To Bed or In Your Closet So That You Can Read Them While You Change Clothes or In Front Of The Toilet~!

Make Flash Cards And Place These On The Inside Of Coat or A Jacket So You Can Read While You’re On An Elevator / Escalator or A Passenger In A Vehicle, (Car, Truck, Train, Bus, Airplane, Subway), or “While You’re In The Dentist or The Doctor’s Office”.

So, That When d—Evil One Gets Inside Your Mind And Says, “You’ll Never Blah, Blah, Blah”, Then You’ll Be Equipped And Ready So That You Can Take All Thoughts Captive, (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).



Take No Thought Saying~!

Yahoshua Said To “Take No Thought Saying”, (Matthew 6:31-34 ), And d-Evil One Is So Sly He Will Come To You And Talk To You And Make It Sound Like It Is Your Voice Inside Your Head When It Is Really d-Evil One’s Thoughts And Before You May Even Realize It, You’re Saying Something That d-Evil One Put The Thoughts In Your Head And Then You’re Going To Have What You Say, (Mark 11:23)}.

But If You Put The Scripture In You Then When These Occurrences Happen, You Will Recognize That and Say, “Hey ~ Wait A Minute… That’s Not My Thought For The Scripture Says”, And Then Quote The Specific Scripture.  But The Word Has To Be In Your Heart For This To Happen Not Just In Your Head, (Psalm 119:11 ~ Your Word I Have Hidden In My Heart, That I Might Not Sin Against You).

And The Way You Get Things Deeply Rooted Into Your Heart Is By Meditating On Them Over And Over And Over And Over Again, (Romans 10:17).  There Is A Big Difference From Just Being Calm, (Not Being Anxious), And Actually Recognizing And Rebuking A Thought And Taking It Captive.

Mark 4:24 ~
24 Then He Said To Them, “Take Heed What You Hear.  With The Same Measure You Use, It Will Be Measured To You; And To You Who Hear, More Will Be Given”.

On The Dining Table, (Have The Whole Family Read It Together or Make A Fun Game Out It, And Make It An Earned Privilege For Each Child To Read One, {They’ll Be Eagerly Anticipating Who Can Read It Tonight}).  Make Cross-Stitches, And Hang Them In Your Living Room Around Your Television.  Listen To The Old And The New Testaments With Audio Media.  Post These So That When You’re At A Quiet Time You Can Pause And Reflect On These Great Truths From Yahweh, Our Heavenly Father “Who Desires All People To Be Saved, {Sozo} And Come To Full Knowledge Of The Truth”, (1 Timothy 2:4)~!

You Might Have To Put Scriptures Up To Get It Into Your Heart About The Fact That Yahweh’s Word Be True. This Will Serve As Your Armor That You Are To Put On Daily Like You Put On Clothes. Then Begin To Find A New Scripture About Once A Month And Repeat The Index Card Thing. If You’re Really New To ALL This, You’re Not Going To Have A Clue Where Any Of This Is Found, So You’re Very Welcomed And Encouraged To Email Me, And I’ll Be Glad To Help You Get Established, And On A Solid Foundation.  Getting Scripture Down Into You Is Like Flossing Your Teeth.

My Dentist Advised Me To Brush Daily And To Floss Regularly.  Unfortunately, I Did Not Take His Advice Some 25 Years Ago, {I Should Have Heeded Your Advice Dr. Segrest}, And Now Despite The Fact That I Have Seen Healings, I Am Replacing My Teeth With Dentures, (It’s Okay, I’ll Look Like George Clooney).  However, In The Same Exact Way That My Dentist Constantly Told Me To Floss, You Might Think I’m Harping On Scriptures, And Trying Hard To Get You To And Committing Them To Memory~!  This Is How We Get Them Established Deep Down In Our Heart, Because One Day, We’re Going To Need The Word Of Yahweh To Survive The Onslaught As d—Evil One Will Wait For A More Opportune Time To Attack You With, {He Did So With Yahoshua, And He’ll Probably Do So With Us, (Luke 4:13).  Men or Women Cannot Live By Bread Alone, (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4)}, But By EVERY WORD That Proceeds From The Mouth Of God.



Be Prepared and Ready Now For The Future~!

d-Evil One Won’t Lay On The Heavy Attack On You Now, While You’re Young And Strong And Praying Every Day, or Having A Devotion.  He Doesn’t Want To Lose.  So, He’s Going To Wait Until A More Opportune Time, {Like When You’re In The Throes Of Labor Having A Baby, (1 Timothy 2:15); or When A Job Might Come To A Close, or The Loss Of Loved One, or Maybe Even He’ll Wait Until After You Retire}. Well, It’s A Lot Easier To Build Up Faith Now, While You Are Young And Healthy, And Have A Sharp Mind Than It May Be Later On In Life.  It’s Like Doing Exercise, So That If A Thief Tries To Break Into Your House And Wants To Wrestle You To The Ground, That’s Not The Time To Do 30 Push-Ups, or To Forget Where You Put The Handgun.  You Can’t Run A Vehicle Very Long Without Oil, And You Can’t Run Very Long Without The Word Of Yahweh.  So, Heed My Advice And Really Make These 3 x 5 Flash Cards~!

