Lips, Mouth, Speak(s), Tongue, Bless ,
(Things That We Say ~ “Spoken Out Loud). 
You Have To Mix Faith With Your Words “Spoken Out Loud, (Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 21:21; Luke 6:43-45; Romans 10:9-10; Psalm 106:24; 2 Corinthians 4:13),  {Faith Resides In Your Heart}, (Deuteronomy 1:32; Psalm 106:24; Hebrews 4:2).  UnBelief Is Called An Evil Heart, (Hebrews 3:12-Hebrews 4:2).

Let The Words Of My Mouth And The Meditation Of My Heart Be Acceptable In Your Sight, Yahweh, My Rock, And My Redeemer, (Psalm 19:14).

“Why We Declare Things Out Loud With Our Have What You SayMouth ~


Mark 11:23

Faith Speaks, (Romans 10:6), As Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20;
Matthew 21:21
States, “For Assuredly, ‘I Say To You’,* Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart ,** But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~! ~ *{THIS IS YAHOSHUA SPEAKING~! ~ The Head Of The Church~!}.  **That Means For Faith To Work It Has To Be In Your Heart Also, (“For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart Their Mouth Speaks”, Matthew 12:34-35; Luke 6:45).

However; The Way That Things Come From The Heaven To The Earth Is Through Us, So It Does Matter If You Talk Bad About What’s Hoped For?  Yes, It Does~!  Faith Has To Be In Two Places.  First, Faith Has To Be In Your Hear†, And The Second Place, Faith Has To Be Coming Out Of Your Mouth You Have To Talk Faith To Expect Faith Results~!   But, You Can’t Just Talk It, or, “Name It—Claim It”, “Blabb It—Grab It”, “Confess It—Possess It”, Because Just Speaking Alone Won’t Work.  You Have To Mix Faith With Your Words “Spoken Out Loud”, {Faith Resides In Your Heart}, (Mark 11:23; Luke 6:45; Romans 10:9-10; Deuteronomy 1:32; Psalm 106:24; Hebrews 4:2).



Telling To The Generation To Come The Praises Of Yahweh~!

Consider Gathering Your Family Around You As You Watch This Video, And You Should Probably Show This To Your Children As Psalm 78 Instructs Us To Telling To The Generation To Come The Praises Of Yahweh, His Strength, And His Wondrous Works That He Has Done.  So, I Find It Most Confirming That This Story Was Also In Psalm 78, So We Are Meant To Tell Our Children About This Awesome Spectacular Event That Took Place~!  Also Fulfilling The Command To Teach Your Children By Telling Them What Yahweh Did In The Past, (Deuteronomy 6:6-9; Deuteronomy 31:19, 30; Deuteronomy 32:46; Psalm 78, Especially Psalm 78:4-8, And Psalm 78:12-14).

Psalm 78:4-8: (AMPC)
4 We Will Not Hide Them From Their Children, Telling To The Generation To Come The Praises Of Yahweh, His Strength, And His Wondrous Works That He Has Done.
5 For He Established A Testimony (An Express Precept) In Jacob And Appointed A Law In Israel, Commanding Our Fathers That They Should Make [The Great Facts Of Yahweh’s Dealings With Israel] Known To Their Children,
6 That The Generation To Come Might Know Them, That The Children Still To Be Born Might Arise And Recount Them To Their Children,
7 That They Might Set Their Hope In God And Not Forget The Works Of God, But Might Keep His Commandments
8 And Might Not Be As Their Fathers—A Stubborn And Rebellious Generation, A Generation That Set Not Their Hearts Aright Nor Prepared Their Hearts To Know God, And Whose Spirits Were Not Steadfast And Faithful To God.



Pass It On~!

Psalm 78:4-8; Deuteronomy 6:7; Exodus 13:8, 14; Joel 1:3, (AMPC)
Deuteronomy 6:7 ~ You Shall Whet And Sharpen Them So As To Make Them Penetrate, And Teach And Impress Them Diligently Upon The [Minds And] Hearts Of Your Children, And Shall Talk Of Them When You Sit In Your House And When You Walk By The Way, And When You Lie Down And When You Rise Up.
Exodus 13:8 ~ You Shall Explain To Your Son On That Day, This Is Done Because Of What Yahweh Did For Me When I Came Out Of Egypt.
Exodus 13:14 ~ And When, In Time To Come, Your Son Asks You, What Does This Mean?  You Shall Say To Him, By Strength Of Hand Yahweh Brought Us Out From Egypt, From The House Of Bondage And Bondmen.
Joel 1:3 ~ Tell Your Children Of It, And Let Your Children Tell Their Children, And Their Children Another Generation.



