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What Are Comets? Comets are ice and rock highly compressed into a 1 to 10 kilometer irregularly mass. They usually orbit around the sun in a fixed orbit, similar to a planet. There are many famous comets that are in our solar system. One of the most famous is Haley’s comet.

As mentioned, comets travel in a fixed orbit. Many comets in our solar system are said to be ‘periodic comets’. This means that they can be viewed from Earth during a fixed time period. For example, Haley’s comet can be viewed from Earth every 76 years. It is said that dozens on comets also impact the Earth every single day, but as they go through the atmosphere, they tend to break up to the size of a mere pebble. It is believed that the extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by a giant comet hitting the Earth.

We chose to include comets on the 7 Wonders of the Universe Tour because they are among the most interesting aspects of outer space. It is very rare for the average person to see a comet, and if they do, it may be only once or twice in their whole lifetime. If given the opportunity to see comets up close, our customers will surely be amazed at the natural spectacle created for us. We want to provide an opportunity for our customers to see things that they would not ordinarily see from Earth.