In The Movie, “City Slickers”, Curly Tells Mitch About The Secret Of Life, And Says That There’s Just One Thing, And Then Leaves That Stone Unturned By Not Telling What That One Thing Is, And Says That It Is Something That Each Person Must Discover For Themselves.  Well, The Scriptures Gives Us Some Clues As To What That One Thing Is.  Yahoshua Told Martha That Mary Had Found That One Thing Is Needful, And That Is To Listen To Yahoshua, (Luke 10:38-42).

I Do Not Count Myself To Have Apprehended; But One Thing I Do, [It Is My One Aspiration]: Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind And Reaching, (Straining), Forward To Those Things Which Are Ahead, I Press On Toward The Goal To Win The [Supreme And Heavenly] Prize To Which God In Ha Mashiach Yahoshua Is Calling Us Upward, (Philippians 3:13-14).  So, I Would Say That Is The One Thing”.

Joshua 1:5 ~ 5 No Person Shall Be Able To Stand Before You All The Days Of Your Life; As I Was With Moses, So I Will Be With You. I Will Not Leave You Nor Forsake You.

Psalm 1:1-3 ~ 1 Blessed (Happy, Fortunate, Prosperous, And Enviable) Is The Man or Woman Who Walks And Lives Not In The Counsel Of The Ungodly [Following Their Advice, Their Plans And Purposes], Nor Stands [Submissive And Inactive] In The Path Where Sinners Walk, Nor Sits Down [To Relax And Rest] Where The Scornful [And The Mockers] Gather.
2 But Their Delight And Desire Are In The Law Of The Lord, And On His Law (The Precepts, The Instructions, The Teachings Of God) They Habitually Meditate (Ponders And Studies) By Day And By Night
3 And They Shall Be Like A Tree Firmly Planted [And Tended] By The Streams Of Water, Ready To Bring Forth Its Fruit In Its Season; Its Leaf Also Shall Not Fade Or Wither; And Everything He Does Shall Prosper [And Come To Maturity].

Jeremiah 17:7-8 ~ 7 [Most] Blessed Is The Man Who Believes In, Trusts In, And Relies On Yahweh, And Whose Hope And Confidence Yahweh Is.
8 For He Shall Be Like A Tree Planted By The Waters That Spreads Out Its Roots By The River; And It Shall Not See And Fear When Heat Comes; But Its Leaf Shall Be Green.  It Shall Not Be Anxious And Full Of Care In The Year Of Drought, Nor Shall It Cease Yielding Fruit.

Psalm 119:11, 105 ~ 11 Your Word I Have Hidden In My Heart, That I Might Not Sin Against You~!
105 Your Word Is A Lamp To My Feet And A Light To My Path



Diet, Exercise And Plenty Of Sleep~!

I Went From 209 lbs. To 187.4 lbs. Using Thomas DeLauer Intermittent Fasting Techniques… {Which You Can Watch On YouTube}.  Basically I Don’t Eat Until After 3-4 pm, M-W-F, And I Take Vitamins For Supplement. If You Do It Everyday, It Won’t Work, Because You Are Tricking Your Body To Burn Fat, And Extending Your Night Fast, (Skipping Break~Fast {Where You Break The Fast From The Previous Night}). Another Discovery Is That Is Combine This With Prayer~Walking My Neighborhood 3-5 Times A Week, I Really Thin Up.

Intermittent Fasting Like On Monday-Wednesday-Friday, (or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday), Did Some Other Things, Like It Shrank My Stomach, Meaning That I Would Feel Full after eating About A Forth To A Half A Meal And So I Would Put That Food In The Fridge And Eat It Later On.  It Got Where I Didn’t Eat Near The Amount That I Used To, Even On The Days Where I Ate Normally.  If I Went To A Mexican Restaurant, I Would Immediately Ask For A "To-Go" Box And Put Half Of The Meal In The Box For Tomorrow’s Lunch.  Intermittent Fasting Works By Tricking Your Body To Burn The Stored Fat For Energy, But It Doesn’t Work If You Do It Too Often As Your Body Will Adapt And Won’t Be Fooled.

But, I Think The Big Helper Was When I Started Walking About 2.91 Miles Three Times A Week… I’ve Heard That If You Can Exercise Three Times A Week For 30 Minutes Each Time You Will Build Up Your Metabolism.  I Got Where I Would Walk Five Times A Week For About 51 Minutes At A Brisk Pace.  That Seemed To Bring My Body Back Into Tone Rapidly, (Again, Don’t Overdo It, If You Feel Your Legs Cramping, Then Don’t Walk That Day, And Hydrate And Possibly Consider Getting Some Magnesium Supplement As A Magnesium Deficiency Might Cause Cramping, I Would Drink About 20 Ounces Of Water About 10-15 Minutes Before My Walk).  And Get A Walking Buddy.  Another Person To Talk To Along The Way, Makes The Journey Pleasant And Might Keep You Safer.  Get A Dog, And You Won’t Have To Encourage Yourself To Do The Brisk Pace~!