Rock Strike

Have You Ever Heard That Moses Was Told To Strike A Rock And Water Came Out Of It?

Did You Know That Was At Mount Horeb~!  Twice During The Exodus, Israel Complained To God And Twice Moses Brought Water Out Of Rock, (At Sinai And Kadesh) Miraculously With His Staff, {This Was The Same Rod And Same Procedure That Moses Used To Strike The Nile And It Turned To Blood, (Exodus 7:20; Exodus 17:5, 9)}.  There Are Two Different Places In The Scriptures Called, “Waters Of Meribah” And  Sinai And Kadesh:, “He Named The Place [At Sinai], Massah, [Test], And Meribah, [Quarrel], {Numbers 20:13; Psalm 81:7; Psalm 95:8}, Because Of The Quarrel Of The Sons Of Israel, And Because They Tested Yahweh, Saying, “Is Yahweh Among Us, or Not?”, (Exodus 17:7; Deuteronomy 6:16): “Those Were The Waters Of Meribah [At Kadesh], Because The Sons Of Israel Contended With Yahweh, And He Proved Himself Holy Among Them”, (Numbers 20:1-13).

Exodus 17:6 ~ “Behold, I Will Stand Before You There On The Rock At Horeb; And You Shall Strike The Rock, And Water Will Come Out Of It, That The People May Drink”. And Moses Did So In The Sight Of The Elders Of Israel.



Speak To The Rock
Before Their Eyes, {NOT Strike}

However, At Sinai, The Instructions Were Different, We’ve Been Thinking Wrongly That It Was Because “Moses Struck The Rock Twice”.  Moses Was Commanded This Time At Mount Sinai In Kadesh To SPEAK To The Rock, NOT Strike The Rock, (Numbers 20:8).

Numbers 20:8-11 ~ 8 “Take The Rod; And You And Your Brother Aaron Assemble The Congregation And Speak TO THE ROCK Before Their Eyes, That It May Yield Its Water.  You Shall Thus Bring Forth Water For Them Out Of The Rock And Let The Congregation And Their Beasts Drink”.  9 So Moses Took The Rod From Before Yahweh, Just As He Had Commanded Him; 10 And Moses And Aaron Gathered The Assembly Before The Rock.  And He Said To Them, “Listen Now, You Rebels¤; Shall We Bring Forth Water For You Out Of This Rock?” 11 Then Moses Lifted His Hand And Struck The Rock Twice With His Rod; And Water Came Out Abundantly, And The Congregation And Their Animals Drank.

Yahweh Did Not Say To Moses, "Say Unto Them You Rebels".  In Fact, Yahweh Did Not Tell Moses To Call Them Stiffnecked People.  Yahweh Was Being Gracious To Whom He Wanted To Be Gracious To.  The People Were Just Being Obedient To What Yahweh Had Directed Them To Do By Going Out Into The Wilderness, and Yahweh Was Providing For Them.  “You Shall Thus Bring Forth Water For Them Out Of The Rock And Let The Congregation And Their Beasts Drink”.

¤ Psalm 106:33 ~ “For When They Embittered His Spirit, [Moshe] Spoke Up Without Thinking.”, {Complete Jewish Bible}.
“For They Provoked [Moses’] Spirit, So That He Spoke Unadvisedly With His Lips”, {Amplified Bible, Classic Edition}.

Speak TO THE ROCK Before Their Eyes.”  Did We Hear That Right, Yahweh Said This Time To SPEAK TO THE ROCK … Yet Moses Struck The Rock~!  Yet Moses Struck The Rock~!  It Doesn’t Matter If Moses Struck The Rock Twice or Even If He Struck It 1,000 Times.  That Wasn’t The Issue.  Yahweh Did Not Instruct Him To Strike The Rock This Time At All~!  Oops, We’ve Been Taught Wrong All These Years~!  Did Moses Just Forget What Yahweh Said And Was Accidently Going Back To The Way That Yahweh Brought Forth Water Out Of A Rock The 1st Time?  Well, Not According To Numbers 20:12.  “Yahweh Said To Moses And Aaron, Because You Didn’t Believe In Me, To Sanctify Me In The Eyes Of The Children Of Israel, Therefore You Shall Not Bring Moses’ Words Carried The Weight Of The Father, And He Said, “We”, Implying And Making The People Think That Yahweh Was Mad At Them.  Plus, Moses’ Words Carried The Weight Of The Father, And He Said, “We”, Implying And Making The People Think That Yahweh Was Mad At Them.  Plus, 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 Shows Us That This Was Significant To The Future, And How Christ Would Be The Rock Spoken Into Existence, (See More On This At Covenant).

