hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah there is no point for this webpage. i am bored and i just wanted to do something stupid and im not on my computer and i dont have flash mx so i cant make flash movies so i decided to make a webpage and put it on angelfire and this is all that is going to be on it so there is no point reading the rest of the stuff im going to type unless you want to read a bunch of stupid shit that doesent make any fucking sense so stop reading now ok then dont stop reading just read the rest of this fucking shit you fucking fucktard hahahahahahaha i win hahahahahahahaha you lose you fucking fucktard i told you you wouldnt want to read this shit hahahahahahah im tired and i want to just type and type and type so im going to do just that hahahahahaha so you dont have to read this shit any more cause it is going to go on for a long fucking time its going to go on until mike gets off the fucking phone and that is going to be awhile cause he is talking to his girlfriend and that takes awhile and im just going on and on and on and mike needs to get off the phone cause im really really fucking sick of typing now and i want to stop but i said i wouldnt stop until mike got of his cellular telephone and he wont do that and this page is getting long shit im going to fill up all of my space with this one page of just words and that is going to be funny and im going to laugh and hahahahahahahahahahha this is the stupidest thing i have ever made and i will prolly end up deleting all of this so nobody will read it exept for mike and that will be great no wont it yay mike is off the phone