My Knees Used To Ache Going Up And Down The Stairs And Now They Don’t.  I Don’t Think It’s Just Weight Loss, But Also The Strengthening Of The Muscles Surrounding My Knees.

Oh Yeah, One Other Benefit.  Except Tonight, Because I Overate Too Much Lasagna Too Late At Night, I Sleep Better With Regular Exercise.  I Found That I Couldn’t Sleep Much, {Maybe Too Much Blue Light Exposure From SmartPhones, Tablets, TV, or The Computer, Fluorescent Light Bulbs, LED (Light-Emitting Diode) Bulbs}… Blue Light Messes With Your Body’s Ability To Prepare For Sleep Because It Blocks A Hormone Called Melatonin That Makes You Sleepy.  But, Research Indicates That Exercise—In Particular, Regular Exercise That’s Part Of A Consistent Routine—Can Help Boost Sleep Duration, In Addition To Sleep Quality.  Reduce Stress And Relieve Anxiety.  A Regular Exercise Routine Can Help To Reduce Your Stress Levels.  Thankfulness Is Also A Factor.

Diet, Exercise, Plenty Of Sleep… This Sounds Like Something I’ve Heard Doctors Say All My Life.  You Don’t Have To Go Overboard, But Exercise Three Times A Week For At Least 30 Minutes Each Time.  Don’t Eat Until 2-3 pm or Later 3-4 Times A Week, (Depending On Your Weight For Your Body Type.  A Large & Tall Man Can Fast Longer Than A Petite Woman… So, Don’t Overdo It.  And Drink Plenty Of Water, 7-8 Glasses A Day, And Stay Off All Products That Contain High Fructose Corn Syrup, (Sierra Mist, or Mexican Coke or Mexican Soft Drinks, or Homemade Sweet Decaffeinated Louisiana Tea Are About The Only Products That I Know That Contain Sugar).

Once You’ve Done This For 21 Days It Starts To Work.  You’ll Feel Like You Are Young And Have Your Energy Back~!



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part I}

2 Peter 1:3-10 ~
3 As His Divine Power Has Given To Us All Things That Pertain To Life And Godliness, Through The Knowledge Of Him Who Called Us By Glory And Virtue,
4 By Which Have Been Given To Us Exceedingly Great And Precious Promises, That Through These You May Be Partakers Of The Divine Nature, Having Escaped The Corruption That Is In The World Through Lust.
5 But Also For This Very Reason, Giving All Diligence, Add To Your Faith Virtue, To Virtue Knowledge,
6 To Knowledge Self-Control, To Self-Control Perseverance, To Perseverance Godliness,
7 To Godliness Kindred Kindness, And To Kindred Kindness Love.
8 For If These Things Are Yours And Abound, You Will Be Neither Barren Nor Unfruitful In The Knowledge Of Our Lord Yahoshua Ha Mashiach.
9 For He Who Lacks These Things Is Shortsighted, Even To Blindness, And Has Forgotten That He Was Cleansed From His Old Sins.
10 Therefore, Sisters And Brothers, Be More Diligent To Make Your Calling And Election Sure.  For If You Do These Things, You Will Never Stumble~!



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part II}

Joshua 1:8 ~
8 This Book Of The Law Shall Not Depart Out Of Your Mouth, But You Shall Meditate On It Day And Night, That You May Observe And Do According To ALL That Is Written In It.  For Then You Shall Make Your Way Prosperous, And Then You Shall Deal Wisely And Have Good Success.

Proverbs 3:5~
5 Trust In Yahweh With All Your Heart, And Lean Not On Your Own Understanding.

Proverbs 3:1-2, 8, 16, 22-23~

1 MY SON, Forget Not My Law or Teaching, But Let Your Heart Keep My Commandments;
2 For Length Of Days And Years Of A Life [Worth Living] And Tranquility Inward And Outward And Continuing Through Old Age Till Death], These Shall They Add To You.
8  It Will Be Health To Your Body, And Nourishment To Your Bones.
16 Length Of Days Is In Her Right Hand.  In Her Left Hand Are Riches And Honor.
22 So They Will Be Life To Your Soul, And Grace For Your Neck.
23 Then You Shall Walk In Your Way Securely.  Your Foot Won’t Stumble.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part III}

Proverbs 4:20-24~

20 My Child, Give Attention To My Words; Incline Your Ear To My Sayings.
{My Child, Give Ear To My Words And Incline Your Ear To My Speech, (Aramaic Bible In Plain English)}
21 Do Not Let Them Depart From Your Eyes ; Keep Them In The Midst Of Your Heart;
22 For They Are Life To Those Who Find Them, And Health To Your Whole Body~!
23 Keep Your Heart With All Diligence, For Out Of It Springs The Issues Of Life.
24 Put Away From You A Deceitful ‘Mouth’, And Put Perverse Lips Far From You.

