Bryan Brendle

Bryan Brendle specializes in legislative and regulatory affairs focusing on energy, environmental, and agricultural issues. In addition to representing firm clients to Congress, their staff, and various federal agencies, Mr. Brendle drafts public policy position papers on legislative and regulatory developments under the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act for trade association clients.

After graduating from Hampton-Sydney College in Virginia, Mr. Brendle served as a Legislative Aide in the House of Representatives and as a Research Associate for the Heritage Foundation, a leading public policy research center in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining Baise & Miller, he worked as a staff member of the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, where he specialized in state and federal government affairs. Mr. Brendle also worked in the government affairs department of the Water Environment Federation in Alexandria, Virginia. He has helped draft and direct for passage federal criminal justice legislation, appropriations bills for environmental programs, and renewable energy sources legislation.

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