Domestic violence sometimes takes a turn for the worse when rape happens. Rape can happen to anyone, a man, woman, child, it doesn't matter. It can also be done by anyone.
-55% of female rape victims were raped by someone they know.
-It is estimated that only 53% of all attempted and completed rapes are reported to police.
-28% were not reported because the victim felt that rape is a personal and private matter.
-17% did not report because they feared repercussions from the perpetrator, and 15% felt that police involvment would be ineffective or insensitive.
-15% of rapes are reported to prevetn future violence, and 56% were reported so that the perpetrator could be punished.
-Reports of rapes against men have been on the rise in the last ten years.
Most male survivors were raped as children or as adults who were never incarcerated.