Proverbs 8:35~
35 For Whoever Finds Me [Wisdom] Finds Life And Draws Forth And Obtains Favor From Yahweh.

Proverbs 7:1-2~
1 MY SON, Keep My Words; Lay Up Within You My Commandments [For Use When Needed] And Treasure Them.
2 Keep My Commandments And Live, And Keep My Law And Teaching As The Apple, (The Pupil), Of Your Eye.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part IV}

Proverbs 9:10-11~
10 The Reverent And Worshipful Fear Of Yahweh Is The Beginning (The Chief And Choice Part) Of Wisdom, And The Knowledge Of The Holy One Is Insight And Understanding.
11 For By Me [Wisdom From God] Your Days SHALL Be Multiplied, And The Years Of Your Life SHALL Be Increased.

  • Proverbs 4:13 ~
    Take Firm Hold Of Instruction, Do Not Let Go; Keep Her, For She Is Your Life.
  • Proverbs 5:23 ~
    They Shall Die For Lack Of Instruction, And In The Greatness Of His Folly He Shall Go Astray.
  • Proverbs 6:23 ~
    For The Commandment Is A Lamp, And The Law A Light ; Reproofs Of Instruction Are The Way Of Life.
  • Proverbs 10:17 ~
    He Who Keeps Instruction Is In The Way Of Life, But He Who Refuses Correction Goes Astray.
  • Proverbs 16:22 ~
    Understanding Is A WellSpring Of Life To Him Who Has It.  But The Correction Of Fools Is Folly.

Exodus 23:25-26~
25 You SHALL Serve Yahweh Your God; He Shall BLESS Your Bread And Water, And I WILL Take Sickness From Your Midst.
26 None SHALL Lose Her Young By Miscarriage or Be Barren In Your Land; I WILL Fulfill The Number Of Your Days.

Exodus 20:12 ~
12 Honor Your Father And Your Mother, That Your Days May Be Long Upon The Land Which The Lord Your God Is Giving You.

Deuteronomy 4:40 ~
40 You Shall Keep His Statutes, And His Commandments, Which I Command You Today, That It May Go Well With You, And With Your Children After You, And That You May Prolong Your Days In The Land, Which Yahweh Your God Gives You, Forever.

Deuteronomy 6:2~
2 That You Might Fear Yahweh Your God, To Keep All His Statutes And His Commandments, Which I Command You; You, And Your Children, And Your Children’s Child, All The Days Of Your Life; And That Your Days May Be Prolonged.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part V}

Deuteronomy 11:9, 11, 16, 21, 23~
9 And That You May Prolong Your Days In The Land, Which Yahweh Swore To Your Fathers To Give To Them And To Their Offspring, A Land Flowing With Milk And Honey.
11 But The Land, Where You Go Over To Possess It, Is A Land Of Hills And Valleys Which Drinks Water From The Rain Of The Sky.
16 Be Careful, Lest Your Heart Be Deceived, And You Turn Aside, And Serve Other Gods, And Worship Them;
21 Listen, That Your Days May Be Multiplied, And The Days Of Your Children, In The Land Which Yahweh Swore To Your Fathers To Give Them, As The Days Of The Heavens Above The Earth.
23 Then Will Yahweh Drive Out All These Nations From Before You, And You Shall Dispossess Nations Greater And Mightier Than Yourselves.

Deuteronomy 16:20~
20 You Shall Follow That Which Is Altogether Just, That You May Live, And Inherit The Land Which Yahweh Your God Gives You.

Deuteronomy 25:15~
15 You Shall Have A Perfect And Just Weight.  You Shall Have A Perfect And Just Measure, That Your Days May Be Long In The Land Which Yahweh Your God Gives You.

Deuteronomy 33:25~
25 Your Bars Will Be Iron And Brass As Your Days, So Your Strength Will Be.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part VI}

Joshua 1:7-8 ~
7 Only Be Strong And Very Courageous, That You May Observe To Do According To All The Law Which Moses My Servant Commanded You; Do Not Turn From It To The Right Hand or To The Left, That You May Prosper Wherever You G o.
8 This Book Of The Law Shall Not Depart From Your Mouth, But You Shall Meditate In It Day And Night, That You May Observe To Do According To All That Is Written In It.  For Then You Will Make Your Way Prosperous, And Then You Will Have Good Success.

Psalm 34:12-13 ~
12 Who Is Someone Who Desires Life, And Loves Many Days, That He May See Good?
13 Keep Your Tongue From Evil, And Your Lips From Speaking Deceit.

Psalm 68:19-20 ~
19 Blessed Be The Lord, Who Daily Bears Our Burdens, Even The God Who Is Our Salvation.  Selah.
20 God Is To Us A God Of Deliverance.  To Yahweh, The Lord, Belongs Escape From Death.

