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"You mess with the best, you die like the rest."


Weapons of the Paratroops

American Weapons used in Medal of Honor and in World War II.


     The Colt .45. Standard sidearm for the airborne. It has a 7 round clip and great stopping power.  If you use a bolt action rifle or bazooka, rely on this sidearm for close combat. One shot to the head will do it for you.

The M1 Garand rifle. The "last true butt stroker". Has an 8 round bandolier and cant be reloaded until all 8 are shot. Probably the best weapon overall for a paratrooper to use. It has fine accuracy and good range.

The Springfield 03' Sniper rifle. The original combat rifle for American soldiers in the first World War... it was put out of business by the M1 Garand in WWII and was mainly used by American  snipers... its a 5 round single bolt action rifle...  a high  kick and more than enough power make it very effective.

The Browning Automatic Rifle. Has a 20 round clip that can stop anything in your path, if your aim is good. Also effective at long range, but its weight will slow you down. The BAR wasn't usually used by paratroopers.

The Thompson M1A1 SMG, aka the Tommy Gun. This sub machine gun does the most damage in close combat, but distance kills require careful aiming. Fires .45 caliber bullets, same as the Colt. Another advantage is a 30 round clip, more than enough to take down a few Krauts. Reloads quite fast.

The Bazooka is an anti-tank weapon and was not used in WWII for small arms combat... but this is MOH, not WWII.  It will slow you down and you can't fire it while moving... but can be devastating if you use it right.

The Mark II Fragmentation hand grenade, also known as the cooking grenade. Once the pin is pulled, you've got approximately 5 seconds before it goes BOOM. Can be very deadly for the enemy, but watch where you throw when FF is on... using grenades effectively is important, you only have a few.


The All American Eagles

Nothing to fear- but fear itself.