Shows Us That This Was Significant To The Future, And How Christ Would Be The Rock Spoken Into Existence, (See More On This At Covenant).

I Also Think It’s Pretty Interesting That This Place Was Called The Wilderness Of Sin, (Exodus 17:1).

Mount “Sinai” Could Be Split Up Into Two Words; “Sin” And “AI”, {As In Artificial Intelligence or Knowledge, As Yahweh Has Written Down That The Love Of Christ Surpasses Knowledge” And “The Peace Of Yahweh Surpasses Understanding”>, (Ephesians 3:19; Philippians 4:7)}.

(See Also: 1 Corinthians 13:2;
James 2:13; John 13:34-35

YouTube Video Clip Where The Water May Have Gushed Out,
The Slider On The Video Clip Should Automatically Go Over To 35:18 Minutes.

(Numbers 20:11; Deuteronomy 8:15;
Nehemiah 9:15;20; Isaiah 48:21;
Psalm 74:15; Psalm 78:15-16,20;
Psalm 105:41;107:35;114:8;
Isaiah 43:20; 48:21;1 Corinthians 10:4



Cleft Of The Rock Where Water May Have Gushed Out~!

You Will Have To Move The Slider On The Video Clip Manually To 35:18 Minutes
or Click On This Link Below:
YouTube Video Clip Where The Water May Have Gushed Out



Speak To The Rock

Here Are The Actual Instructions That Yahweh Told Moses.  Read Them For Yourself, “Take The Rod, And Assemble The Congregation, You, And Aaron Your Brother, And Speak You To The Rock Before Their Eyes, That It Give Forth Its Water.

The English Standard Version, And The Amplified Bible Classic Edition And The God’s Word Translation All Read, “Tell The Rock”.

You Shall Thus Bring Forth Water For Them Out Of The Rock And Let The Congregation And Their Beasts Drink, (Numbers 20:8)”. So Moses Took The Rod From Before Yahweh, Just As He Had Commanded Him; And Moses And Aaron Gathered The Assembly Before The Rock.  And He Said To Them, “Listen Now, You Rebels; Shall We Bring Forth Water For You Out Of This Rock?”

We?  Who Is The We?  And What Is Up With This “We” Thing?  Moses Words Carried The Weight Of The Father, And He Said, “We”, Implying And Making The People Think That Yahweh Was Mad At Them.  Moses Misrepresented Yahweh By Not Being Gracious And You Can Read More About Being Ungracious By Clicking Here.

Numbers 20:11; Deuteronomy 9:21; Psalm 78:15-16, 20; Psalm 105:41; Isaiah 48:21

Yahweh Said To Moses And Aaron, Because You Didn’t Believe In Me, To Sanctify Me In The Eyes Of The Children Of Israel, Therefore You Shall Not Bring This Assembly Into The Land Which I Have Given Them”, (Numbers 20:12).  Forget The Striking The Rock Twice Concept, Like He Was Only Supposed To Strike The Rock Once.  Yahweh Didn’t Even Say To Strike The Rock.  Moses Was Just Supposed To Just Speak To The Rock~!   Striking The Rock At ALL Was Just A byProduct Of Moses’ Anger, And Not Being Gracious. 



Plentiful Supply Of Water

And For That Many People, There Must Have Been A huge Amount Of Animals, And Livestock That Needed Watering.  This Wasn’t A Trickle, This Was Enough Water To Feed About 603,550 Men Able To Go To War, {And Their Wives And Their Children And Their Livestock, (Exodus 12:37; Numbers 11:21; Numbers 1:45-46; Numbers 26:51)}.

If Just Every Other Man Was Married And Had 1-2 Children, We’re Talking About The Population Of Dallas, Texas; or More.  So, If This Were Just A Trickle Of Water, It Would Have Taken A Month or More For Everyone To Get Enough Water, And Then They’d Have To Start Over .