Psalm 71:9, 18 ~
9 Don’t Reject Me In My Old Age.  Don’t Forsake Me When My Strength Fails.
18 Yes, Even When I Am Old And Gray-Haired, God, Don’t Forsake Me, Until I Have Declared Your Strength To The Next Generation, Your Might To Everyone Who Is To Come.

Psalm 90:10, 12 ~
10 The Days Of Our Years Are Seventy, (70 Years), or Even By Reason Of Strength Eighty Years; (80 Years), Yet Their Pride Is But Labor And Sorrow, For It Passes Quickly, And We Fly Away.
12 So Teach Us To Number Our Days, That We May Gain A Heart Of Wisdom.

Genesis 6:3~
3 Yahweh Said, “My Spirit Will Not Strive With Man Forever, Because He Also Is Flesh;
So His Days Will Be One Hundred Twenty Years, (120 Years)”.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part VII}

Psalm 91:15-16 ~
15 You Shall Call Upon Me, And I Will Answer You; I Will Be With You In Trouble; I Will Deliver You And Honor You.
16 I Will Satisfy You With Long Life, And Show You My Salvation

Psalms 92:12-15 ~ (ASV)
12 The Righteous Shall Flourish Like The Palm-Tree : He Shall Grow Like A Cedar In Lebanon.
13 They Are Planted In The House Of Yahweh; They Shall Flourish In The Courts Of Our God.
14 Then Shall Still Bring Forth Fruit In Old Age ; Then Shall Be Full Of Sap And Green :
15 To Show That Yahweh Is Upright; He Is My Rock, And There Is No Unrighteousness In Him.

Psalm 118:17~
17 I Will Not Die, But Live, And Declare Yah’s Works.

Psalm 119:50~
50 This Is My Comfort In My Affliction, For Your Word Has Revived Me.

Psalm 128:1-6~
1 Blessed Is Everyone Who Fears Yahweh, Who Walks In His Ways.
2 For You Will Eat The Labor Of Your Hands.  You Will Be Happy, And It Will Be Well With You.
3 Your Wife Will Be As A Fruitful Vine, In The Innermost Parts Of Your House; Your Children Like Olive Plants, Around Your Table.
4 Behold, Thus Is The Man Blessed Who Fears Yahweh.
5 May Yahweh Bless You Out Of Zion, And May You See The Good Of Jerusalem All The Days Of Your Life.
6 Yes, May You See Your Children’s Children.  Peace Be Upon Israel.

Psalm 133:3~
3 Like The Dew Of Hermon, That Comes Down On The Hills Of Zion: For There Yahweh Gives The Blessing, Even Life Forever More.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part VIII}

Proverbs 4:4, 10, 20-22~

4 He Taught Me, And Said To Me: “Let Your Heart Retain My Words.  Keep My Commandments, And Live.
10 Listen, My Child, And Receive My Sayings.  The Years Of Your Life Will Be Many.
20 My Child, Attend To My Words.  Turn Your Ear To My Sayings.
21 Let Them Not Depart From Your Eyes.  Keep Them In The Center Of Your Heart.
22 For They Are Life To Those Who Find Them, And Health To Their Whole Body.

Proverbs 5:23~
23 He Will Die For Lack Of Instruction.  In The Greatness Of His Folly, He Will Go Astray.

Proverbs 10:2, 16-17, 27 ~
2 Listen, Treasures Of Wickedness Profit Nothing, But Righteousness Delivers From Death.
16 The Labor Of The Righteous Leads To Life.  The Increase Of The Wicked Leads To Sin.
17 He Is In The Way Of Life Who Heeds Correction, But He Who Forsakes Reproof Leads Others Astray.
27 The Fear Of Yahweh Prolongs Days , But The Years Of The Wicked Shall Be Shortened.

Proverbs 11:4, 19, 30 ~
4 Riches Don’t Profit In The Day Of Wrath, But Righteousness Delivers From Death.
19 He Who Is Truly Righteous Gets Life.  He Who Pursues Evil Gets Death.
30 The Fruit Of The Righteous Is A Tree Of Life.  He Who Is Wise Wins Souls.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part IX}

Proverbs 12:28 ~
28 In The Way Of Righteousness Is Life; In Its Path There Is No Death.

Proverbs 13:2-3, 12-14 ~
2 By The Fruit Of Their Lips, A Person Enjoys Good Things ; But The Unfaithful Crave Violence.
3 He Who Guards Their Mouth Guards His Soul.  One Who Opens Wide Their Lips Comes To Ruin.
12 Hope Deferred Makes The Heart Sick, But When Longing Is Fulfilled, It Is A Tree Of Life.
13 Whoever Despises Instruction Will Pay For It, But He Who Respects A Command Will Be Rewarded.
14 The Teaching Of The Wise Is A Spring Of Life, To Turn From The Snares Of Death.

Proverbs 14:27, 30 ~
27 The Fear Of Yahweh Is A Fountain Of Life, Turning People From The Snares Of Death .
30 The Life Of The Body Is A Heart At Peace, But Envy Rots The Bones.

Proverbs 16:17 ~
17 The Highway Of The Upright Is To Depart From Evil.  He Who Keeps His Way Preserves His Soul.

