Michael C. Formica

Michael C. Formica specializes in environmental, natural resources, and Fifth Amendment takings law. He counsels clients on related federal law and regulatory matters, legislation, and public policy. He represents his clients before Congress, in federal agency rulemaking proceedings, in judicial review of administrative actions, and in general litigation involving federal law disputes.

Before joining the firm, Mr. Formica was a clerk in both the Environmental and Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice and in the General Counsel's Office of Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Vermont. Prior to attending law school, he was legislative assistant at the American Bakers Association focusing on environmental and governmental affairs. Mr. Formica interned with the Sustainable Development Research Unit of Friends of the Earth, U.K., where he researched polluter liability initiatives throughout the E.U. He was founding editor of Res Communes, Vermont's Journal of the Environment, the Internet's first environmental law journal and is a contributing author to the Pesticide Law Handbook and the OSHA Law Handbook.

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