Look At The Following Verses Of Scriptures That Show That The Water Gushed Out Like A River.  Then Moses Lifted Up His Hand And Struck The Rock Twice With His Staff; Water Came Out Abundantly, And The Congregation And Their Livestock Drank, (Numbers 20:11).



Yahweh Brings Forth Water For Them Out Of The Rock

Lots Of Key Phrases Here.  SPEAK To The Rock, Before Their Eyes, {NOT Strike}, This Was Not Going To Be A Slight Of Hand Magic or Illusion Trick.  The People Were Going To See It With Their Eyes.  And About Those People… There Were We Know 603,550 Men Able To Go To War, {The Women Didn’t Fight In Wars, And Men Over 50 Were Released From Service, So That Means They Were Still Some older Men Not In This List, Plus All The Women And Children, (Numbers 4:3; Numbers 8:25)}, So About 2-2.5 Million People Were With Moses~!

So, For Everybody To Be Able See This, (Before Their Eyes), From That Far Back, Then It Must Have Been A Tremendous Spectacle~!~!!



Rock Splitting

(Psalm 74:15), You Did SPLIT The Fountain And The Flood: You Dried Up Mighty Rivers.  (Some Translations Use The Word Cleve, Which You Might Not Be Familiar With; However, You’ve Sang About The “Cleft Of The Rock”, All Your Life And Cleft ~ “A Space or Opening Made By or As If By Splitting” Is The Past Tense Of The Word Cleve). :)

All The Scriptures That I Found About The Rock Splitting And Water, (It Happened Twice So Some Scripture Might Refer To The Other Instance Of This Occurrence) ~

(Numbers 20:11; Deuteronomy 8:15;
Nehemiah 9:15;20; Isaiah 48:21;
Psalm 74:15; Psalm 78:15-16,20;
Psalm 105:41;107:35;114:8;
Isaiah 43:20; 48:21;1 Corinthians 10:4

Split ~ Strong’s Concordance # (H1234), ~
A Verb Indicating To Split, Break Open, Divide; To Hatch, Break Into, Burst Open, Burst Forth.  This Word Has The Basic Idea Of Something Splitting or Dividing With Force~!



Split The Rock Scripture Witnesses

Numbers 20:11 ~ Moses Lifted Up His Hand, And Struck The Rock With His Rod Twice: And Water Came Forth Abundantly, And The Congregation Drank, And Their Cattle.
Deuteronomy 8:15 ~ Who LED You Through The Great And Terrible Wilderness, [In Which Were] Fiery Serpents And Scorpions, And Thirsty Ground Where Was No Water; Who Brought You Forth Water Out Of The Rock Of Flint;
Nehemiah 9:15 ~ And Gave Them Bread From The Sky For Their Hunger, And Brought Forth Water For Them Out Of The Rock For Their Thirst, And Commanded Those Who They Should Go In To Possess The Land Which You Had Sworn To Give Them.
Nehemiah 9:20 ~ You Gave Also Your Good Spirit To Instruct Them, And Didn’t Withhold Your Manna From Their Mouth, And Gave Them Water For Their Thirst.
Isaiah 48:21 ~ They Didn’t Thirst When He LED Them Through The Deserts; He Caused The Waters To Flow Out Of The Rock For Them; He Split The Rock Also, And The Waters Gushed Out.
Psalm 74:15 ~ You Did SPLIT The Fountain And The Flood: You Dried Up Mighty Rivers.
Psalm 78:15-16 ~ 15 He Split Rocks In The Wilderness, And Gave Them Drink Abundantly As Out Of The Depths.
16 He Brought Streams Also Out Of The Rock, And Caused Waters To Run Down Like Rivers.
Psalm 78:20 ~ Behold, He Struck The Rock, So That Waters Gushed Out, Streams Overflowed.  Can He Give Bread Also?  Will He Provide Flesh For His People?
Psalm 105:41 ~ He Opened The Rock, And Waters Gushed Out.  They Ran As A River In The Dry Places.
Psalm 107:35 ~ He Turns A Desert Into A Pool Of Water, And A Dry Land Into Water Springs.
Psalm 114:8 ~ Who Turned The Rock Into A Pool Of Water, The Flint Into A Spring Of Waters.



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