Proverbs 17:22 ~
22 A Cheerful Heart Makes Good Medicine, But A Crushed Spirit Dries Up The Bones.

Proverbs 18:14; Proverbs 18:16~
14 A Person’s Spirit Will Sustain Them In Sickness, But A Crushed Spirit, Who Can Bear?
16 A Person’s Gift Makes Room For Them, And Brings Them Into The Presence Of Great / Important / Influential People.

Proverbs 19:16 ~
16 He Who Keeps The Commandment Keeps His Soul, But He Who Is Contemptuous In His Ways Shall Die.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part X}

Proverbs 21:21~
21 He Who Follows After Righteousness And Kindness Finds Life, Righteousness, And Honor.

Proverbs 22:4~
4 The Result Of Humility And The Fear Of Yahweh Is Wealth, Honor, And Life.

Proverbs 28:16~
16 A Tyrannical Ruler Lacks Judgment. One Who Hates Ill-Gotten Gain Will Have Long Days.

Isaiah 46:4~
4 Even To Old Age I Am He, And Even To Gray Hairs I Will Carry You.  I Have Made, And I Will Bear.  Yes, I Will Carry, And Will Deliver.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part XI}

Prolonged Days ~
Usually, Concerning When We Are Going To Die, The Phrase, “Well, You Never Know”, Comes Up… But, I Kindly Submit To You, That “Well, You Never Know”, Only Applies To Someone That Is Not Standing In Faith Believing The Promises Listed Below Like a Person Without Christ, (1 Corinthians 3:1-3). But, If You Stand Believing That He Will Satisfy You With Long Life, Even When It Appears Else Wise, (Jeremiah 17:7-8), and You Say, (Psalm 91:2)With Long Life Will He Satisfy Me”, and If You’re Not Satisfied, then You Get To Live A Little Bit Longer.  I Am Not Making This Up… Read These Verses Below To See For Yourself and Mix Faith With The Word, (Hebrews 4:2) and Choose Life, (Deuteronomy 30:19~!).

  1. Isaiah 53:10 ~
    10 Yet It Pleased Yahweh To Bruise Him.  He Has Caused Him To Suffer.  When You Make His Soul An Offering For Sin, He Will See His Offspring.  He Will Prolong His Days, And Yahweh’s Pleasure Will Prosper In His Hand.
  2. I Will Satisfy You With Long Life, (Psalm 91:16).
  3. Your Days Shall Be One Hundred And Twenty Years, (Genesis 6:3).
  4. You Shall Be Buried In A Good Old Age, (Genesis 15:15).
  5. You Shall Come To Your Grave In A Full Age Like As A Shock Of Corn Cometh In His Season, (Job 5:26).
  6. To Your Old Age And Gray Hairs I Will Carry You And I Will Deliver You, (Isaiah 46:4).
  7. Then Shall Still Bring Forth Fruit In Old Age, (Psalm 92:12-14).
  8. I Want It To Be Well With You And I Want You To Live Long On The Earth, (Ephesians 6:3).
  9. I Will Take Sickness Away From The Midst Of You And The Number Of Your Days I Will Fulfill, (Exodus 23:25-26).
  10. I Will Not Put Any Of The Diseases You Are Afraid Of On You, But I Will Take ALL Sickness Away From You, (Deuteronomy 7:15).
  11. It Will Be Well With You And Your Days Shall Be Multiplied And Prolonged As The Days Of Heaven Upon The Earth, (Deuteronomy 11:21).
  12. Yahweh My God, I Cried To You, And You Have Healed Me,
    I Have Healed You And Brought Up Your Soul From The Grave (Refer To: Psalm 6:1-10);
    I Have Kept You Alive From Going Down Into The Pit, (Psalm 30:2-3).
  13. I Sent My Word And Healed You And Delivered You From Your Graves, (Destructions), (Psalm 107:20).
  14. Our God Is The God of Salvation; And To God Yahweh Belong Escapes From Death, (Psalm 68:20).
  15. I Will Give You Strength And Bless You With Peace, (Psalm 29:11).
  16. I Will Preserve You And Keep You Alive, (Psalm 41:2).
  17. Yahweh Will Keep You From All Evil; He Will Keep Your Life, (Psalm 121:7).
  18. I Will Strengthen You Upon The Bed Of Languishing; I Will Turn ALL Your Bed In Your Sickness, (Psalm 41:3).

  19. The Years Of Your Life Shall Be Many, (Proverbs 4:10).
  20. Exodus 23:25-26 ~
    25 So You Shall Serve Yahweh Your God, And He Will Bless Your Bread And Your Water~!  And I Will Take Sickness Away From The Midst Of You,
    26No One Shall Suffer Miscarriage or Be Barren In Your Land; I Will Fulfill The Number Of Your Days ”.
    {This Means That I Am Not Supposed To Die Before My Time}~!

