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Character List

1.King Xerxes - Ruled from the city of Susa. Gave a banquet for all his officers and men. Commanded Queen Vashti to come to the banquet. Dismissed Queen Vashti from his sight and never allowed her in his presence because she refused to attend the banquet. Had Haman hanged on his own platform. Gave his signet ring to Mordecai and gave him Haman’s authority.

2.Memucan - One of the important men of Persia and Media. The wise man who gave King Xerxes the advice to dismiss Queen Vashti and find another wife.

3.Vashti - Queen of Susa. Refused to come to the banquet to show her beauty. Dismissed from the sight of King Xerxes.

4.Mordecai - Took care of Esther (his cousin). Brought Esther to Hegai. Told Esther not to tell anything about her family or her people. Discovered the death plot against King Xerxes and warned him in advance. Refused to bow to Haman. Begged Esther to go before the king to plead for the lives of the Jewish people. Fought all those who tried to kill the Jews. Became second in importance to King Xerxes and most important man among the Jewish people.

5.Esther - Became Queen of Susa in place of Queen Vashti. Begged King Xerxes to spare the lives of the Jewish people. Sent out a letter saving the Jews. Set up the festival or Purim as a Jewish holiday for celebration.

6.Hegai - King’s eunuch in charge of the women in the palace. Gave Esther her beauty treatments.

7.Shaashgaz - King’s eunuch in charge of slave women in the palace. Women went to him until King Xerxes called for them by name.

8.Bigthana and Teresh - Two of the king’s officers who guarded the king’s gate. Made plans to kill King Xerxes.

9.Haman - Given a rank above all the important men in the kingdom. Tried to destroy all the Jews in Xerxes’ kingdom because Mordecai refused to bow or show him honor. Sent letters to all the king’s empire to destroy the Jewish people. Built a seventy-five foot platform to hang Mordecai. Hanged on the platform he planned to use for Mordecai.

10.Hathach - Esther’s servant. Found out why Mordecai was distressed.

11.Zeresh - Haman’s wife. Gave him the idea to build a seventy-five foot platform to hang Mordecai.

Plot Summary

King Xerxes gives a banquet to honor his most important men, but Queen Vashti refuses to attend because she does not want to be displayed for her beauty. Memucan gives King Xerxes the idea of dismissing Vashti from his presence and finding another wife because she refuses to obey him. Esther, Mordecai’s cousin, becomes the Queen of Susa in place of Vashti because she pleases the king. Mordecai warns Esther not to speak of her people or family and she obeys. Mordecai stands at the gate everyday to hear news about Esther and he discovers the death plot against King Xerxes. Haman tries to kill all of the Jewish people because Mordecai refuses to bow or honor him. Mordecai begs Esther to plead the lives of the Jewish people before the king. Esther goes before the king and plans a dinner in order to talk to the king about saving her people. Zeresh gives Haman the idea to build the seventy-five foot platform to hang Mordecai. Mordecai is honored for warning the king about the death plot and Esther explains to the king about Haman’s desire to kill the Jews. Haman is hanged on his own platform and Mordecai receives his authority. King Xerxes helps the Jews and all of the Jewish enemies are killed. The feast of Purim becomes a Jewish holiday for celebration.

By: Maggi Pigram