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About |AAE|


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Site made by WalKer


"You mess with the best, you die like the rest."


About |AAE|



   The All American Eagles are a Parachute Infantry Company made up of 22 elite paratroopers from the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions of World War II, The "All-American" and the "Screaming Eagles".

   All members of |AAE| are hand picked by the company's commanding officer. The company has airborne ranks from Private First Class to Captain, with many in between. See Barracks for details about our ranks.

   We currently have a dedicated server hosted by FragHQ, Members are required to pay around $5.00 each month to keep the server up. Members pay for the server via PayPal. See Server Info. for more information.

   Our clan skins can be found in our Downloads section. While playing on the All American Eagles dedicated server, all of our members use either Jojimbo's 101st or 82nd Airborne skins, depending on which division they originated from. Previews of the clan skins can be found underneath each file name or in our Screenshots section.

   If you have any questions regarding |AAE|, email me at and I would be glad to answer them.



The All American Eagles

Nothing to fear- but fear itself.