Enter Here To See Lots More Scriptures About Having ‘A Long Life’, or Old Age or Gray Hairs.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part XII}

Deuteronomy 30:18-20 Says That There Are Things We Can Do To Prevent Us From Having A Long Life.  So, Obviously, A Long Life Must Be Available or We Would Not Be Warned:  This Puts An End To The Thought-Bomb, “When It’s Your Time To Go, It’s Your Time To Go”.  Obviously, If The Holy Ghost Tells Us Not To Do Something Like Don’t Pull Out At A Stop Sign And We Do Anyhow, and a Vehicle Slams Into Us and We Exit The Earth Ahead Of Our Appointed Time And Do Not Have A Long Life.

Deuteronomy 30:18-20 ~
18 I Announce To You Today That You Shall Surely Perish; You Shall Not Prolong Your Days In The Land Which You Cross Over The Jordan To Go In And Possess.
19 I Call Heaven And Earth As Witnesses Today Against You, That I Have Set Before You Life And Death, Blessing And Cursing; Therefore Choose Life, That Both You And Your Descendants May Live;
20 That You May Love Yahweh Your God, That You May Obey His Voice, And That You May Cling To Him, For He Is Your Life And The Length Of Your Days; And That You May Dwell In The Land Which Yahweh Swore To Your Fathers, To Abraham, Isaac, And Jacob, To Give Them.

Hosea 4:6~
6 My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge.  Because You Have Rejected Knowledge, I Will Also Reject You, That You May Be No Priest To Me.  Because You Have Forgotten Your God’s Law, I Will Also Forget Your Children.

Malachi 2:5 ~
5My Covenant Was With Him Of Life And Peace; And I Gave Them To Him That He Might Be Reverent Toward Me; And He Was Reverent Toward Me, And Stood In Awe Of My Name.

John 10:10 ~
10 The Thief Only Comes To Steal, Kill, And Destroy.  I Came That They May Have Life, And May Have It Abundantly.

Romans 5:10~
10 For If, While We Were Enemies, We Were Reconciled To God Through The Death Of His Son, Much More, Being Reconciled, We Will Be Saved By His Life.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part XIII}

Romans 5:12-21~
12 Therefore As Sin Entered Into The World Through One Man, And Death Through Sin; And So Death Passed To All Men, Because All Sinned.
13 For Until The Law, Sin Was In The World; But Sin Is Not Charged When There Is No Law.
14 Nevertheless Death Reigned From Adam Until Moses, Even Over Those Whose Sins Weren’t Like Adam’s Disobedience, Who Is A Foreshadowing Of Him Who Was To Come.
15 But The Free Gift Isn’t Like The Trespass.  For If By The Trespass Of The One The Many Died, Much More Did The Grace Of God, And The Gift By The Grace Of The One Man, Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, Abound To The Many.
16 The Gift Is Not As Through One Who Sinned: For The Judgment Came By One To Condemnation, But The Free Gift Came Of Many Trespasses To Justification.
17 For If By The Trespass Of The One, Death Reigned Through The One; So Much More Will Those Who Receive The Abundance Of Grace And Of The Gift Of Righteousness Reign In Life Through The One, Yahoshua Ha Mashiach.
18 So Then As Through One Trespass, All Men Were Condemned; Even So Through One Act Of Righteousness, All Men Were Justified To Life.
19 For As Through The One Man’s Disobedience Many Were Made Sinners, Even So Through The Obedience Of The One, Many Will Be Made Righteous.
20 The Law Came In Besides, That The Trespass Might Abound; But Where Sin Abounded, Grace Abounded More Exceedingly;
21 That As Sin Reigned In Death, Even So Grace Might Reign Through Righteousness To Eternal Life Through Yahoshua Ha Mashiach Our Lord.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part XIV}

Ezekiel 21:27 ~
27I Will Overturn, Overturn, Overturn It: And It Shall Be No More, Until He Come Whose Right It Is; And I Will Give It Him”.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part XV}

So, Say This With Me Right Now Out Loud.

Ephesians 4:27 ~
17 We Give No Place To d—Evil One.

2 Chronicles 7:14 ~
14 If My People, Who Are Called By My Name, Shall Humble Themselves, And Pray, And Seek My Face, And Turn From Their Wicked WaysThen Will I Hear From Heaven, And Will Forgive Their Sin, And Will Heal Their Land.

