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About |AAE|


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Join Us

Site made by WalKer


"You mess with the best, you die like the rest."


Join |AAE|

Here is a short list of criteria for those of you who want to enlist for |AAE|.



If you are looking to join the All American Eagles:

                             1. Be a mature person regardless of your age.

                             2. Have experience playing Spearhead... we don't recruit players that aren't good.

                             3. Have AOL Instant Messenger so members can chat... download it here.

                             4. Be willing to pay a small fee of $3.00 a month via PayPal for our server.


*If you meet these requirements, email me at with the following information:

                             1. Your real name and age.

                             2. How long you've been playing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault or Spearhead..

                             3. You're desired game tag (remember we keep our names authentic).

                             4. Any special qualities you have (skinning, mapping, modding).

                             5. Anything else you want us to know.



The All American Eagles

Nothing to fear- but fear itself.