John 6:63 ~
16 It Is The Spirit Who Gives Life ; The Flesh Profits Nothing. The Words That I Speak To You Are Spirit, And They Are Life.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part XVI}

Romans 6:1-14 ~
1 What Shall We Say Then?  Shall We Continue In Sin, That Grace May Abound?
2 May It Never Be~!  We Who Died To Sin, How Could We Live In It Any Longer?
3 Or Don’t You Know That All We Who Were Baptized Into Ha Mashiach Yahoshua Were Baptized Into His Death?
4 We Were Buried Therefore With Him Through Baptism To Death, That Just As Ha Mashiach Was Raised From The Dead Through The Glory Of The Father, So We Also Might Walk In Newness Of Life.
5 For If We Have Become United With Him In The Likeness Of His Death, We Will Also Be Part Of His Resurrection;
6 Knowing This, That Our Old Man Was Crucified With Him, That The Body Of Sin Might Be Done Away With, So That We Would No Longer Be In Bondage To Sin.
7 For He Who Has Died Has Been Freed From Sin.
8 But If We Died With Ha Mashiach, We Believe That We Will Also Live With Him;
9 Knowing That Ha Mashiach, Being Raised From The Dead, Dies No More.  Death No More Has Dominion Over Him~!
10 For The Death That He Died, He Died To Sin One Time; But The Life That He Lives, He Lives To God.
11 Thus Consider Yourselves Also To Be Dead To Sin, But Alive To God In Ha Mashiach Yahoshua Our Lord.
12 Therefore Don’t Let Sin Reign In Your Mortal Body, That You Should Obey It In Its Lusts.
13 Also, Do Not Present Your Members To Sin As Instruments Of Unrighteousness, But Present Yourselves To God, As Alive From The Dead, And Your Members As Instruments Of Righteousness To God.
14 For Sin Will Not Have Dominion Over You.  For You Are Not Under Law, But Under Grace.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part XVII}

Romans 8:2, 6 ~
2 For The Law Of The Spirit Of Life In Ha Mashiach Yahoshua Made Me Free From The Law Of Sin And Of Death.
6 For The Mind Of The Flesh Is Death, But The Mind Of The Spirit Is Life And Peace.

Romans 8:37~
37 No, In All These Things, We Are More Than Conquerors Through Him Who Loved Us.

1 Corinthians 11:29-30~
29 For He Who Eats And Drinks In An Unworthy Way Eats And Drinks Judgment To Himself, If He Doesn’t Discern The Lord’s Body.
30 For This Cause Many Among You Are Weak And Sickly, And Not A Few Sleep.

Ephesians 6:1-3~
1 Children, Obey Your Parents In The Lord, For This Is Right.
2 “Honor Your Father And Mother”, Which Is The First Commandment With A Promise:
3 “That It May Be Well With You, And You May Live Long On The Earth”.

1 Thessalonians 3:8~
8 For Now We Live, If You Stand Fast In The Lord.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part XVIII}

Hebrews 2:14-18~
14 Since Then The Children Have Shared In Flesh And Blood, He Also Himself In The Same Way Partook Of The Same, That Through Death He Might Bring To Nothing Him Who Had The Power Of Death, That Is, The Devil,
15 And Might Deliver All Of Them Who Through Fear Of Death Were All Their Lifetime Subject To Bondage.
16 For Most Certainly, He Doesn’t Give Help To Angels, But He Gives Help To The Offspring Of Abraham.
17 Therefore He Was Obligated In All Things To Be Made Like His Brothers, That He Might Become A Merciful And Faithful High Priest In Things Pertaining To God, To Make Atonement For The Sins Of The People.
18 For In That He Himself Has Suffered Being Tempted, He Is Able To Help Those Who Are Tempted.

Hebrews 7:22-23~
22 By So Much, Yahoshua Has Become The Collateral Of A Better Covenant.
23 Many, Indeed , Have Been Made Priests, Because They Are Hindered From Continuing By Death.

James 1:14-15~
14 But Each One Is Tempted When He Is Drawn Away By His Own Lust, And Enticed.
15 Then The Lust, When It Has Conceived, Bears Sin; And The Sin, When It Is Full Grown, Produces Death.

1 John 3:14~
14 We Know That We Have Passed Out Of Death Into Life, Because We Love The Brothers.  He Who Doesn’t Love His Brother Remains In Death.



Precious Promises From Yahweh’s Word Gets Us Over~!
{Part XIX}

1 John 5:16~
16 If Anyone Sees His Brother Sinning A Sin Not Leading To Death, He Shall Ask, And God Will Give Him Life For Those Who Sin Not Leading To Death.  There Is A Sin Leading To Death.  I Don’t Say That He Should Make A Request Concerning This.

Revelation 1:18~
18 And The Living One.  I Was Dead, And Behold, I Am Alive Forever More.  Amen.  I Have The Keys Of Death And Of Hades, [Hell].

Revelation 9:18-19 ~
18 By These Three Plagues Were One Third Of Human-Kind Killed: By The Fire, The Smoke, And The Sulfur, Which Proceeded Out Of Their Mouth.
19 For The Power Of The Horses Is In Their Mouth, And In Their Tails.  For Their Tails Are Like Serpents, And Have Heads, And With Them They Harm.

Other Factors That Govern Life, Obey Yahweh, Love Yahweh ~

Romans 8:28 ~
28 We Know That All Things Work Together For Good For Those Who Love God, To Those Who Are Called According To His Purpose, (Love One Another)

2 Samuel 14:14 ~
14 For We Must Die, And Are Like Water Split On The Ground, Which Can’t Be Gathered Up Again; Neither Does God Take Away Life, But Devises Means, That He Who Is Banished Not Be An Outcast From Him.




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